about 90% of who post here have never seen 2001: A Space Odyssey and doesnt know HAL-9000
Fun fact
Fun fact: 2001 ASO is horribly fucking overrated
ive never seen 2001, but i know jts a fucking A.I. dumbass
I saw like 60 to 70 percent of the movie, couldnt continue because it was just complete overrated garbage, its basically a reddit tier movie.
Everyone in this thread is unbased
2001 was fucking great, i remember watching that shit with when it came out with my roommate, it was probably one of the few fun things about college
zoomies cannot physically watch 2001 as they all have ADHD
2001 is made for "deep" and "artistic" normies, nothing special about it, just another boring meaningless movie
>in college
>in 1967 when the movie came out
How old are you, bro?
okay autism, let me rephrase:
>zoomies cannot physically watch any movie pre 2000s as they all have ADHD
they even find 80s explotation action movies "too boring"
Hal is pop culture though. Everyone knows that.
>i watch boring movies to feel special
u remind me of those pretentious modern art fags
are u schizophrenic or just a adhd riddled autistic zoomie coombrain?
your'e having a imaginary conversation with yourself
Im an ascended boomer who came back as a zoomer
This but made it through even less. It's fucking trash.
Came to post this. Enjoyable on acid, though
Its almost as if certain people enjoy movies based on personal preference and not their generational differences. Im a zoomer, big fan of the film, and am definitely an autistic art freak. Plenty of my generation cant say the same, and i dont blame them. Why should i or any of you care.
>You dont share an opinion with me on Jow Forums, so you must be an ADHD zoomer fucktard
>Im a zoomer, big fan of the film, and am definitely an autistic art freak.
the only way you can "watch" a movie is playing a game and chatting on discord at the same time due to ur adhd autism let's not kid ourselves
I can watch a movie you dumb fuck. What strawman even is this? "always on that damn phone" fucking boomer.
>I can watch a movie you
post proof
>tfw zoomer with severe ADHD
>I legitimately enjoy the original Blade Runner
Explain this to me.
What do you want me to do? summarize some fucking crime noir film that you find suitable? i cant film myself for an hour because Jow Forums has file maximums. Im not uploading to any external server either. Look man i'm going to school to study film, i don't need to prove shit to some elitist boomer cuck.
well u seem to be earnest
>Look man i'm going to school to study film, i don't need to prove shit
I never said you don't screen movies, I said i find it hard to believe you can keep focus for more than a few minutes, especially on a older "boring" movie.
All the zoomies I've come across have to either fidget, text, play videogames, self-harm or take frequent breaks to keep focus
You are lucky