>25+ NEET thread
How you holding up bros?
25+ NEET thread
>tfw i realize im the only one on r9k and everyone else got a job a long time ago
I'm 26. Feels like i'm still 18. Dropped school. Tried to re-do but failed and lost motivation. Mother knew some people and got me a job. It was heavy work, lots of lifting. Worked there for 4 months and lost 30lbs. Shit pay. Felt like drinking myself to death every day. Couldn't bear it and quit. Now i'm neet once again. Feel empty inside.
I have a B.A. but I'm a NEET more often than not.
Not much. Try to recover from hangover. Don't got much to eat again. It's a lovely day though.
Will soon join some club for mentally ill folk.
I heard you can attend pool. I think it will be nice. I'll be able to relax my bod and watch wagies slave away while sipping on fruit juice.
Decided to try test instead of being a phaggot who took the pink pill. I feel happy for the first time in forever and have been making gains while barely lifting. Life is a joke when you have high test.
I wish I was a NEET. College and waging is much worse.
>he doesnt know
Enjoy going bald faggot.
Everyone goes bald user, even women.
It's better to be bald and fit than bald and decrepit.
gradually spending less time on here by finding more chores to do and playing WoW
have lost 3.3 lbs since only a day or two ago but i have a long way to go before i can get rid of this hideous double chin
I live in the woods.
Park Ranger is a stupid nigger asshole.
29 here, wishing it was October
24 here but turning 25 very soon. It feels like birthdays are no longer a cause for celebration, because with each passing year I am more and more of a complete failure compared to others my age.
25, was working until a week ago but I live at home so a pretty big loser. Wish I were dead
Be happy with you have because it can always be worse
My birthday is next month can I stay here? I'm 24
I just turned 25 days ago.
Can I join this club now?
yeah I suppose you can
25, my anxiety has gone back up and the audio hallucinations are coming back again. Other than that I'm somewhat meh.
>live with parents
>worthless B.A. from mediocre state school, but I did graduate with honors!
>terrible resume - nothing but minimum wage jobs and a little bit of volunteering
>currently unemployed because I couldn't stand my last job in retail
29 here too. Why do you wish for october?
Just autumn and stuff. August and September doesn't suit me. I feel food cheer coming my way in October
>I feel food cheer coming my way in October
*good, not food, but good food would be nice too
Waiting on my next disability payment so I can buy some video games. Also had to help my mom with errands a lot lately which is difficult because on top of my actual disabilities, my back has been in more pain than normal lately. Practically walking doubled-over.
>tfw will probably need a wheelchair by 40 at this rate
How do you spend all your disability each month to the point you need to wait?
im neet too but I read this a lot
>How you holding up bros?
Not well.
Buy a fucking VPN and pirate games, jfk. Use saved money for real necessary shit.
I don't spend it all, I limit how much I can spend on stuff I don't need every month and keep a lot of it saved up in case. Plus I put in for the bills.
>implying I'm not buying them because I like to collect hard copies
Games are all I buy for fun anyway, usually like one a month. There's just a bunch coming in the next month or two that I want.
I'm 26. Feels like i'm still 18.
Fuck... I know the feeling user I really do. Its like life stopped at 18 and I never moved on.