I literally feel more like Joker every fucking day. Fuck this life. I'm an outcast in life and I will be in death...

I literally feel more like Joker every fucking day. Fuck this life. I'm an outcast in life and I will be in death, I'm tired of these fucking roasties attempting to hold so much control.

Fuck women and fuck society, can't wait for this shit to end so that I can go rape and murder every fucking woman I see.

Attached: MV5BMGQ1ZGZmNTAtM2MyYi00NmZhLTkwYmYtNTNlZDRhMzU2ZTgwXkEyXkFqcGdeQW1yb3NzZXI@._V1_UX477_CR0,0,477,268 (477x268, 11K)

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Yes OP we live in a society
All memes aside though society will collapse soon I'm sure of it

Attached: Honk Honk Dumbass.gif (511x512, 139K)

You won't do shit faggot.
>End times finally arrive
>OP goes outside to rape and murder women
>Small tribe of african americans with warrior muscles have already collected all the women
>they see OP
>give him a wedgie

lmao u let women affect ur life andd mood

>can't wait for this shit to end
it will just get worse as time goes on. there's no way to stop the degeneracy without a global war.
stop wasting your life on crying and go have fun.

lmao what a loser honestly. who gives a fuck I'm just waiting until I die

Thank you all.... You have all validated my worldview. I fucking hate this pathetic world!!!

> OP thinks the Joker is the way that he is because OP is a sexually-frustrated manchild

You can consider yourself placed on the perish list...


I'm the joker, baby!

Fr though (moden) Joker is a parable for alienation and nihilistic and absurdist coping. You're not supposed to emulate him you're supposed to relate and learn. That is what Heath and Joaquin want for you, user

Ok. I don't come to this board expecting intelligent conversations, but then I find cringe posts like this that look like they were made by a 14 yo edgelord, and I seriously doubt Jow Forums can be saved

i just watched the trailer. definitely gotta go see that movie

This film is just going to be an absolute rallying cry for incels, huh?

i was with you until the rape and murder part.

>OMG The Joker is LITERALLY me

hey at least he's not a discord kid

>cant wait for this...
Yes, the eternal wait.
Waiting on the second coming of christ
Waiting on Nibiru
Waiting on ww3
Waiting on the collapse
Waiting... waiting... waiting.

cringe af man

this is so cringe man

Didn't you hear what he said
>i used to think my life was a tragedy but now i realize it's a comedy
Don't take it so seriously, be like water; fluid to all the adversities of life.
God bless user

bugs bunny once said "dont take life too seriously. you'll never make it out alive"

I'm not saying be careless in life. but don't be surprised when things don't go as expected.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket sort of deal.