Suicide should be illegal and people who attempt suicide should face prison time

suicide should be illegal and people who attempt suicide should face prison time.
prove me wrong

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but Epstein was already in jail

you should kill yourself to prove us wrong


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This isn't even good bait, but I'll bite.

It literally doesn't matter what your opinion is in the end, because suicide is the easiest fucking thing for someone to pull off, method wise. By the time you find out someone is attempting they'll already be swinging on the noose, or have a hole in their head, or 300+ feet off a buildings edge.

Yeah, I agree. That way, we would have to make sure we actually succeed.

Waste of good quads on this self-tormenting martyr.

>blaming other people when you are being selfish and behaving like scum
Lol. Nooooo you cant just take responsibility for your actions!!!!

If suicide is illegal then peope shouldn't fucking have kids
Shit is seriously fucked up and people are psychos for not understanding why having kids is potentially unfair to someone

I think successful suicide should be legal (including assisted) and that only unsuccessful suicide attempts should be illegal.

Unsuccessful suicide attempts impose costs on the rest of us just so some roastie can get attention and sympathy. Kill yourself if you want to, but ACTUALLY FUCKING DO IT. Don't just take a bunch of pills so that I have to pay for EMTs to "save" your life and then pay for shrinks to baby you for weeks and then all sorts of bullshit make-work "community-based services". Just die - or go to jail. I don't mind paying for you to be in jail.

Can't behave like scum when you're a social outcast and suffer from extreme lonliness due to autistic social skills and lack of confidence to achieve and friendships or improve yourself out of fear of your own retardation or self destructive tendencies ruining everything and turning you into a bigger pussy then you already are, meaning no one to judge you in the first place.

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Its fair to have kids but it should be illegal to spoil them

>noooo you cant just expect me to control my behavior!!! Im

You'd literally be paying more money to keep them in jail you monkey.

Other then that I agree.

Why would you care? If someone is so mentally weak and retarded they can't control their behavior, and assuming that in itself upsets you, then just let them kill themselves. One less dumbfuck for you to deal with and hear complaining.

That woman is beautiful. My kind of bitch.

How giant of a failure do you have to be to 'attempt' suicide but not suceeding. Lmao no wonder they want to kill themselves

>they cant control their behavior
>but they can decide to kill themselves
Found the selfish lazy asshole with bad excuses

How exactly are you behaving like scum when you have no friends or love interests

Being mentally fucked isn't logical nor does it make sense that's why it's called being mentally ill or being retarded. People who ruin their own lives, don't have the skills to improve themselves, or don't have the willpower to improve themselves, aren't normal in the head. It doesn't matter if they can fix it or not, if they convinced themselves there is no point, then there is no point. Unless you're gonna waste your time convincing them otherwise user...?

Calling someone a lazy shit would probably make them even more suicidal, because you're proving to them that their mindset about themselves is true. They already think they're shitty people, calling them shitty people just reinforces their truth. What are you trying to argue or prove?

>Im too lazy to improve myself
Thats what I said bro, we are on the same page

Im proving that a selfish kid who attention whores about suicide is actually in control of their actions and its not my responsibility or their parents or society to pull them in any direction. You cant claim bullying makes someone suicidal when that is almost never the case for bullying victims. You cant claim you are too retarded to fit in or solve your problems when the very concept of suicidal behavior guarantees self awareness and conscious decisions. Eat my ass.

But it is isn't it?

nice quads. shit post. its over 9000.

>People who commit suicide are usually fucking stupid
>Stupid people can't make sense of logical decision making
>The majority of suicides are becuase of situations which could be solved with determination, mental fortitude and effort
>Suicidal people don't have determination, mental fortitude or effort because they are lazy, mentally weak and don't have the emotional strength or intelligence to accept that effort=solutions
>I'm arguing that sometimes people are just mentally weak and can't handle real life, not everyone is a average, normal, mentally capable person.

Also I agreed with you on everything but the idea that suicidal people should go to jail, that's fucking stupid and that's more money to pay for useless human beings, just let them commit suicide without the need for forced hospitalization.

OP that is by far the most braindead opinion I ever saw.

>I know! We'll punish the people clearly going through some shit! Haha, punative justice works!

People like you are why the mass shooting happened and will continue to happen.

NiggaOriginally of fucking course dumbass

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He wants to punish people who fail suicides or fake the attempts, but by sending them to prison, wasting money. Just don't give them any attention, if someone wants to help, let them help, don't get the state involved no matter what they do to themselves.

If we really brought the hammer down, Gestapo-style, on failed suicides...there wouldn't be any failed suicides.

The people who really need to go would still be able to kill themselves and would escape punishment by succeeding. Attention whore roasties just wouldn't even try. So it's a win-win.

We should put them in jail on a deserted island honestly

>We should put them in jail on a deserted island honestly

Wait, I've got it!

We put their names on a list. That list is published online - like the Sex Offender Registry. The Suicide Offender Registry!

And if your name is on the list, anyone who wants to kill you can do so without being prosecuted for a period of one year from the date on which your name was added.

That way we solve the "attempted suicide" problem, and we ALSO give homicidal people an outlet for their aggressions. We would solve two broad mental health problems AT ONCE!

Thats a good idea desuke

But you'd be wasting more money doing so, then just not giving them any attention in the first place.

You didn't want to give them any attention because it would wasting money for EMT's, therapy, community services and such.

But you'd be giving way more rounding them up and sending them to prisons, wasting resources finding out if they actually attempted or if they're willing to do so again, the resources of setting up their habitation in prisons and feeding them and clothing them.

That's a stupid waste of human resources when you can just ignore them, if they don't get any attention they'll either stop attempting or actually attempt for real, and I feel like you just want to see hopeless people suffer when you can just show no attention to them.

People who attempt suicide should get the death penalty.
prove me wrong

Like I said, so much more money being wasted on this stuff, rather than just not hosptilizing stupid people, and not letting the state get involved...

>Like I said, so much more money being wasted on this stuff

Right but in this scenario, the sheer FUN of having a Suicide Offenders Registry and then watching people go all MurderHobo on them would be more than worth the trivial program costs.

Only psychopaths and sadists would enjoy some stupid shit like this OP, normal people would look at this conversation and call us sociopaths, and then call you a retard for thinking anyone would waste their paycheck on this shit.

>let's let sadists and sick fucks do whatever they want to suicidal people!
>what's the worst that could happen?
You are merely enabling their addiction to murder and what if said sick fuck decides to torture you for 9 whole days before offing you?

>>let's let sadists and sick fucks do whatever they want to suicidal people!
>>what's the worst that could happen?


>what if said sick fuck decides to torture you for 9 whole days before offing you?

Ah OK. We need to include some kind of "no torture" rule. Killing blows only.

Just to hang himself there?

I think it should only be illegal if you inconvenience the public with it like if you jump off a building and cause the street to be closed as a result of it or something. Killing yourself out of sight where you won't inconvenience anyone (other than whoever has to dump the body) should be fine.

We might as well air them on live tv and bring back gladiator fights as well. More entertainment for people.

Suicide is destruction of state property.

Make suicide attempts punishable by death.

Yes. Capital punishment by painless injection should someone attempt to remove themselves from this planet