>Be me
>Born in Brazil
Could it get any worse bros?
>Be me
>Born in Brazil
Could it get any worse bros?
are you gay? or does the local drug gang threaten to cut your head off?
You have sunshine, nice beaches, exotic fruits, women with huge asses, reggaeton and palm trees. Stop complaining and try growing up in a cold poor Eastern European shithole.
I'm a hedonistic bisexual and live in a mostly crime free area.
>Could it get any worse bros?
being born in africa
That's about all we have tho. It's a cool place to vacation in, but not all that different if you live here long term.
You could be a namefag or an avatarfag
Africa is just larger Brazil with less whites and more ebola
>You have sunshine, nice beaches, exotic fruits, women with huge asses
that's only in some coastal regions, 95% of brazil is a dump
better yet he could be that macaco namefag that orbits the lithuanian tranny spammer
>Be me
>Born in Brazil
>one of the most degenerated country in the world
>22 years old and kissless virgin
Macaco pare de reclamar e arranje um emprego, merdapostar no xan nao vai te tirar da merda.
arranjar um emprego tambem nao vai
meu retardo social me impede de arranjar um emprego :(
Joao, how common are trannies, shit fetishists and dog fuckers in your country?
Yes. You could be Indian
Trannies are a dime a dozen. Given a group of about 10 prostitutes, about 8 of them are trannies. Scat is quite rare and bestiality is mostly restricted to farmers and the ocassional weirdo.
our president used to fuck chickens, does that count?
Times are rough now my fellow countryman, but do not fall into dispair.
We are building the economical foundations upon which a new Brazil will be built.
Remember my words, 10 years from now we will be the 4th largest GDP.
Unless you're this guy i find swallowing your bullshit very hard
No huricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanos.
No war for the past 150 years
Largest niobium and thorium reserves in the planet.
Thousands of miles of coast line.
Brazil is the ultimate proof that the most destructive force in the planet is a bunch of commies.
Brazil has always been a shitty place, even before the commies
>the most destructive force in the planet is a bunch of commies.
or, 60% of the population being pardo or mestizo or negro
give us your thoughts on amazonia and your current president
Just get one of those cute traps like that one SA bro couple years ago
for each Felipe we have thousands of franksteins trannies
Amazonia is alright, Bolsonaro is great. I voted for him out of a desire to see pure chaos and bullshit and i'm getting my vote's worth.
same but older than you
And 19 and i'm also a kissless virgin.
does any huebro know a good way of finding a trap/trans gf? or regular gf but I guess those will be way harder
is tinder any good? I heard its mostly for hookups
it's not really hard to get a brazilian gf as a white american dipshit
just take a vacation there
A guy I used to know had property there and would constantly bring over incredibly hot thots
Your choices are:
>Areas know for prostitution
>LGBT neighborhoods in big cities
>Tinder, again in big cities.Results might intersect with prostitutes
sorry, I'm actually brazilian, should've cleared that
I'm just very new to social stuff because I never leave my haven for anything other than the necessary
I think my city is medium sized, not as big as any capital. I really hate the ones that tag themselves as LGBT, we wouldn't work at all
I guess tinder is my best option, I remember a friend being pissed about only getting matches with trannies
Over 60% of brazilian teritorry has its forrests preserved.
August is wildfire season, this year deforestation in th amazon has been not great, but not terrible.Honestly the preserved forest is so big that it would take 10 years of commitment in deforestation to make significant damage. Cattle and comodity farmers are not dumb, they know that the forest generates the rain they need, so they do their part preserving.
The president is a roughneck kinda ignorant, but honest and hardworking. He surrounded himself with smarter people. Honestly, this has potential to be the best president since the new rebublic of 88.
Stop falling for vacation propaganda.
>sorry, I'm actually brazilian
Big F
I'm a macaco too and as far as my own results go, most of the girls that show up for me on tinder are either fat/ugly or trannies. Good luck,man.
Everyone that has ever ruled Brazil has been kind of a piece of shit, so i just hope that by end Bolsonaro has laid the foundations for the country to start improving
Not a roughneck (oild driller) sorr, I meant he is a simple man, speaks his mind not worring about offending, curses on live tv and such.