What if you met a girl who had good values, had a good job, had a good education, had a good personality, was pretty but couldn't drive despite being in her 20s? I met a girl who fits that criteria for me. I'm interested in what people's opinions are. She doesn't drive because according to her: taking the bus is cheaper than paying for gas, car repairs, car inspection, car insurance and car payments. She also doesn't drive because when she would try she would start crying and get very nervous unable to anticipate other drivers' actions. She has very bad focus and isn't good at reading social cues so she doesn't trust herself driving. Plus, she says not owning a car makes her feel free.
What if you met a girl who had good values, had a good job, had a good education, had a good personality...
Id feel really indeferent about if she likes to drive or not. If she actually mets all the other criteria i would be the happiest man on the planet unless i were an autist obsessed with cars
Tell her real freedom comes from having the option and choice to choose which transportation method you're gonna use in times of desperation and need
who the fuck cares?
it's not like i trust a woman driving anyways since they have terrible reflexes and no coordination
if she can go to her dumb job alone with the bus it's fine for me
sounds like the perfect girl
>tfw no gf to drive around
Why would you care about something so trivial?
The thing is, she has enough money to get uber/ lyft in a time of urgency. So she has freedom.
She is pretty awesome.
She gets insecure sometimes and wanted to know if it's as big a deal as she feels like it is sometimes.
Can't always rely on others.
Being more self reliant is worth something
>she has the money to buy transportation when she doesn't have money to buy transportation
I don't think you understand. While she CAN afford a car, she PREFERS to save her money most of the time. But she definitely has enough money to afford uber/ lyft when she NEEDS to be somewhere urgently.
I'd just wife her up and then drive everywhere. She won't need to drive until she's a widow.
But cars aren't always reliable either lmao. Have you never had a car break down before? Nothing is 100% fool proof.
>guns can fail
>they're useless
i don't think you understand
when you dont have money, that means you dont have money
you cant have money when you dont have money because you dont have money when you dont have money
My point isn't that cars are useless. My point is that nothing is perfect. I said she does have money though. She just prefers to save it when she can. Also, if you read the orginal post you'd know money isn't the only reason she doesn't drive.
Would not really make a difference. Although I have my license I dont have a car of my own just yet.
Apples to oranges though, guns are much more easier and less complex to maintain than a vehicle, not nearly as expensive too. Most forms of ammunition also dont cost as much as gas unless you are getting into meme rounds or trying to be the ultimate durr hunter with .45-70, not to mention the lack of insurance on a firearm as opposed to your car.
That mindset would just make her more desirable personally, means she wont just waste it on stupid shit.
you cant materialize wealth in the hypothetical where she doesn't have wealth you diabetic hippo
>Apples to oranges though, guns are much more easier and less complex to maintain than a vehicle
post gun vs car failures then
not that it matters since u made a purely qualitative fallacy
You know, you could get her tedpilled by informing her that cars actually make travel harder for people since everything is so far apart and there's more roads than walkways. What was once a luxury item for the very rich is now a necessity to live in many places.
>he doesn't use disposable guns
Thanks fren. I appreciate the support.
That's an interesting point. I'll have to look into that more.
She doesn't want to be responsible for herself or anything else.
Fuck that shit i want a bitch to drive me around while i take massive hits off my vape
How does a choice in transportation alone reflect an inability to be responsible when she has a good job and works hard in other pursuits? It's not like she sits at home on her ass all day like some women. Not driving is literally her only flaw.