
You look like something is on your mind, user? Care to tell Momma whats been bothering you? I promise that I'll listen as long as you need me too, I don't plan on going anywhere; Now why don't you just try and get comfy while I hum you a song maybe? Its okay if you want to lay in my lap, user. I just want you to know that Momma will always love you no matter what the circumstances are, baby bear. Its all going to be okay as long as I'm right here with you~

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I just needed another shitty general to add to my filters, thank you

Why am I autistic/eccentric mom? You should've aborted me.

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I'm going on a date with a mommy gf who is 10cm taller than me next week.
Wish me luck guise

I think I like her but I don't know what to say. I'm scared. I haven't recieved any emotional warmth in weeks

user, you shouldn't think of yourself any less just because you're different than all the other kids. Every single living thing on this earth has a right to live and thats including you. You can still enjoy the clouds, the sun, and the beautiful world just the way that I've always wanted for you. I'm sorry that you had to be around others who couldn't appreciate the kindness that you are willing to give, but there is plenty of other people who are willing to give you a chance, baby bear~
I'm sorry user...maybe /r9gay/ would be something you're more interested in? Its okay, Momma will never judge you for who you are inside.

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i've been trying hard to make a life for myself even though it is rather minuscule to the great scheme of the world. Ive landed a great job with good enough pay to make me content with my living but soon spending doesn't give me any sort of pleasure or virtue like I originally thought, so I just save money on this endless grind that no longer seems satisfying. I'm starting to feel the weight in my chest again and I can't risk focusing on it, it will destroy me If I do.

what else can I do? is that all life is? can I not do anything else but work? that just can't be it.

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I'm not confident in the last thing you said but you're right, I can always try to be satisfied on my own too, I'd like to be a good artist. Thanks mommy.

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Thats wonderful, dear! I'm glad to hear the news, I wish the very best for my handsome boy and the very lucky girl you're with. Remember to use protection though, user. Or she really might turn into a mommy gf
Its going to be okay, user; I'm sorry that you feel left out in the cold. Being alone in your head deserves the same amount of tender love and care as any wound. You just have to do what you feel is right, baby bear. Even if you tell her about your feelings and she doesn't reciprocate them, she would still want to be around you if she values you as a friend. The worst case scenario is you find out that she never wanted to even be friends with you in the first place. Those types of things aren't likely to happen though, so go for it user! You could at least tell your real mother that you love her, I'm sure she would appreciate that

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Thanks, I needed that, you know I feel alot better. I owe you one

First off, I'd like to say that I'm proud of you for being able to achieve a well-paying job to begin with. That alone nowadays is admirable in its own right. I think what you are failing to see right now is the opportunity that you have, honey. I know you've probably heard plenty of metaphors or "hottakes" on life or whatever else, but listen close. Do you really see yourself as that low as to only getting pleasure from mindlessly spending money on things? Thats not how i ever saw you, user. Money is valueless, It only matters with what you do with it. Being like some big, red dragon on its hoard of gold won't make you feel any better. You have to think about what it can do for you, like some sort of goal in mind otherwise all the effort you put into gaining it will seem worthless to you. Right now, you're working towards never having to work again. Its just something you have to do in this kind of world to get there. That weight in your chest, that feeling as if you are nearing an edge if you focus on it. It doesn't have to be that way, user. Consider it motivation to be happy, to find something fulfilling. Whether that means some forest cottage deep innawoods or a group of friends, you have to find that for yourself. Would you really want to be completely satisfied and happy by just purchasing something? You're human, dear. Not some mindless office droid. Find something human to make this human life of yours bearable, no matter waht it takes
Even if there wasn't a single person who'd give you a chance, I'll still be here for you, baby bear. Always and forever. Now go draw something cute and remember that you atleast have value to me!
You don't owe me anything, dear. Just try and feel better for me, okay?

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Wow, I don't know what to say, only that you are absolutely right. There is more to do I just need the will to search for it which is hard, but wouldn't that be the fun of it? And yes I should use that money in more creative ways than mindless spending or else it might even be worse because I don't even need said thing in the first place, I impulse buy a lot.

>that's not how I saw you

That...hit me in a place I haven't wondered into in a long time, long story short things about me are different and I want to help myself including others around me, maybe getting that job was me saying to you that "i'm worthy" or "am I good enough?" but I know better now, you words are genuine to core, thank you.

Oh my God I just want to be hugged tightly by a motherly figure while stroking my hair.

Everything is going to be alright, user. I promise. I mean what I say, I only want you to find exactly what it is that will make you happy to be able to live. Its important, dear. Whatever it is that you decide just know that you will always have my full support forever and always, no matter your decision.
Would you like that, dear? Its okay to tell me if something is wrong; If you don't want to speak than that is perfectly okay too. Why don't you come here, user, let me hold you close into my chest and I'll caress my baby boy's hair while I tell you that everything is going to be okay. You don't have to say anything, you can just lie right there on my lap and I'll put us on something to watch

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I would cry so much. I'd drench your sweater in tears. I wouldn't talk because I'd be too busy crying.

user...that sounds awful, dear. What has been happening to my sweet baby boy to make him this way? Its okay, I'm here with you now. And I don't ever plan to leave you alone

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>tfw want to engage but am sure it's a autistic man on the other side

I know exactly what to do to improve my life/ guarantee a future for myself but anything I see as self improvement or positive for me is scary and intimidating. Every day I go deeper and deeper into nihilism and everything just feels kind of pointless now and death seems like an easier, comfy option. Maybe I need to go do something new to get out of my monotonous routine and get a better view on things.

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If it makes you feel any better user I'm a female with Aspergers, though I'm not really willing to post my tits on Jow Forums to prove it

I am very touch starved and lonely.

>no mommy avatar
Sure thing, "OP"

Thats completely normal and okay to feel that way, user. I personally know how hard it is to change yourself for the better and making a change in your lifestyle is no easy thing. I know that alot of people on this board would disagree, but self improving doesn't have to be a scary thing. You can make small changes that will amount to alot as you go on that you are still comfortable with. Something as simple as sitting down and trying to find new music can be considered a postive change. Especially if the music is something cheerful that makes you feel more at ease. I know about nihilism too, its infectious isn't it? While I can go on for hours about why that school of thought is wrong, all I can really do is try and make your day just a bit better, dear. Listen to this, I apologize for the weebshit but this always makes me feel better when I put it on. Maybe It'll give you that postive push for the day
Even if I was an autistic man behind the screen, that wouldn't make any difference in the care or conversation I would be willing to have with you. Due to the anonymous nature of this board you can pretend that I am anyone you want, user. I'm not going to pressure you into talking with me, but if you need to tell someone something, then I'll always be right here, dear ~
Thank you for trying to stick up for me, user; But I assure you its not necessary.
I can't help you with physical affection, dear. But I can atleast give you some company if that would please you~
No bully pls, you don't know what it takes to set someone off so i try to avoid that whenever I can

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>Even if I was an autistic man behind the screen
*Even though I am

Yes please, I'd love your company. I know you can't help me with physical affection, but I felt like I have to talk about it.

What keeps you going, mommy? Why do you keep living?

Damn almost cried seeing this thread. Damn how pathetic I'm getting that simple affecting is making me lose it.

To tell you the truth mommy, I've been a little sad because I miss having an internship that was also a job for me back when I was an undergrad. I had great co-workers and friends and now I'm doing nothing but taking my master's classes and I think I'm slowly losing my mind because it's nothing but study, study, study all the time. I only have a year of this left and everyday I force myself to go to the library or museum just to get my head in a peaceful mind. Can I just lay my head in your lap and you can tousle my hair? I just want to forget for a bit.

I have my Master's thesis due in 5 (five) days and it's maybe half-written

My friend in the same timezone as me was in a bad mood today cause a bunch of shitty things happened to him and he went to sleep just now around 6PM. I feel terrible for him and am worried he's gonna mess up the schedule he JUST fixed
I feel like a failure of a friend cause I couldn't say anything beyond generic "sorry to hear"s and "I understand"s
I was thinking that as long as I'm there to listen to him it's good enough but I still feel useless
And maybe I've been acting too upset whenever he gets upset

Ive lost all motivation. My autism is worsre than ever and on top of that I can't even sleep anymore because I'm way too anxious.

I really tried to have a social life, I want my neet life back

Can I suck on your titties while you're tugging my peepee, mommy

Why werent we born shotas living in a apartment with a live in ara ara mommy caretaker?

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Hey mommy I need some advice, Ive been in a relationships for nearly a year now the girl Im with is incredibly nice and caring but shes pretty controlling and I have lost all my close friends, she sometimes checks my phone to see who I have been talking to and gets annoyed at me when I go see my friends.
I dont want to end my relationship with her I just want to explain to her that I want to keep my friends without her guilt tripping me

Your master's thesis is worse than useless. Even if it is received well. You didn't put your heart and soul into it. What a total waste of time.

Cmon man, even if it is useless the alternative is to hand in nothing and end up having wasted the entire degree. Not really helpful

Yes worse than useless was too harsh, I'm sorry. What's your excuse though?

We've had three projects in a row with no holiday breaks and I lost interest in the degree really early on. I'm just trying to do the bare minimum to get a "good" grade. How am I supposed to put my heart into something I'm not passionate about? Maybe I shouldn't have started the Master's in the first place, but after it's begun there's nothing I can do but keep going unless I wanna lose all the money and time

To add to this, they don't expect the thesis to be especially useful since it's a relatively short project (12 weeks) rather than something encompassing an entire year. So I've been in the "I'll treat this as a very long research essay" mindset from the start

Thanks for taking the mommy banner user~ people seem to care for you more than they cared for me which is probably for the best. I'm not going to be around as often.

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>open this thread
>immediately start crying
Why am i like this

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I refuse to be mentally assaulted by this caricature of a perfect mother that I never had. Cease these temptation, demon.

This user is Right. NOW CEASE you VILE beast

This thread, fuuuuck
Why these feels

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There's no point now. I don't think anything you say will resonate or connect with me. That's fine, I think kindness is something that's inherently valuable, so whether you help me or not doesn't matter to me. Hopefully I will be able to end things soon.

>tfw mommy abandoned us

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yep time 2 die

Good get out of my head