Post your gender and your favorite film

Post your gender and your favorite film
Pic related

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Pic highly yet originally related

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Male (like everyone else) here

I've always liked this cover more than the other one with the skull face.

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John wick 1 and 2 are the best
John wick 3 sucks fat niggercock

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This movie and Fury Road were beautiful. Any other movies with really good cinematography?

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Do you have a free link to stream it?

I've noticed that 3 is extremely divisive despite the action (in some parts) being some of the best in the whole series

Knife house fight in particular.


Shouts out to The Royal Tenenbaums and Rocky for being in my top 3

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Female, good taste thats also my favorite

the danish girl

It got boring because of waaaaay too many scenes of just grunting and fighting and no dialogue,some of the action scenes were extremely repetitive and felt rushed in the making,and okay I know it's not supposed to be realistic but him surviving that fall at the ending was very awful I expected him to be dead but nooo after falling from a fucking hotel he's still alive with just some broken bones

Male and pic related.

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honorable mentions to donnie darko and american psycho

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this thread is fucking shit

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absolute kino coming through

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Really hard to choose only one.

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fear and loathing in las vegas (originally)

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Not the best one in the series but my personal favorite

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>being fully able to enjoy goodfellas
im going to guess that you were born male

Recently I watched Brian DePalma's Blow Out, and that had some fucking STELLAR cinematography. There's a shot near the end, the big climactic moment, that actually had me going "HOLY FUCK" throughout it.

Pick up the Criterion version, it's pretty great

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Nope, though I wish I was.

Is it that good? I mean the cinematography.

My second option was blade runner

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I think it's fantastic but it's the 80's so your mileage may vary.

I watched in a double feature with the (in my opinion) criminally underrated Assassination Nation, which under the sledgehammer-subtle tumblr bitching is an incredibly stylish, colorful, and brutal horror film. That one's also one you might want to look at for cinematography.

I'll agree that the ending felt like a cop-out but if they pull off a revenge arc against the whole High Table I'll be immensely satisfied.

Come on, at least pick a GOOD movie. Even the cringelords picking Donnie Darko and Fight Club, at least those have merit to them.

The Conversation is also the best coppola film

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Good taste.

Walle made me tear up when I was a kid.

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Female. Besides this, probably Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

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runner ups would probably be Treasure Planet and Titan AE because muh nostalgia

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american psycho is fucking garbage

>wishing to play on hard mode

Chronicle is quite a good and underrated movie

Angel's Egg and male

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tenshi no tamago & female

12/10 taste user

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xx, my favorite movie is the holy mountain.
second favorite is the lego movie

top-tier movies kiddos

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The Room (2003)

Eraserhead/Taxi Driver tie

>Anything Lanthimos really, but mainly this

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