Who do you lads use? Personally always use Monimusume's pics.
Catfish Thread
Random generations from ThisPersonDoesNotExit website
checked, but i use this when weird indian men msg my alt fb account. im not even a girl i just have an anime pic
>not Chadfishing using Chad pics and seeing the ridiculous shit you can get away with
try it, lads
God I was once catfished into paying the "girl" loads.. never felt so horny tho..
Where do I find chad images?
did you get some wins chadfishing?
What sort of things can I pull off from Chadfishing?
Haha sup bro
>Say you're a child rapist
>Say you have a history of domestic violence
>Act like a creepy neckbearded anime nerd but still get away with it
It's fucking depressing desu
Can I start catfishing to get money? How should I do it? I'm from a 3rd works shithole and I have been trying to become a wageslave for more than a year, but can't find a fucking job. Any tutorial on how to make a living out of rich betas?
Be my daddy anonkun
8ch actually had a board dedicated to this with good resources for anons to use. Too bad it was pruned along with the rest of the website.
sauce? no way that's an actual boy.
also if you lads are getting started / have questions after the thread my discord is randomrectangles#5435
I've pretty much exhausted all tinder options in my area so might use this pic and see what happens.
I used that picture on a dating app, got matches like crazy.
I'm trying to figure out if I'm bitter enough to trick thots into meeting somewhere with chad who obviously won't show up.
Do this and then rape them.
>Act like a creepy neckbearded anime nerd but still get away with it
lmao reminds me of that one time I told chick I am barneyfag and have figurine collection
she said its awesome and asked me when can she come to my place and see it
fucking roasites man
Even Chads don't get these kinds of results. Repeat after me: TUTORIAL MODE.
>Make a bunch of chad profiles
>All of them end up ghosting woman because fake
>Roasties get sick of going for chads that ghost them so turn to average guys like me
roasties would not lower their standards even if there was only one Chad left on entire planet
For the first date decent and terrible both end up with the same result. Food for thought.
Mfw when it works
Means we should repeal the 19th?
Don't catfish anymore since I'm not 14 and got bored of it but
you can make an account on vk.com and just search for Russian girls in random citites. Those sloots usually have hundreds of pics
>Declare that you have a drug/alcohol problem
>Still live with your parents
>Don't have a driver's licence
>Work as a part-time garbageman
>Misspell every other word
>Say that you hate kids
>"Sorry I didn't reply for 3 days, I was busy with my other matches"
None of it matters because you are chad
moar? no sauce on interwebz
Should've clarified, OP photo ISNT Monimusume. I couldn't sauce her either
@Coninckk_ twitter
I just use my own pics and girls throw themself at me
thank you
now how do I download from twitter? inb4 manually scrolling through feed
I food fished for the last month, literally larped as a fucking taco
>Pic related
Lookup 'rip me'. Java program that rips whole profiles / galleries across the internet.