Why don't you simply get Jow Forums?
It would solve all your problems.
Why don't you simply get Jow Forums?
It would solve all your problems.
It fixes nothing.
>dudes respect you
>your enemies fear you
>girls are attracted to you
>people assume you are a good person, because discpline=good
>girls eye-fuck you in fucking public
I'm currently skinnyfat and have no access to a gym. Could I still get fit doing body weight exercises and using dumb bells?
it solved most of them, but i'm still an autistic retard, girls just looked at me more
if anything getting Jow Forums just gave me more cringe memories because i always embarrassed myself in front of girls who would have never spoken to me otherwise
advice: don't get Jow Forums if you don't like attention, you can lift for functional strength without looking like a gaywad
No. If you really want to be fit a gym is unavoidable.
Yeah, you could get reasonably fit that way. Its not as good as weightlifting.
getting fit is for people with inferiority complexes, I hate people because they're inferior, not the other way around.
You probably won't get bodybuilder fit that way, but you can get reasonably fit.
You can't just say "I'm superior" and that's that. That's just lazy and self-deceptive. You need to PROVE that you are superior.
I already know that I'm superior. I only go to the gym to manifest this superiority. An unmanifested superiority is no superiority at all.
I have other hobbies, interests, ritualistic dedications that make me superior to others. I dont need to lift.
If you were fat cunt for most of your life it won't fix shit. You still getting loose skin.
because i'm too fucking lazy and autistic
only time i can go to the gym is when it's extremely crowded and i hate being in crowded places/public in general
bonus points for the fact you can beat up trannies
neither does tripfagging.
>dudes respect you
>Your enemies fear you
>having enemies
Also I'm 5'7 so kek
>girls are attracted to you
I prefer attracting them with my personality and eccentricity
>people assume you are a good person, because discpline=good
I am a good person but yes.
>girls eye-fuck you in fucking public
They still do it. Then they realize my height.
>>dudes are attracted to you
>>your enemies mock you
>>girls just want results, not work, so when they realize that you actually spend money and time to look like that, they pity you
>>people assume you are dumb as fuck because roids=meathead
>>gays eye-fuck you in fucking public
I have no idea how. Working out can only take you so far and I have no idea how dieting works.
Ignorance is a choice ravioli bellow orignianal
damn that sucks man. i knew how to diet and lift as soon as i was born. you either have the knowledge at conception or you dont, thats it, its unlearnable afterwards unfortunately
test go fuck yourself chink moot
it doesn't solve all, but i can't argue that feeling more secure every week is surelly helping my depression
Women aren't attracted to muscles.
They are attracted to FACE.
This is scientifically proven.
Lift is cope
women are not attracted to fit bodies you shithead gymrats. . .
they are attracted to men with specific facial features, lifting is not going to fix that.
Dyel cope
intermittent fasting/drinking water all day + basic strength training exercises will melt off the fat so fast your head will spin once you see all your clothes are too big after a month or two.
i want to believe this
but dont.
im a literally fag. wouldnt gay find me attractive if i was simply Jow Forums ?
I am extremely fit and it didn't solve for shit, and why would it? It's just muscle, dedication, some basic knowledge of biology and physics.
I mean, fitness is an important element in a man't life but don't overstate it too much. Developing a personality and doing interesting things and being successful is far more important and should be placed on a higher pedistal than exercise. BUT, exercise should not be neglected, every goddamn man has time for at least 30 minutes a day.
So all in all, I agree that fitness is something that every man should concern himself with, but keep it in moderation and not let it go too far. Obsessing with fitness simply leads to misery, massive ego problems, BDD, and if one lives in isolation (like Jow Forums) then gayness may become a problem
>it's a stay hydrated meme again
Fuck off.
>lose weight
Cal In< Cal out
>gain weight
Cal In > Cal out
Cal In = Cal out
Getting Jow Forums is really hard if you don't go out or to gyms. I'm really not the person to drive a bike or go for a run and going to a gym is always weird. Especially in the locker rooms where you see a bunch of freed tits.
So tell me, anons, how do I get fit at home?
I'm a skeleton and I can't get myself to gain weight. If I can't gain weight I can't muscle, so it's pointless.
It doesn't help that I'm rarely hungry, and most foods I used to like disgusts me now.
cuz thats not fucking natty and Im not a junkie
Just do workouts for stamina, JFC.
Stupid fuck you lift to feel better with yourself why gives a shit about wamen
> just grow some useless meat on your body dude
see how everything you want in life depends on people somehow. get a fucking life, do it for yourself or you will become a big asshole if people don't care/ react as you want. or don't and come here and cry like an incel that you are
Then making gains is easier for you and getting swole increases your presence in a room. If you are a manlet and also skinny, you are literally invisible.
t. 5ft8 swole manlet.
since i'm balding i have no fucking options except Jow Forums
>I prefer attracting them with my personality and eccentricity
good luck with that one, incel
would still be an improvement for you
Buy some basic used/cheap equipment like a bench and barbell + some adjustable dumbells
Unless you're an ivy league graduate or something you sound mentally ill, which actually makes you inferior lol
Same situation, only have soccer player physique though. Might consider purchasing when I reach 70 push-ups, can only do 56 so far. Good luck user.
Amen to that, bro. Improve yourself for YOURSELF not for anyone else.
Why? I like myself just fine.
Amazing user, but I fail to see how that relates. You're satisfied with yourself and so don't see the need for self-improvement unlike my point that one shouldn't pursue such goals for other people as that would make one unhappy or a total/even more of a jackass.
>>dudes respect you
True. This also helps with making frens
>>your enemies fear you
Have avoided many fights and gotten away with stupid shit after people size me up lol, also true
>>girls are attracted to you
Not always true. Some like muscles and some don't, but then again I met my gf because she was mirin at work
>>people assume you are a good person, because discpline=good
Based and virtuepilled, can't know for sure what others are thinking, but I definitely think this way. Being Jow Forums is a good way to outwardly express self-control
>>girls eye-fuck you in fucking public
Again, not always the case, but noticeable when it happens
reminder that its the same gymcel that posts this thread every day
Afraid of going on fit because i feel like people would spam me with "read the sticky" when I did. Anyways, can Jow Forums help me stop being a skelefag? I get made fun of for it.
Go to planet fitness or some shit, its garbage but dirt cheap
If that's not an option do bodyweight exercises until you can afford some shitty used equipment or a gym membership
im trying at the moment, down 70lbs so far. only 100 more to go
It will. Exercise is more effective than antidepressants at curing depression. It makes you less anxious, makes you learn faster, makes you have more discipline, makes you have a healthy frame. And you just have to start with 10 mins a day. Then you raise the bar gradually up to 1-2 hours a day.
and yet youre still here. seems like youre just deluding yourself sweetie
ITT: dyel cope
>been lifting for a solid 3 years
>After fucking up the first year or so, I'm starting to make some progress
>Gained about 8-10lbs of lean muscle mass
>Not doing it for women, just doing it to live
It feels great to be fit. But it's started to unearth a lot of chronic issues I didn't notice I had prior. I don't regret it, but if you are lifting to get laid, don't even bother. It hasn't helped me socially in the slightest apart from my confidence. Still have zero friends.
What a load of crap. I still can't get laid at 25 despite looking like that
I will still be a balding manlet.
It fixes nothing.
It's OVER for me
There are plenty of normal, well adjusted people here user
Its 2019, not 2015
It's cool my face is enough lol
Okay bossman
Skinnyfat is 100% caused by your hormonal profile, the SHIT you put into your body, and posture
Normal men just don't look like that
- Rack (preferably that can double for squats and bench)
- Bench
- Olympic bar
- Dumbbells that can fit olympic weights
- ~100kg (4 5kgs, 2 10kgs, 2 20kgs, will need some
Hm, what are my problems, user; tell me, you seem to know.