Why does everyone here speak like a nigger all of a sudden?
>my nigga
Why does everyone here speak like a nigger all of a sudden?
Why are you crediting black people with "y'all"?
That's a white person phrase
Haven't really been noticing that myself, user.
This. I fucking hate that I'm a southern white boy and people call me a nigger for saying yall. Niggers took yall from us.
watch the racism, bud.
y'all still makes you guys sound like dumb inbred hicks. imagine being proud pf that shit
I'm just saying don't say black people came up with it, sounds like you're just angry and trying to find something to make yourself feel better about yourself.
Zoomers think nogspeak is funny.
yeah seeing twitter white women saying y'all because black people made it cool pisses me off lol
Every other language has a real 2nd person plural pronoun. Y'all is the closest thing we have
stupid thread
ya'll don't come back now
Are you retarded
White people have been saying y'all since black people were in chains
nigger culture has taken root in the minds of many impressionable young adults.
It's not black or white. It's just Southern.
Zoomers and millennials think it's cool.
I do it because I'm actually black and speaking that way triggers autistic people. I'm pretty sure you saw my "this thread is mad degenerate B" post in another thread. I wrote that specifically to upset someone.
Twitter culture has birthed all sorts of new evils
I hope a cop shoots you soon
According to statistics, your heroin addicted uncle will probably get shot first
>pf that shit
this is unironically a negro expression
no southerners have. not white girls who've never been south of maryland lol
it's all zoomers have..
they literally derive their existence from cheap basic nignog "hiphop" "artists"
A lot of us are black my dude.
Just how we speak in america
black people don't have internet access dummy : )
Zoomies are the fucking worst generation
yes see here:
zoomies are the most gay and liberal gen to ever exist
I dread at the thought of what inhuman horrors they are gonna come up with as they grow up
"Based" is also nigger speak. Even the white supremacists losers on this site use that word.
Get with the times nigga
>It's a southern phrase/dialect
Ftfy homie
I'm glad to know I could upset you like this.
Based, simp, thot, game, f.am, thicc. Jow Forums loves black slang. They just don't realize that it's black slang a lot of the time.
You think you're so smart but you'll always be a smelly nigger
the joos are definitely behind this...