There has to be at least one girl in the world who would find you attractive and liked you for who you are. Why are you not looking for her anons?
There has to be at least one girl in the world who would find you attractive and liked you for who you are...
Because I'd push that girl away or completely wall off in the first place.
Does this girl have nudes? (Assuming she isn't underage.)
Because I'm a lot more likely to find a fake that will cheat and take my money.
Fuck that. Disregard women, they are literally not worth any time or attention.
I already fucked it up with her.
There probably is, but she likes a shit-ton of other men, too.
>Implying she exists.
>Implying that anyone here would find them with their shit social skills.
there's over 7.53 billion people in the world
that's like looking for a needle in a haystack
because i don't care about 3d women
I will shower a robot in compliments if they become my boyfriend
I become your boyfriend gimme discord
Isn't it pretty to think so?
>There has to be at least one girl in the world who would find you attractive and liked you for who you are.
this is a baseless assumption though
In fact, even if there were ONE, the odds of meeting her out of 1BN nubile women are astronomical
Because that person doesn't exist. It's even worse than a waifu which at least exists in 2D.
It also never said anything about a 1:1 mapping. So "the one for you" could the the same one for 100,000 other men.
Most people in this thread would be your bf, including me. (Doubt you'd want me though, I'm not white lmao)
They asked for a robot, stop claiming to be a robot when you're socially adept, confident and assertive enough to contact a girl like that.
>which at least exists in 2D.
waifus are just as nonexistent seeing how they are madeup
you could draw your "soulmate in a piece of paper" and equal that
Not to mention since waifus can't alk to you you cannot make sure they would even accept you
In fact my guess is they wouldn't
good point
>There has to be at least one girl in the world who would find you attractive
bruh look at this dude
Still waiting for a link to nudes...waiting...
user, you're not a girl
Oopsy replied to wrong one, my discord is
She is hiding somewhere amidst the millions of girls who think I'm ugly and repulsive so I don't bother.
let me look through the whole population of earth might take a bit of time
Work for it, user. Trial and sucess can be hard but it can be rewarding you if you show the best of yourself. There has to be a girl in the world that will you cool, charismatic, etc...
Don't listen to those fucking incels.
Because there literally isn't. Statistically speaking if you are a below average male no woman will every be anything but repulsed by you, and will only marry you in her 30-40s out of financial necessity.
>>Implying that anyone here would find them with their shit social skills.
This. If you have no game there isn't a single female who will accept you, it's just the way they are wired.
No such woman probably exists, and if she does it's highly unlikely that
1. I'd actually find her
2. I'd actually find her before some other dude she likes finds her
i've already had girls who found me attractive and liked me for who i am. i just dont like people and prefer sitting alone and shitposting here all day.
does that make me crazy?
>dude just search for the one woman that's destined for you out of the almost 4 billion
That's retarded even from a mathematical standpoint.
Also why the fuck would I care about 3DPD? Even IF I find her to be the perfect one for me, what makes you think she won't try to get a dude that's more chiseled and has a bigger dick?
probably fucked up my chance already or she's in a different country and I'm broke af
I guess my standarts are still too high