LOG IN 3:08 AM / Nothingness / The things you will need to
get to the true void:
-A friend who has no desire to influence, power, money,
women, or true desires whatsoever, and is happy with
-A piece of myself, my life essence, tossed into the void (can be
found easily)
-The souls of 36 sinners
-A new moon.You must gather the 36 sinners in one location,
the proper location, a place to view 'The Sea Of The Edge'
without difficulty.
You must tell the sinners to gather together, and stare at the
New Moon, and while they do so, you must channel the powers
that be while looking into the Sea Of The Edge.
While the 36 sinners look up, they will eventually become
transfixed by the New Moon, and there, a gateway to /VOID/
will open.
The 36 sinners' souls will be lost within the process, but you
will attain the portal to / _ /.It will appear to you as a small coin
that when observed will look as if it's made of the shiniest
silver, the peacock emblazed on it symbolizing the flashy nature
of the coin, but if you hold it under the light of the New Moon,
you will see how dark the coin is, it's almost as if it was a small
void on its own.Your friend must recite a small incantation over
the coin, and it will begin to show its true nature.
The incantation below is said
"Seeker of nothing. Sayer of none. Show to the world your true
intents, show us what your true existence entails. And bring
forth knowledge in the darkness within."
Once you have attained the portal you must wait for another
New Moon, and find the perfect location 76.184214 longitude,
95.916687 latitude.
You must go here and stand on top of the highest point you
can visibly spot. And with that, you wait for 10 days before the
New Moon, and as you wait, the portal will expand as if on its
own.The 10 days will pass, and the portal will be strong
enough to carry you through to the true Void.
True void
You are mentally ill and need to get laid, go on Grindr and get TOPPED or if you are lucky enough fuck a bottomboi
What the fuck is this and how the hell do you expect me to meet 37 people
No one is going to read this faggot blog post lmao I think your life would be better off if you transitioned into a sissy
Grindr but you will be getting your dick sucked
I don't know that means. You will be vore and become form-less for your aggressive behavior.
LOG IN 8:18 AM / Nothingness /
This area I am not nearly as familiar with, and can't give you the
nitty gritty, it has no name, of course but I like to call it Sigil.
Since almost everything in the void is impossibly far away,
anything seeking a sort of "big city" or large gathering has no
reason not to go to the same one, and you can find just about
anything and anyone (including death herself) there, if you can
stomach the place There is a bustling market, the crowd
scared me off, but I saw a tempting sale for hell dolls on the
forum geographically speaking, you could divide it into 3 main
The burning town is a sort of hellish nightmare city, you will find
all manner of monstrosity making some sort of living, probably
trying to prey on you, there are huge towers of bone and vast
swathes of flame, I would avoid it altogether
I dont really care about what you think. All autistic children belong to mist-chan. She would repair and fix you mental issues
Heh i already have one thing on that list.
is that a jojo reference?
originells commento
Use your brain, the answers are all there. Follow coordinates, don't get lost. Carry a gun with you, no matter what you do, don't fall sleep
i forgot to ask can i listen to jojo ost in the void mr. void man
whats jojo?
I dont have clue what that is , no such a thing on the void
Surely there's another way I can reach the void?
Describe the monstrosity's.
its a comic book series made in the eastern part of the globe in a island nation of Japan that later was recreated in a video format
and with it there are original composed strokes of notes we call "music"
but sadly i see its not worth it if there is no jojo ost (original sound track)
Becoming form-less, giving your body to mist-chan would do the trick. Believe me, you don't wanna do that. Your body would make the difference, you are going to need it.
15:00 PM / DATA ENTRY 0311
> no dreams, but in some kind of deja vu trip
> took the bag of cocaine x and get all that shit inside the Jap
girl ass, she die peacefully. I know I'm going to hell for that.
> I shaved everything, get soft as a bunny
> black underwear, crotchless, strap on futa cyber cock and
my e/pump to get that maximum tiddie action.
> hit the void streets, looking for work.
> dicksucking.exe
> House N667 red door , they are waiting for me .
> midget wearing black opens the door for me
>dark, very dark. I see some flashing lights on the end of the
> moans.mp3
> bees all over the place, the Consumer is close
> owls sitting on the bar table
> the consumer had not seen or spoken to a woman for 100
> I took the job
> grind, screams, hard, solid, thick
> penetrate, blood, drill, invade
> moist, wet, damp, humid
> loud, cum, heavy, deep
>Nights ends, my body is covered in strangers cum and saliva
>mist-chan hold me in her tummy
> last cigarette, feels nice
> she licks my wounds , clean my soul
4:00 AM / DATA ENTRY 0310
heading out to get some supplies, Numbuh- Lain the Japanese
girl that was giving me shelter got fucked so hard that now
she's form-less, I need to get my head straight.
I saw death next to the archive station tripping on cocaine x
empty eyes , started to laugh at me and said
-Girl! stay away from the owl house!
when i started to cry, it started our
world laughing
when i finally died, it started our
world living
as you enter you see an old man... no a skeleton?! yet...for
some reason it seems normal and unalarming
>ah, two more... it has been quite some time hasn't it?
it seems like he is talking to two people, yet it is just you and
him in the room
>so, one of you has a decision to make dont you...hmmm... YOU
he points directly at you in a swift motion
>YOU user, you shall decide, are you going in
he makes a hand motion where he closes his fist
>or out
he makes a hand motion where he opens both his hands wide
they would take your body , use your parts on the market of meat. Some said that they sell the parts for consuming, and doing grenades shakes. Most of the drugs on the Sigil market are made of body parts.
so this is the power of schizophrenia... seems fun
Dont know what that is, but I know someone that know a lot about those things. we have her with us now
IN BOX MESSAGE /user AW-9/ 1:00 AM
Oxy-chain, we are going to be on Sigil on Friday, same place as
always. I heard about your new FutaCyberCock, I can't wait to
get my feet rub against that shit, cum all over your pretty ass.
We popping pills and sniffing E/gas, Aliens be mad dog.We have
some new experimental pills, the kind that makes you change
color, some of us think you probably look cute in an Asian skin,
and yeah please shave. By the way, be careful. There was
some freak looking for you last week, he looked mental. He said
it was a client of yours and he needed to speak with you about
Take more drugs. Suck of my cock. DEMON!!
If you're not a camwhore, your boipussy must stank.
Darwin should've classified you people as viruses. Bump
Stay off the drugs bud
what about death grips?
have you seen a man that looks like pic related, and if so did he have any messages to send (he should answer to stefan)
Dont know the man , never saw it.
Sigil station is big , Dont remember the last time I was able to get out of this place.
Most form-less hang around the towers,anything and everything is there, there is a
subway system of a sort, but I stayed away, I hear talk of an
under city down there.
I love a good schitzo post.
do you feel anything familiar towards these sounds?
take this to /x/ you colossal faggot.
We did it boys, we found the 21st Century Schizo Man.
2:00 AM / DATA ENTRY 0309
Coffee with snake eyes and BONELESS pizza, a breakfast of
champions. The place was empty, I finished my food and paid.
While checking the waitress ass, I stumble through the door
No sun, no dreams, MIST-CHAN HUGS.
Smoking cigarettes on the empty streets, wishing for a
brighter future.
Screaming hooker jumps from the top of one of the buildings,
no one cares.
Angel gabriel and mitch the rat
I know what you insult me, I know your secrets
>g] [i / ic] [r9k / s4s / vip / qa] [cm / hm / lgbt / y] [3 / aco / adv / an / asp / bant / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / pol / qst / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x]
vore them all
>I know your secrets
like what, that i fap to futa porn? what secrets of mine do you know, schizo?
Something that the Angel Gabriel told me about you. I think you know what im talking about. We dont need to discuss here and I dont really care. Sometimes it hurts losing someone.
We're getting a reward for love.
Dopamine dance in our brains."Please don't stop the music.
"But this dance is for two people and It's not pleasant to stand
on the sidelines, to watching beloved dancing with another,
when beloved doesn't want to dance.
user, you're alone on the dance floor, and you are not going to
find me any time sooner
Ok then. I have one last question for you, schizo. Why are you making a thread here and relaying these cryptic messages to everyone? Is there something important we all need to know?
Once you have attained the portal you must wait for another
New Moon, and find the perfect location 76.184214 longitude,
95.916687 latitude.
just give you the key to this place, ungrateful cunt. youtube.com
Spiral staircase
Rhinoceros beetle
Desolation Row
Fig tart
Rhinoceros beetle
Via Dolorosa
Rhinoceros beetle
Singularity point
Rhinoceros beetle
Singularity point
Secret emperor
somebody had to read part 6 didnt he?
tfw a man can't even read a void thread without people mentioning JoJo
I hope anime onlies are gonna be put on suicide watch after Part 6 airs
Well, it's hard not to be an "ungrateful cunt" as you say, because you aren't speaking like a normal human. Although, those coordinates link to somewhere in Russia, so I guess English isn't your first language. Listen, none of us are stupid enough to go on a wild goosechase to find a "portal to the void", so i suggest you keep your religious prophesying and delusions to yourself, or, as I said earlier, take this to .
Jolyene vs Rykiel is one of my favorite fights.
No one said it was easy. Teleportation can be achieve. Juices of males and oranges, combine to open the portal. Mitch the rat get here on that door, he was being mean to me. Said I need it to kill myself
So what i'm getting is that a rat named Mitch told you to sacrifice 36 sinners and some oranges in order to achieve teleportation? Correct me if i'm wrong.
The majority of the people on Jow Forums are broke, so they probably can't afford to fly all the way to Russia. If you want help with this, you should really try asking >>/x/. Also, mind telling me what that youtube video is supposed to mean? I don't quite understand how it could be a key to anything, it just seems like a badly edited video of some people chanting in Halloween costumes.
the key is on the first post, not the video.
Im here because angel gabriel ask for my help, you dont need to be in russia. you can teleport your body. Get to the door of the void, but is not easy. Im here just letting you know the directions to take, not to carry people with me
Please send more I need to get off still in this quadrant of the day.
Do you have any reason why you chose Jow Forums, of all boards? And is there a reason why we should even want to undertake your task is the first place? What is the overall purpose of this? The big picture?
Are there catgirls in the void?
If so I'm sold
Catgirls are in regulation, most of hybrids are not allow. Catgirls function as a escorts and whores for the few that can afford them.
our last cyber home is gone
>Korea 3, doing grenades shakes, smoking smokes, ten years
>Marlboro's on the corner of the void.
>Sniffing crack, watching the hookers come and go
>we rolling some cyberhush, dark, almost blood color hit hard.
>Long legs, she started talking with the Neuro/driver
>we finished hush and started tripping, someone drops his
>she gets in the car, is getting dark, the void is not forgiving
>we see death hanging out in the bar
>Gets into an old Honda rebel
>We walked the walk, get a beer, someone is sucking dick and
we get to see everything
so i'm getting that the directions in the original post are the key to arriving there, but in that case, what was the purpose of the video? Why did you link it? You mention that i should carry a gun and that it isn't easy, what dangers should i be looking out for?
thats my secret , just dont go there , dont go there. take your cloths and let see what happens. im going to know if you are from other planet right away.
Merchants of meat, form-less souls body eaters. They would take you as easy pray if you are not armed. Once you become bone-less , you become part of the mist, theres no fun to that
>our last cyber home is gone
what/where was your last cyber home?
is gone now
23:00 PM / DATA ENTRY 0304
So I tried it and had to back out after still being conscious with
a horrific pressure in my head and even tried partial, but same
problem I just can't seem to reach it how much experimenting
do you need? Where does the knot go? Should I use a
doorknob or just strangulation? I used a scarf and placed the
knot above my neck and even put erasers to apply more
pressure, but just a headache didn't get anything close to
euphoric.What they tell you about it is painless is pure bullshit.
Anyway, last client left some of the most nasty smell and some
kind of disease on my skin, at first I was not sure what was
going on, but then I noticed some of red dots all over the
places that he cum, I better hit the showers. Gotta get some
of those uppers E2000 pills today, I can't stand the idea of
seeing another of those nasty fuckers without being numb out
of my mind.
It is true. The user is content with being an user. I our children became anons they would not miss ARCHIVE. Only the transition would tear a bit. We're experiencing such a transition, we in this generation, the last who remembered what was. We are already homeless, in regards to estate, linguistically and geographically. Not like refugees for their homes are likely closed, but living in the void. We become homeless because we sell dreams their irreplaceable innocence to the Machine Despot, and make of her a ravaged whore. Instead of smiling face we are met with a pox-scarred, deathly grin, spotted black with meddling flies.
Due to the comments on the video, it seems this video has been linked to from Jow Forums before. This isn't the first time you've made this thread, is it?
i see these data entries are in reverse-chronological order, and correspond somewhat with the format in the video. Am i supposed to piece these together with the video?
Its just some retard boipussy slut. Probably living in his mothers basement. Wired to his computer instead of getting hammered by me. Blumf.
>tranny threads,gay threads, and ask fembot threads Jow Forums doesnt bitch
>One of the most interesting threads that is actually unique and orginal
Hiromoot shutdown the board but unlike moot never open it up again.
I want to try this OP, can you stretch your ear lobes around a coke can?
I can stretch my soul
very nice OP but why not post it on /x/?
You have no soul,because you're useless.
Only sucking the cock of the dark prince will give you a purpose.
Be thankful as its the easy route.
useless useless useless useless
thats what Mitch the rat said to me , Angel Grabiel was nice and put the rat to sleep
Gabriel is a useless bitchboy.
Take my advice as a living ghost.
His cum tastes like rubber, heavy drugs, and Isobutyl Nitrate.
Grabiel Brought me some pills today, she grabbed my hand very hard.
The marks are still there hunting me.
I have no energy anymore
Angel Gabriel brought me some pills today
Sleep tight.
went on a walk this morning