I look exactly like this and I'm still a virgin.
I look exactly like this and I'm still a virgin
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Yeah because this guy is ugly af?
yeah no wonder
The white incel phenotype
I highly doubt it, I'm sure there's someone in germany who want's to get a bonus for each baby they contribute
>still has a stronger jawline than you
imagine actually being a shitskin
The uniform gave him +3 on the 10 points scale
they had top tier aesthetics
Actually, Im not american at all
He only looks cool because of the uniform, just get the uniform and you'll lose the virgin, it's that easy.
That isnt a strong jawline you fucking cuckold
i know, that's why i called you a shitskin.
me neither btw
still stronger than his, or yours, beta, that's my point.
learn to read you fucking cuckold imbecile
Yeah I kind of figured you were a germanistan cuck
Sounds like buttblasted jawlet to me
Youre projecting because you have a weak jaw like the faggot in your OP.
sure does fagget
Imagine how it would like to be. Holy warrior of Germany. Knowing that by will of cosmos your every molecule by pure breed is above others and you are going to save the world from jeebs. Blasting your mighty machine rifle and stomping your jackboots over skulls of untermensch while father Hitler smiles at you from the heavens.
>t. actually projecting
hearty kek
You automatically said me and other user have weak jaws out of nowhere when you dont even know what we look like. It was also the first thing you thought of, right off the bat. My post literally has 0 indications of projecting anything. Youre a jawlet and thats why youre a virgin, ugly
Stormfag incel: the post
hi user are you German and looking for a German gf? I look a bit like pic related
>look a bit like pic related
Fugly would not continue the white race with/10
wtf guy looks mostly average, with lack of skin defects probably slightly better than average, are people just mad because uniform or something?
i would say it's just the haircut throwing you off but ok
>shitty german lightbulb skull
>close set doe prey eyes
>tiny feminine nose
>lips look like hes constipated
>long philtrum
>weak jaw
>weak zygos
>feminine looking features and face
>needs glasses because shit vision
He is ugly
You look stunted then you ugly femoid, get the fuck out you dirty attention seeking whore
no wonder youre a virgin lol jesus
Your hat has a little skull on it.
user... Are you a baddy?
Why he looks like a handsome young lad.
Too bad it isnt the 1940s and 50s anymore, you really coulda gone places then.
Stacys standards have exponentially increased.
Wtf I look just like that guy too, right down to the bent ear and the missing patch in my eyebrow. Am I a Nazi clone?
at least you won an Oscar
You must be my clone user, post yourself.
I don't laugh: the guy
You think that's a strong jawline. No wonder you're a virgin. The dude looks like fucking Radar from M*A*S*H.
Radar was a cutie though, the guy in the OP is just ugly
Yeah, until the ladies see his untermensch hand.
Ich bin ein Untermensch der 4 Sprachen beherscht, wie waers mit ein bischen Liebe? Ich koennte dich mit mir ins Unbekannte nehmen.
>Ich koennte dich mit mir ins Unbekannte nehmen
Und mit das Unbekannte meine ich, dass ich deine Organe an die russische Mafia verkaufen werde
ja daddy, ich will dass du mich fickst
Das heisst Papi du Neger
AY! Maedel, wird es denn jetzt wass mit der Liebe oder wie?
war vet harry potter
No that face is weird looking.
if you're a nazi larper you shouldn't be surprised