If you hate women so much, why havent you switched to bois?
If you hate women so much, why havent you switched to bois?
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cuz that would be gay and i'm hetero
I would never date a person which is mentally ill
>implying it is homo to be attracted to pic related
Says the incel who probably jerks off to cartoons of children
It is though faggot
I don't want AIDS faggot
trannies are worse than women in terms of mental illness and being an annoying cunt
"you are the incel user!!!"
great joke
hitachi wand torture is more fun op
>implying masturbating to drawings of children doesn't make you absolutely unequivocally based
im not gay i like pussy
wow, this is gonna die fast, better get more creative
I am not an incel so i dont feel bad
Name one way that pussy beats bussi
Protip: you cant
Simple. We are not faggots here. So you can stop flooding r9k with tranny/gay threads.
Extremely fucking gay lmao. Just accept you're a faggot and move on
>it's C U R R E N T Y E A R
pussy produces natural lube
...so does bussi? Just keep your boitoi on a diet that includes plenty of hot sauce so he has persistent diarrhea
Is there are several teanny threads a day, maybe this board is gayer than you want to admit ;)
I'd like to see your boypussy give birth to children, faggot.
and you count that as a disadvantage ?
>implying getting ravaged by babies isa good thing
Lmao, like any of you low achieving faggots should reproduce
I really don't understand why they can't just deal with the fact that they're faggots. If they want to fuck dude ass then all the power to them, but the level of cope and delusion they try to spam is unreal.
I just hate them as people in general. Current society has bred them into toxic creatures that get rewarded for it. I can't help liking their exteriors though. Physically they're still eye candy that I'm attracted to.
I may jerk off to futa but the thought of naked men makes me retch.
Our main purpose is to breed. It is absolutely a disadvantage.
They're more picky and demanding than actual girls.
hmm delicious...
because i'm not a gay person
not sure if this is dumb or just a power play
Its a nice ass but I prefer mine more like this
no, it's YOUR purpose as a slave to breed and work like cattle moron, so intelligent people could exploit you like the trash you are. As for me, my purpose is to do whatever the fuck I want. If you were slightly less retarded, maybe you would realize that breeding in this world is the dumbest and the most sadistic shit you could pull off. Only farm animal NPCs like you consider wageslavery or breeding to be primary goal in life
But is nowhere near as tight, even virgin pussy.
>balls on full display
>somehow thinks it's not gay
If the butthole is clean and the ass is round does that make it not gay?
Ahh, I see you are also a man of culture.
>I just hate them as people in general. Current society has bred them into toxic creatures that get rewarded for it.
IF you want to inoculate yourself against women just read this article.
Gay men have a higher average chance of having HIV. There have been multiple cases of homosexual man being involved in communities where spreading STDs was something being fetishized. No matter how you slice it, a gay couple cannot produce a child.
>inb4 "but muh adoption"
Raising someone else's child is not the same thing and the kid will probably suffer bullying and have something more than "these aren't my biological parents" as a motive to be upset: the fact that their parents are gay.
how about not raising a child at all ? why the fuck would you want children anyway. If you're not rich or genetically superior good looking, you shouldn't even consider having one, unless you're retarded like 99% of the people and will do it anyway because everyone around you does that
Um what about it...like I said I already knew women were toxic w/o having to read an article.
I can't control being attracted to them though. it's biology and hormones. Unless I go to the extreme and castrate myself I'll always somewhat be under their spell.
Try jacking off you dipshit
No shit you dumb fuck.
Jacking off is only a temporary solution retard
Absolutely fucking based, familycucks on suicide watch and their muh 1950s fambly fantasy rekt
As opposed to what, playing vidya nonstop and having done nothing meaningful in your life? You'd be nothing more than that soi Star Wars guy, a consumerist.
>Jacking off is only a temporary solution retard
It is a good thing you can jack off multiple times in a 24-hour period.
You have self-esteem issues; you're trying to plug that hole with a gf. Because a gf is the thing you don't have.
Just accept that women are whores, you're lonely and need to self-actualize, and stop being a bitch.
>you're trying to plug that hole with a gf
No one mentioned gfs idiot...wtf are you talking about
>It is a good thing you can jack off multiple times in a 24-hour period.
Must be nice being never leaving your house and being able to fap at a moments notice. Join the real world faggot
Post more and I'll consider going full homo.
Fuck my ass looks like that but it has dark spots and my skin is not smooth
Those are ovaries, assuming she identifies as a woman. Thus straight
ITT: brainlets competing who would give the most retarded answer in an obviously retarded (bait) question
You should visit Jow Forumstraps on red dit user
>you should visit redd
Most robots are actually gay or trans
fuck reddit, you big homo
no we're not, you're just pulling that statistic out of your arse
People like you, make me want to live with the sand niggers.
>theyre missing out on the best amateur tranny site on the internet
Your choice then
The only thing i want to pull out of my arse is your cock so you can finish on my boiclit user ;)
I checked the site and only got sad that I'll never meet that mommydom tranny.
I'm 6', pretty attractive and white. If the world continues to go down the shitter and women stay fucked up, I'm thinking about finding local twinks and traps to fuck on camera to make porn.
Traps all day any way.
Transchicks are just as bad if not worse than women.
Presuming they remotely pass, they have just as many white-knight chasers or sugar-daddy tier men after them, meaning with dozens of options, you're not the one, you're just next in line. Furthermore, by default they come prepackaged with some kind of mental illness. Not that women don't, but the average transchick's depression / anxiety / literal psychosis is on par with the typical chick's Cluster B hysterics or daddy issues.
Add in the fact that they are walking medical time bombs. The hormones take a toll on the liver, period. They come with a fairly early expiration date - which may not necessarily be a bad thing, but you better just embrace the fact that if you're together, they're going to have constant ongoing health expenses. If they're not on mommy and daddy's insurance and they can't foot the bill for themselves (via government subsidy or otherwise for their meds) then you'll be on the hook for their spiro and whatever else.
>The hormones take a toll on the liver, period.
not if you do injections