How many do you usually have?

How many do you usually have?

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None never been desu

its not white
and its not a castle

I've been there like once. Actually that might have been an in-n-out.
I eat 12 krystals at a time if that's an equivalent.

8 or 10 with ketchup mustard and extra pickle, with a sack of fries.

>8 or 10
>with fries

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Not that many; damn! Usually 4...maybe 6 at most. I'd never order that many unless I was feeding a family or a group of friends. That pic looks about enough to feed 6 to 8 people.

I went once. It was awful.

I'm 135 lbs, stay active and you can eat all you want

I can do 10

You ordered pickles, don't eat pickles/

how does anyone afford that much burgers holy shit that looks like it would be my whole fucking paycheck for a month

They are sliders. They are small and you are meant to order like 4 for the price of 1 normal size burger.

easily 10 in one sitting, no problem

that makes sense
but still what the fuck where does shit like this exist

>pleb castle

Attached: Combos_4_Krystals.png (800x800, 177K)

at many chains in america. it's not difficult to make smaller burger patties and buy smaller buns.

>his entire month's paycheck equals roughly 30 tiny burgers

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a crave case/ suit case around 30

>only in the South
not worth it

krystal is south east, in-n-out and white castle are south west.

5 with a fry.

Call em sliders cause they slide right thru u

6 with fries

White castles are on the east coast, just not in the deep south. I always go there when I visit family in kentucky.

Yeah, Midwest too.

Fun trivia fact: White Castle was the first ever fast food restaurant chain.

first one with chicken rings on the menu too