At what age did you realize life isn't meant to be taken seriously and anyone who has a meltdown over some insignificant nonsense is a dumbass?
At what age did you realize life isn't meant to be taken seriously and anyone who has a meltdown over some...
Based and nibbanapilled
20 or 21
though desu the fags constantly shitting on it calling it nihilism is really fucking annoying
But what if I'm having a breakdown over shit that's actually important?
does the fact that you're having a breakdown help your situation?
>shit that's actually important
Important? What's important? You decide what's important. Literally just don't give a shit about anything and nothing can phase you.
idk, maybe
The shit I'm worried about concerns the continued existence of industrialized civilization. Me being upset about it isn't important compared to that.
Basically eastern philosophy
when they bussed in countless niggers to the school but sent you to court for skipping class(over concerns about becoming a school shooting victim, but accidentally killed because I got in the way of 2 kangs' gang war)
>The shit I'm worried about concerns the continued existence of industrialized civilization
Just come to terms with its inevitable collapse. You realistically can't do shit about it. Everything is born, lives and dies. Ants, humans, stars, galaxies. Why would human civilization be any different? Things could have been so much better but as you can see we aren't that different from bacteria in a petri dish. For all our supposed intelligence, we'll end the very same way, overshoot. Overpopulation leading to resource depletion leading to extinction. You can find a sense of calm in it, and renewed appreciation for everything you have and everyone you love.
>The shit I'm worried about concerns the continued existence of industrialized civilization
Literally who cares? I don't see the point in getting yourself so invested in something so ultimately trivial. Even if society as we know it collapses, it would at least change things up a little bit. Don't forget that all the problems you're shitting yourself over will not matter to anyone eventually, especially when you're dead.
I dunno, like 17
>Just come to terms with its inevitable collapse. You realistically can't do shit about it.
Nah fuck that I'm gonna change it. Even a one in a billion chance is worth laying down my life for. Rage against the dying of the light and all that.
>Everything is born, lives and dies. Ants, humans, stars, galaxies. Why would human civilization be any different?
It will certainly end eventually, but I'm sure as hell not going to let it happen now.
>Overpopulation leading to resource depletion leading to extinction.
Well you're a third of the way to understanding the problem at least.
>You can find a sense of calm in it, and renewed appreciation for everything you have and everyone you love.
literally cope
>Literally who cares?
I do.
>I don't see the point in getting yourself so invested in something so ultimately trivial.
It's actually the most important thing in existence. The exact opposite of trivial.
>Even if society as we know it collapses, it would at least change things up a little bit.
It will make everything shit. That's a bad change.
>Don't forget that all the problems you're shitting yourself over will not matter to anyone eventually, especially when you're dead.
>Nah fuck that I'm gonna change it
How so? Unless you're a billionaire you're insignificant.
>1 shot at life
>born in post feminism era
i've found a way to enjoy life and its only a few steps
1. stay away from zoomer culture
2. pull the victim card every time you can and use the liberal logic against them
3. realize that you'll find a female of your life eventually, so stay social and pray
4. drop redpills and disregard feelings
we are all gonna make it 'bots
pic. related is me dropping redpills on unsuspecting victims
Well I seem to be the only one who's properly figured out what the problem is, so I'm already gotten further than anyone else. I've also come up with a rudimentary solution, and a vague idea of how I would go about enacting it. However I don't want to go further into detail coming up with my plan, because the solution requires the extermination of the vast majority of humanity. I want to see if I can find a solution with less collateral damage first.
I've experienced this cope before but eventually you get hurt one too many times and you have a meltdown again.
Taking life seriously is actually what helps you prevent a meltdown because you'll set yourself up for stability.
>Well I seem to be the only one who's properly figured out what the problem is
You seem delusional and with a huge ego desu. Many people know the problem is overpopulation. What you perhaps didn't figure out is that all of what you see around you is literally the product of oil. No oil, no population growth, no global civilization. As long as there is (affordable) oil, people will keep multiplying like bacteria. If (when) the oil stops flowing, everything will go back to normal very painfully (no oil, no intenisve agriculture, no supermarkets, no medications, etc.).
You also don't seem to understand how much we fucked the environment. Already several positive feedback loops are engaged in regard to global warming and ecosystem collapse. It's pretty much fucked already. Even if we went back to prehistoric lifestyle tomorrow morning, it would take tens of thousands of years for the atmosphere to go back to its pre-industrial composition.
>pull the victim card every time you can and use the liberal logic against them
Please off yourself for justifying having a victim complex.
If you "disregard feelings" it just makes you socially inept. You want to be somebody who has social intelligence that is emotionally aware and who can exercise sound judgement. Otherwise "dropping redpills" will just socially alienate yourself while convincing nobody.
You are an absolute and complete dumbass to a level that you won't really fully capable of comprehending for a few years.
i've followed this ruleset for the last 2 years and i feel fresher than ever
also i forgot to mention the fact that the rule 2. is only used as a self defense when someone calls you out on your hypocrisy just laugh at them and disregard their argument like im doing now
simple aint it?
Drunks feel fresh too but it's not because they're impressing everybody. It's because they're dumbasses.
>Many people know the problem is overpopulation.
And every one of them, including you, has tunnel vision; you can't see that overpopulation/environmental destruction/energy crisis is only one of the problems. We also have the problems of racial differences in intelligence and the natural cycle of civilizations. There are plenty of people who see one, and there are people who see two, yet nobody that I've seen has developed a holistic understanding of all three. Each of these problems builds on the other two; while any one of them is apocalyptic in it's own right, all three of them together is nigh-unstoppable. One of my biggest worries is that there's something else that even I'm missing, and that my failure to account for it will ruin any attempts I make to stop the collapse.
I gotta go. I'll explain further if this thread is still up in 8 hours.
as far as i know most drunks cannot take the redpill and to where the society has progressed so they turn the the alternative of drinking and just "hiding" the truth from their faces by using a extremely weak poison which is slowly killing them
here, i just justified drinking and using my ruleset, i will disregard your next arguement if you even plan to reply after this ben shapiro style rekting the libtard
I give up. I'll treat you as seriously as I do Ben Sharpio.
just as i wanted to mate
honestly my ruleset is unbeatable as long as i use the cloak of delusion to keep myself from the mental harm of logic and thinking
and, yeah my iq is in the high 120's so i can force my subconciousness to not give a shit about logic using the aforementioned ruleset
If you felt that way you wouldn't need to say it.
People with high IQs are good at lying to themselves.