What makes your life worth living, user?

what makes your life worth living, user?

I can't keep going like this, I need to find some purpose or at least change or I'm going tow wither away

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Unironically my family and Jow Forums.

Family. Not the one I was born in, but the one I'm creating.

food, porn and vidya, I have nothing else to live for

I'd like to observe annihilation and havoc upon the human kind and with all the global warming, tensions, and other threats I have my hopes up for my lifetime.

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Having a job I like, trying not wrapping my mind around harmful negative thought spirals, doing my best trying to socialise, holding on to positive events no matter how meaningless they seem to be. A whole lot of changing negative events/emotions to positive ones by mindset. If u need to talk I'll leave u my kik

My family and anime.

playing competitive videogames all day while my personal life falls apart and everyone around me gets older/sick and dies

Just don't send me dickpicks

No Intention to do that, im straight

the fact that i'm a walking contradiction to everyone else's life. i'm honestly one of the most based motherfuckers alive.

That doesn't sound very nice
How so?

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My life isn't worth living.

>implying you would believe me

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This, as well as traveling.
I realize how normal that sounds but the brief escape from everything helps.

Try me. How are you so fucking based?


too much of a pussy to end it all, also family and friends

Being a NEET.
I'll probably find the balls to try a riskier suicide method when I'm inevitably forced into wageslavery or homelessness.

Nothing. I don't entirely understand what's being done to me or why, and I also don't understand how I'm supposed to plan anything around it.

I would just like to do my own thing. I wasn't planning on doing anything outrageous, but what I'm currently doing isn't appealing to me

Same here. The sheer bliss that this peaceful existence brings is enough for me to want to keep living but once that is taken away I do not know what I will do. It's probably wishful thinking but I might just use what little money I have to buy some camping gear and find a place far away from anywhere where I can slowly die in peace because I have no idea how to live like a hunter gatherer. All I know is that I would rather die than spend my life doing what I don't want to do.

>All I know is that I would rather die than spend my life doing what I don't want to do.

I don't even know what this means, for example. What is it I'm supposed to be doing?
I don't know what it is others expect me to do.

my family,that's all,if they die and I'm not married and have kids then I'm probably gonna hang myself

I wouldn't. I want to do my own thing.

It doesn't matter what others want you to do. If it were up to them then it would probably be for you to just commit to a life of wage slavery since that is what is seen as "making it" as an adult. What matters is that you spend your life doing what you enjoy for as long as you can. Milk your worthless life for all that it is worth then show yourself to the exit once the good times come to an end. At least then you can die reasonably happy knowing you enjoyed your time even if you are sad that it couldn't have lasted longer.

Because what would you rather do, live a long life of perpetual misery or a short but happy one?

I wouldn't care except they bother me but won't tell me why.
Then they get mad when I say I want to live how I want.

It's very confusing.

drugs bro
best coping mechanism

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Are you a NEET on your own or living with someone? If it's the latter then it is probably just because they want you to leave. As for why that answer angers them, it is because they intend on living long lives and living a long life requires a lot of compromise and suffering. They cannot wrap their minds around the thought that not everyone is interested in that.

Im working towards my dream job so I can flex on every cringy faggot that went to my highschool

The people bothering me aren't the ones I'm living with.
Needless "compromise and suffering" is stupid. I need to know what it's for and it needs to be a conscious decision on my part. Otherwise I'm going to just do my own thing. That would be the logical thing to do.

Drugs, modding vidya, documentaries, exercise, philosophy podcasts, isolation... I even stopped the whole femboi ERP thing.

Uncle Ted Kaczynski did nothing wrong and was right.

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For most people it is just to keep going. Despite not particularly enjoying their lives, the prospect of death scares them so they would like to prolong their life for as long as possible even in less than ideal conditions.

Though many will disagree with you, that is the smart thing to do. Do as you will regardless of outside criticism. It is your life after all, not theirs. They aren't going to feel your suffering if you listen to their advice any more than they will feel the joy that living and dying on your own terms will bring you.

Fear of death and survival instincts.

I don't know what their advice supposedly IS in the first place, lol. That's what I'm saying.

Morphine, oxy, my friend and girlfriend & vidya

It's actually a great feeling user...
>Be me
>Loser in high school
>Bullied relentlessly
>Moved out of shitty hick town
>Went to college for CS degree
>Worked being underpaid for a while
>Finally got a cushy forever job earning almost 90k a year
>Went back to home town to visit mom
>Ran into on my old bullies working at the gas station while I was gassing up my new car
>"Oh hey, you're user! How have you been?"
>"Oh hey yeah! I'm doing great actually. Moved to [x] city, got a great job down there, just visiting my mom and you?"
>"Oh you know...Just paying the bills. Got out of rehab last month, so hoping things turn around"
God it felt good.


t. schadenfreude fueled

And Quantum Immortality

It never fails. Especially because any worth their salt in life left that shit ass town as soon as they could. Anyone who stayed behind were either set up at one of the factory unions in town (You don't net a whole lot but cost of living is dirt there so you can live like a fucking king on a 50-60k salary), or they're working one of the many dead end service jobs, or rotating call centers.

(Kick)Boxing, which i'm trying to do 4-6 days out of the week in the gym, on top of at-home conditioning.
I will be the greatest, one day.

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I'm just waiting for a nuclear apocalypse. I hate this world, its unjust laws and the necessity to be social. I want to watch everything burn so I can fend only for myself and never have to worry about anyone else.

I'm a dumb monkey and my brain likes the stimuli I guess, I like living, that's enough for me honestly.

I chose to be white prior to birth. I was gifted (by God) kick ass ancestors that made sure I'd be in a great position in life. I'm both hated, envied, looked up to, feared, and loved all because ma skeen cola. I know firmly and unquestionably in my mind that I'm better than everyone else yet I'm humble on the outside, like most white people are. I have unlimited potential by default. I choose to be a loser on r9k because I'm lazy, had a shitty childhood, love racist humor, and like to meme with other people who likely had bad childhoods. I remain uncucked after many years browsing this shithole. I know I can turn it all around within a years time so life is absolutely worth living. I want to eventually pass on my godlike genes to someone else and see what they can do with it.

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fellow martial art fag here (muay thai, been doing it for 5 years)
keep grinding my boy you'll be up there one day with work ethic and dedication

I have nothing worth living for. The only reason I keep going is inertia.

An armed people are a free people. The longer I live, the more freedom I create. I work in a gun factory.

I'm not most people. I need to thrive. These people are holding me back.

I'm living for comfy experiences but lately I've compiled a nice list for myself just as a reminder. Some things I noted on paper were:
>My parents and sisters
>cold nights wrapped up in blankets while watching anime
>learning things
>comfy nights
Aside from these, my mother is helping me to get more into religion a bit

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similar reasoning being alive is the only reason I stay alive and its torture

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Hopefully a third World War breaks out and we can be shipped to some gook junglebunny country and mow down some zipperheads.

An older guy I know went to Vietnam said it was the (worst) best time of his life. Got to bang chinks on a daily basis and shoot them all in the same day. Who wouldn't want that, really?

my family, my belief that life is a precious gift and that suicide is for cowards, and vidya

Nothing makes my life worth living. Drugs like LSD are the only thing I really enjoy anymore. I'm planning on having a huge trip before I kill myself, I've got 10 tabs and I'd like to find some weed to go with it. I want to do DMT but I don't think I'll be able to get it anywhere.

I am afraid of pain and there is no 100% surefire way to kill myself

Thinking about how I have the power to make the life I want: family, lots of skills, good pc, self-employment, and a nice house in the East.
I just need to stop being lazy and wanting short term pleasure

Literally two people and they aren't my parents.
And drugs.

My beautiful waifu is my only reason for existence

making ethical choices. If you try to maximize positivity in the world with all of your decisions, even in small ways, it will give your life a lot more purpose

Nothing makes it worth living. I'm getting out of all of this soon one way or another.

Ur purpose can be sending me money for hrt user

Being optimistic and enjoying my stay mate

Just begun nofap and started making montage videos of my shadowlay highlights. Really enjoying editing process and wish i had more material to work with.

Family, music, the small amount of friends I got, and Vidya. I'm going to college for IT and competing in Vidya tournaments on the side

god speed user, never enough dakka

started making montage videos of my shadowlay highlights
Where are you learning to do this and how easy are you finding it adding effects etc, and how long does it take? I might start doing this just to learn something new. Right now i just cut my clips to 20 second or whatever clips then upload them raw

Right now I'm not doing anything fancy. Sounds effects/music to set up or execute a joke in a clip, some captions here and there. This stuff is really easy. If you have something in particular you want to do with your clip i.e. add a sound effect just look up a tutorial on YT that's 5 or so minutes long (those are the useful ones). I advise using vegas pro as it has, IMO, better interface and the tool setup is easier to learn than premiere. My inspirations for editing were mainly "Spanish shit" and "optivex", as their edits are simple and easy to recreate for someone who's just started editing.

Shame. I don't want to kms with parents alive. I got some vesicular polyps I hope grow in cancer so I got some room for an excuse.

since I lost my last and only friend over some dumb fight, the only thing keeping me living right now is the offchance that things will end up better.
I'm currently waiting for money to come in to move to a different state with my brother and according to him its much better than my current life so I'm trying not to kill myself before that

Appreciating the little things in life
Pride and will to live in spite of this crapsack world

Der'z Neva enuff dakka

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to actually live in a cool cyberpunk city like your pic

>loved ones, friends
>good food
>morbid wikipedia articles
>/x/ shit
its the little things honestly

going out into the wilderness by myself
getting that feeling of getting away from my bullshit life and taking in the views around me

I love fountain pens. Stub nibs, medium nibs, flexible nibs, Sailor, Pelikan, Lamy, Pilot, Montblancs. Nothing left to live for.

Nutting deep and raw in my girlfriend

Nothing. It isn't worth living. We are nothing but pawns on a withering planet controlled by (((them))).
But I refuse to bitch out.

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