>Bro just go to school for 17 years so you can spend the next 50 years wageslaving then die in a retirement home
lmao why shouldn't I just kill myself
Bro just go to school for 17 years so you can spend the next 50 years wageslaving then die in a retirement home
Then just go live off the land in the woods idiot.
No one is forcing you to do anything. Grab some supplies, a tent etc and go hunt for your food and live off the land.
>will never be an ainu
>raised all your life only ever knowing creature comfort lifestyle
>lmao bro just go live in a woods if you think life sucks
u sound like a literal manchild
what do you want, shit for free?
You have the internet, I'm sure there are survival classes too
Quit making excuses baby.
How does me stating a observable fact make me a man child? This is not the 1800s nobody here was raised to be self sufficient simply exiting society is akin to natural suicide
>Go into the woods with tent
>Soccer moms with dogs and hunters call police on me
there are 10yo girls in girlscouts that can be self sufficient in needed manchild brainlet fag
Toss a girlscout in the middle of the woods for three weeks alone and then get back to me nigger.
>fucking selling cookie badges
i cannot wait to see most of you neetcucks crash and burn lmao
nice strawman manchild
>u are not a 10yo girl but a "grown" man
>u wouldn't be STRANDED in the woods
Regardless even a 10yo girl is less useless than you and more of a man
marry and have white children you idiot
>ignores my point that even people introduced to survival aspects would still be nearly helpless
there are 1000s of people that do live like ur strawman was a 10yo girl *dropped 3 weeks stranded in the woods*
there is nothing to ignore, you are just a fat slow manchild making excuses
if i had like a bus with some solar panels and a bunch of manga and blu rays i'd live in the woods in a heartbeat
>lmao why shouldn't I just kill myself
Because instead you can help create more just world, so no one else will have to go through such misery.
Communism and capitalism are both cancer. Humanity in general is retarded
So now you are complaining your life is too easy? Wow retard
Yeah, not even animals grown in captivity can return to nature.
>marry and have white children you idiot
Literally just gives you even more fucking work.
Great question, why shouldn't you just kill yourself? What's the meaning of your existence? Thinking your life is meaningful or meaningless are both dangerous assumptions.
I don't know, I'm confused all the time.
>thousands out of hundreds of millions
Nice average
>lets just keep saying straw man
The idea is that if people hate the modern paradigm of working until your a feeble old person is so bad they should just leave society and my point was the average person could not make it outside of the convenience of modern living which for many of us is all we have ever known. This will be my last reply to you so feel free to repeat strawman for the third time and use your buzz words again.
>no one is forcing you to do anything
Except for your parents who brought you into the world without consent.
>Hurp derp if you don't like living then just kill yourself lol
It's not so easy, living is hard, but dying is also hard. If you think you have the ability to kill yourself right now at this moment, you're an idiot. It takes a lot of courage and years of suffering at the lowest lows.
Also just because living in the woods alone is worse than being a wageslave, doesn't mean it's justified.
>Except for your parents
Didn't realize I was talking to an underage child, or a manchild who still lives with mommy and daddy...
> if you don't like living then just kill yourself lol
Looks like you replied to the wrong person or forgot to quote someone else tard
There's no reason.
No one here will have any reason because when you get down to it there's no reason for us to be here. The only argument this post is going to get is either that I'm weak or edgy but the fact of the matter is is that the only argument against killing oneself is that there's a subconscious drive for our bodies to keep themselves going. That's it. There's no other reason to stay alive. Once you can conquer that drive we really should just kill ourselves because there's nothing here for us.
On the lack of a god I can't wait until I can get the spoons to kill myself so I can finally go back to being nothing.
>nothing matters dude
>still replies
Very big brained user. Boredom is no excuse you're right.
get a trades job so that you have interesting work
then actually fucking live
if you're so depressed you ain't got shit to lose
Those are anarchists though