Daily reminder that if you are under 5'8"...

Daily reminder that if you are under 5'8", you will have to work 100x as hard for respect and a decent quality of life as your taller male counterparts with only a fraction of the respect that they receive. Also, daily reminder that this applies to the respect that you receive from men and women. Also, daily reminder that women who date men under 5'8" are only settling.

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Pic related could be a female-hate thread all its own

im 5'8 and this is bullshit. 5'10 is the minimum height required to not have a girl "settle". It ssexual selection and shprt genes will npt be passed on were fucked

I know, right? It's infuriating. And, it's infuriating because deep down, we know that this is how a lot of women look at short men.

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I'm 5'9 and never really had a problem. I'm Not tall enough for girls to actively want me, and not short enough for girls to care about how short I am either.

why do manlets live rent free inside the heads of women?

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Because you are literally short average height by a half inch.

Not if I stab them all to death in dark alleyways. Then they can't disrespect me since they are dead so they can't do anything. Just kidding CIA niggers, obviously. Isn't it all a big joke after all?

Yeah if it were 500 years ago. The modern bar has always been 6 foot minimum. The whole "5'10 is average" argument is just coping. Women aren't going to measure you with a ruler. They want an overtly tall man.

Women think that 5'10" is 6'0".

Since it doesn't look like I'll get any replies soon, I will take this time to point out that I'm getting a lot of dubs lately. My dub rate for the last few posts is around 70%. So life, you ain't that bad.

Mostly because every 5'10" guy lies and says they're 6'0". Works in the short term, but it's really skewing the scales long term.

>women who date under 5'8" are settling
>women dont have to settle in hypergamous culture
Well, which is it incels?

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Its because women dont read Goggins

In general, they do not settle in their 20s, and will do so in their 30s, as that is simply how the numbers play out.

>>women who date under 5'8" are settling
Settling past the age of partying and riding the dick carousel. From 35 onwards.

>>women dont have to settle in hypergamous culture
Until 35. Or they can keep going indefinitely if they don't want to settle but if they change their mind they will have a harder time.

Daily reminder re: sampling and confirmation bias. I'm 5'2 and I have a girlfriend, soon to be fiance.

>only older women will date guys under 5'8"
Then explain why almost all young short men have girlfriends and incels are the minority?

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I'm 5'4 and I have a girlfriend who is taller than me. I have a job with a six figure income and I barely do anything.
Love Jesus.

Lol is this all the same user spamming the thread with propaganda?

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>Have to work 100x's harder than a dude who doesn't have to work

Seems like it should still be easy then

I don't give a fuck. About anything. I wouldn't try to date women even if I was ten feet tall, fuck them and fuck the outside world.

height doesn't matter, it is all about shared values/hobbies/ and if you have fun with each other.


They are 13. They won't be short no more in 3 years. Also imagine I posted the graph that showed that 1 in 3 men had no sex in the past year or something.

Im short but I don't think thats why Im alone, its a multitude of things.
Im just hated in general. Im not a fun person, my main hobby is playing video games or going to martial arts lessons (not really something I do with people I meet), I lack conversation topics when Im breaking the ice with people.
I can't relate to people my own age because I struggle so much to find a min wage job and I'm not into normie shit. I dont watch dexter or the walking dead. I don't listen to pop or rap.
When I meet other people who play video games, they are fucking repulsive, so i end up avoiding people who share one of my two hobbies.
people have avoided me my entire life. Im used to it.

You do understand how sampling bias works right? The most outspoken people are usually extremely warped examples of the population at large.

As far as height goes with dating women, it is more or less like a degree requirement for getting into a job. You have to meet the height requirement before all of the shared values/hobbies/chemistry come into play. If you're too short for any given girl, you're simply out of the picture in spite of your redeeming qualities.

But user, those datas dont break down the height or ages of the men they are surveying. Those 1 in 3 men arent all shorter than 5'8" because less than 1 in 3 men are shorter than 5'8". This means there are many taller men who are incels as well. We dont know the distribution, could be that taller guys are more likely to be virgins.

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>literally posts a samefag in retort

>those datas dont break down the height or ages of the men they are surveying.
Do you really need to?

>less than 1 in 3 men are shorter than 5'8"
Google height percentile in the US and enter 5'8. 34th percentile. Literally 1/3 spot on. I hope you get stabbed in the eye for this shitty assumption that could be avoided if you care an ounce to be honest.

>We dont know the distribution, could be that taller guys are more likely to be virgins.
Again, do we really have to act this way? You couldn't make this any more pathetic.

You can't even bait properly. I expected you to take the route of saying "but it said sex in the last year thus they aren't incels since they had sex in the past" to which I would have had more troubles to respond. But still, not only did you take the stupid route, but you also did it retardedly. Light a torch on fire and swallow it and burn yourself from the inside out.

lol why do people always swarm height threads attempting to de-legitimize experiences that manlets have had?

Short men are the fat girls of dating

>5'8" is 34th percentile
>do you really need to break it down
Its kind of important to your theory

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Just like not all men are chads, not all women like chads either. There are plenty of women that they have different tastes, and if you're an alright guy, you're bound to find someone who will like you for you and let you get your dick wet.

lol total bullshit. women are generally pretty damn monolithic in their preferences, in that they overwhelmingly are only capable of physical attraction to men who are tall, masculine, etc.

You will pay so fucking much. I won't forget you.

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>pretty damn monolithic in their preferences
Okay, keep believing that if you want. Just go out and meet women user. If only 6'5 dudes got pussy where would the world be today? Anyone shorter than that would've been breed out. There are a variety of people who like different shit. Are we going to like the same food? No. Same women? Hell no. Why would women be any different? They're not.

According to incels, being a slut is only possible due to current technology.

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Nice dubs comrade. Btw the party van is right outside your residence lol, bring your dubs we'll have fun!

lol you're fucking dumb. the OP clearly states "men under 5'8"", so no one here is referring to some insane exaggerated theory that only men who are 6'5" get action. You actually get diminishing returns if not become less attractive after 6'2", as most data on the matter has shown. Second of all, you have a retarded layman's understanding of genetics. Short men do not always have short fathers; a short man can just as easily be created by a tall-ish man marrying a very short woman, which was what happened in my case. So, no, short men would not literally be bred out, you retarded fucking buffoon. Also, the absurdity of your comparison of sexuality to food preference doesn't need to be explained here and serves as further evidence that you literally have a low IQ.

Spasiba tovarich! I'm getting kinda sleepy tho. Arent' you? I think we should all go to bed. Night night.

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> "men under 5'8"", so no one here is referring to some insane exaggerated theory that only men who are 6'5" get action.
No shit, but I am exaggerating for a point. Even 5'8 is a dumb as hell standard.
>as most data on the matter has shown.
Why does data matter so much though? Are you trying to get a large number of women to like you? We're talking about one on one relationships here with women who might just be as average as you, me, or anyone else here, and they will all have vastly diff tastes and things they're willing to settle on like height. Ideal preference are hardly ever a match to reality.
>a short man can just as easily be created by a tall-ish man
>which was what happened in my case.
I'm sorry that you're short but it's up to you to believe rigidly in this stuff. Statistics may play a role in the larger scheme but none of that is certain when you're meeting random people, and you're are only limiting your chances if you choose to have this chip on your shoulder about your height.

data matters because putting your emotional energy into finding a partner when you are at an extreme statistical disadvantage is exhausting, and the ensuing loneliness drastically reduces your quality of life. Loneliness and hurt that short men feel from not being desired is pretty much universally laughed at and now deemed incel-tier to even talk about. you shouldn't surprised that we turn to these corners of the internet to vent our sadness and anger.

also, you're clearly a female. have you dated a short man, and would you?

>Too Sassy

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this is fucking disgusting. jesus christ, user. never post that image on the internet ever again.

I'm 5'7 and never had trouble with girls flirting with me and I never had a girl say anything to me about my height being a problem or weird.

Nurture vs Nature

it's images like these that just make me lose all hope

This can all be fixed by taller masculine males dating short skinny feminine males who wear makeup during sex. Each can have kids through surrogate mothers

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You're a fucking retard. consider suicide unironically.