Money can't buy happiness bro!

>money can't buy happiness bro!

who the fuck started this bullshit expression? Is there a bigger cope than this?

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Other urls found in this thread:$75,000-can-buy-happiness.html

There's been a study that says that money can buy happiness up to a certain point. Then it becomes meaningless.

Poor people started it to feel better about being poor, money absolutely can buy happiness.

At what point? If I could afford luxury cars, a huge house and go anywhere I want in the world, to luxury resorts etc I'd be a lot happier.

There's also the fact that being financially secure brings peace of mind

Money can buy comfort but not happiness.

I don't think those things would make you happy. Financial security probably would but luxury cars, a big house and traveling won't. That's what they mean when they say money doesn't buy happiness. It can buy you things that satisfy you in the moment but it won't actually make you content with life.

Funny, I were actually asking myself the same question only yesterday when my therapist had mentioned that she had met some rich bitch were unhappy while some poor one was happy

I came to the conclusion that I'd be happy with lots of money, not that I have financial struggles but I'd never have to save for a rainy day ever and what I want I buy

I do believe you need the mindset that you'll never have a gf/wife though as theoretically you could buy that but it'd be a gold digger/order bride and personally I would not be able to deal with that but there would be plenty of other things I could buy to keep me happy for a lifetime and things I could own and things I could experience only with lots of money

Tldr; money makes you happy and only if you're looking for love would you still be miserable with lots of money

money can't purchase true love

you have to be underaged to not understand this holy shit

luxury car vs having to ride a bike or use public transport
a big house vs living in a tiny ass apartment or even being homeless
being able to afford to go on holiday vs having to wageslave constantly

cope harder nigger

look around you you stupid fucking nigger, why do you think people go to work every day? for fun? no they do it for money

money is all that matters, maybe when you move away from mommy you'll understand

It's kind of like that Dave Chappelle joke in his new special, Anthony Bourdain killed himself in a suite of a luxury hotel while filming his tv series where he went from country to country eating good food with chill people.

Meanwhile niggas go to work at Burger King everyday and don't even think about suicide. I think being financially secure would make anyone less stressed, but happy?

why don't you go empty your bank account and throw the money in the street and tell me how happy you feel

It's true, you materialistic retard.

They said in the USA it's about $75,000 per year. If you make say $24,000 per year you get happier till you make 75k then after that people don't get any happier. 75k is enough to have a nice place to live and your bills paid and have some luxury items, they are saying that after you don't have to worry about your bills anymore and are saving for retirement and stuff that more luxury items (nicer car, house etc) don't make you more happy statistically

>At what point?
At the point where you're richer than 99.9% of the world simply because you have an average American wage.

There is a big difference between a luxury car and a shitty bike. Once you have your transportation that you realistically need though lurxry does not make you happy. Driving a new 100k Mercedes won't make you happier than having a decent 3 year old honda accord.

None of these except the last one will make you happy. They'd make life easier or more convenient but they won't make you happy. Are you confusing comfort or the momentary emotion of joy with happiness? Not trying to be condescending but I doubt most robots really know what it means to be happy.

Americans always go to poor developing and undeveloped countries and come back saying shit like "they're so happy with so little, they really know what life is about". The idea that money will make you happy is uniquely American. We're the richest country in the history of humanity but nowhere near the happiest.

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If you've done everything you can with that money, that's basically it. You've gotten happiness from the money up to a certain point

>Driving a new 100k Mercedes won't make you happier than having a decent 3 year old honda accord.
what the fuck

If you think a nice car will make you happy, you've never experienced actual happiness. It'll make you "happy" for a month. Then it'll just become your car.

Clearly you only use cars for transportation and therefore you could never enjoy a car for more then that and wouldn't understand the maintenance costs to drive an actual fun car

Why do you think they need money? It's not because it makes them happy, they do it because they will die if they don't.

Money hasn't existed nearly long enough for our brains to have evolved to take it into consideration when administering happy chems. You only need money in the sense than you need money to buy food and have housing but once you have a reasonably comfortable lifestyle see:
Once you are past that there is no real benefit from money as is. Happiness is caused by the things you needed to do to survive, things like relationships, working and eating are the ones you want to look into to be happy. The classic Maslow's Hierarchy of needs pretty much matches that. Money is only necessary for the bottom 2 steps.

If i was rich i would never drive again. I would just have a personal driver

I literally never understood the appeal of driving. it sucks

It's a saying that means no matter how many worldly pleasure you obtain, true happiness lies in more abstract things.
You notice it once you bought all the crap you wanted but find out a gf that genuinely loves you, a faithful family, a good friend etc can't be bought

>when my therapist had mentioned that she had met some rich bitch were unhappy while some poor one was happy
Why doesn't your therapist give you money when you come to them instead of the other way around then? Suggest it on the next session and see if it works.

I landed a job that pays mostly well. I bought nice clothes,gayming pc,nice things,expensive watch and phone. Even nice fast exotic sports car. Live with parents but have enough to give them money to pay bills and such.

Even got a gf. We go on holiday every half a year or more.

And guess what? Still no friends to laugh with. Still noone to impress. Still depressed still unhappy.

I know it's mostly about attitude and mindset but holy shit. Money just isn't it. Yes it's easy but it won't make ya happy.

>implying you want any of that
You can make friends online anyway and for a wife and family no amount of money is gonna help your mutant genes, true but once you can cope with being alone forever, you can actually buy happiness as a wife and friends would only hold you back anyway from enjoying that rich lifestyle

Commuting* sucks, not all driving is commuting

i have no idea op
if i won the lottery tonight i would definitely be happier
>dont have to spend 10 hours a day at a job i hate
>can move out to a quiet place i like where nobody will bother me
>will be able to have hair transplant/dental work/lasek to make me more attractive, which would make me more confident and secure
>most importantly, i now have more time, i can fully dedicate to my hobbies and interests, i can spend more time learning to play guitar, getting fit and healthy, writing, learning languages etc
>can travel to see things i want to see, that i can only read about and look at pictures of

money objectively can buy happiness. The meme about muhh sad rich person is because they're desperately trying to fit into a society that doesnt want them

>>Driving a new 100k Mercedes won't make you happier than having a decent 3 year old honda accord.
>what the fuck
as somebody whose family had gone through major boom and bust cycles I can assure you that a 100k car is not functionally better than a honda and will not make you "happy" it's nice and fun to have.

Just think about some item you have such as a ball point pen. There are luxury ball point pens that cost $1000, if I gave you one once the novelty had run out in a day or to- would you actually be happier overall than you are right now just because of that luxury item which is not functionally better than a $2.99 pen from walmart?

I have literally never enjoyed driving anywhere ever. I have been driving for a decade

See if this helps
>a one year+ luxury cruise around the globe with plenty of stops to go ashore and explore and not holding back a penny as your bank account is infinite
If you can't, you can't really claim being rich, just less poor

Can't money buy dogs? And aren't dogs constantly making people happy? Therefore money does equal happiness via dogs.

Money can't buy happiness, but being broke can totally make you miserable. Also, money can't save the world, but being broke sure as hell makes it unfeasible.

Alright, I'll take your stuff then, got an email to discuss this further?

That's not the money that's making you happy though, that's the lack of a job. Imagine you didn't have a job but you got these checks direct deposited into your bank account that were the exact same as they money you make now. Would you be happy?

>you can buy happiness just not THAT happiness but who needs that anyway

Well less poor is better than completely poor amirite

Then cars isn't for you, the original user posted what he'd enjoy, you'd enjoy something else
Drifting a high hp car is fun but costs a fortune with burned tires and the stress of parts that needs constant replacement
Having no worries for that and a pit crew that can fix all problems so you can focus on the fun part is buying happiness for some

If you only see a car a point A to point B transportation device then an expensive car isn't what would get you happy and something else could be what money could buy for you to make you happy

Not having money is a sure fire way to have a shitty life, but having it doesn't guaranty it which is what people are going for

Will trade for literall succubus

I've gone through all my life without both, why would I suddenly need that when rich?

I will sum it up for all of you. Money can buy happiness if you already have a lot of it. If you are not that lucky, chasing money will not make you happy and you are better off without it.

well at that point you are talking about the car as a hobby. At any rate it has been proven that money can make you happy, basically to the point your needs are nicely taken care of, you have a plan for retirement and you have a few thousand dollars a year in to piss away. Once you have all that a sports car hobby will literally not make you more happy with your life vs. some other kind of hobby that cost a little less. The thing that makes you happy is having all your shit handled and having the time to enjoy a hobby without worry

I never said that you need them. It's just a fact that you can't buy it.
But it's more likely that once you get bored of all the crap you'll eventually miss the abstract things in life even more than you did in your teens.

what a retarded statement
i wont have the money without a job, so i'm shackled to it. money would free me from those shackles and make me happy
and no if i had the same amount of money but didn't have to work, i'd be happier, but not happy.

it's half true tho
money can't make you happy but can make you forget that you're a miserable sad person
it's like having an infinite supply of dopamine

Yes thats it this is the truth if you say otherwise you are retarded to the point you couldnt even think about things to do/buy/go see travelling to make you happy with that money

To the people saying money doesnt buy happyness give all your money away then. You won't do it? Why? Wouldnt it make you as if not more happy than you are now? Kill yourselves. Money can buy time and with time you can do whatever makes you happy. That's the argument

What else would you use heaps of money for? Just material things alone won't cut it, it needs to be for a hobby which some are quite expensive and if you have multiple have to pick and choose where as lots of money could fuel all of them and still have money left to pay for the essentials
As it stands I have to pick and choose hobby where as an infinite amount of money would mean I could go bonkers on everything and live a life only a rich faggot could right now

There are a lot of very rich people who don't have expensive hobbies like that.

But it's been shown that once people get above about 75k a year they don't report being happier$75,000-can-buy-happiness.html

The thing is that humans aren't naturally more happy when they can just do anything. Collecting rocks is free and can be just as fulfilling as collecting yachts. It doesn't really matter what your hobby is so long as you have one, and you can always have one for free.

money buys comfort. Comfort isn't happiness but comfort makes it easier to be happy.

Usually retards who don't know how to spend their money or normalfags who project their ideas of what makes them "happy" will parrot this phrase. I would be fucking elated if I was a billionaire or something, it would instantly solve every single one of my problems.

money cannot buy happiness, but it's a damn good down payment.

Im a 20 year old incel with a 7 figure trust fund, and no, money doesnt buy happiness

It'll solve your financial problems but your emotional and mental problems will still be there. And now they'll be front and center because you can no longer focus on being broke.

Retard, the therapist didn't mean that money makes you unhappy, but that you can be unhappy even with money if you don't fix the things inside you that are broken.

I'm sure you are bored with life. Feel you can't go anywhere. I'm projecting... That's the reason I want money at least.
But I get bored very quickly. Even if I had big bucks I'm sure I'd still get bored after I have done whatever

The same people who parrot religion onto poorer masses to keep them subjugated.

money may not buy happinness
but being poor you can't buy ANYTHING AT ALL

I dunno man. I have financial security and I still ain't really happy. My house is way too big and I just end up saving 75% of my paycheck instead of spending it. If I made more that percentage to savings would just increase.

>who the fuck started this bullshit expression?

Its an old saying but its really catching fire these days because most people have shit attention spans

Money cant buy happiness because people usually lose interest in the material things they have bought. I dont have ADD, so if I got a luxury car and a nice house I would spend all my time customizing these things and personalizing my materials

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I agree. Once you have a stable life, it suddenly shifts to finding purpose and fulfillment. Money can't get you that, but thinking and having a plan does.

It does, but the problem then becomes stagnation rather than lack of money

There was something emotionally missing from his life. I'm lower-class, but I feel for the guy.

I'll take 5%, thanks in advance.

I second this. It's usually a richfag saying this stuff, as a passive effort to gloat about it.

Nah I got to save for retirement or wait for when my insurance to kick in from getting shot at work.

Having so much money I could travel all over the world, party all the time, have sex with tens of thousands of women and afford as many drugs as anyone could ever rationally need and most importantly NEVER need to waste another 8 hours of my precious finite existence on this planet doing stupid soul-crushing office tasks ever again would make me the happiest I could possibly be.

So people talking about how money won't make you happy are fucking retarded. The thing making me miserable the most is the fact that I need to go to work all the time and waste 80% of my waking existence at work. With enough money, I wouldn't and my happiness would go through the roof.

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I hear you. They forget that us guys on the bottom contributed to building their wealth. If we go down, they wouldn't care. And that's disgraceful

I'll use my work as an example. Most people that do their first ride along with me for training are wide eyed and scared as fuck and literally have adrenaline shakes from how exciting it is. After a few months that's gone. Hell I've had an electrical explode in my face and since I've had a few dozen do it it's literally a nothingburger and I go back to doing whatever I was doing. Same with what you believe. I know a lad who does that he has literally been to every country in the world and sexpats around the world and this dude still wants to blow his brains out and he drinks like a siv to try to fill that hole he had when he first started traveling around.

I think it's supposed to reference everything associated with how that money was acquired.

I have a friend who became a manager at the cafe I work at and now makes a solid 40K per year with a roommate. He's fairly happy, because he likes the people he works with and even though it's tiring work it's still not as bad as life used to be for him.

I have another friend from uni who decided to go into engineering because it's a very lucrative field. He busted his balls every day in university and developed depression from his shitty lifestyle and schedule. Went to engineering school and is now making like $65K or some shit and living by himself. He can buy all the weeb shit he wants, but he works like 60 hour weeks because he's bottom rung and his firm is working on some big ass project or something. I barely get to hear from him anymore.

Same as with my Comp Sci friend. Makes $90K per year, but works like 70 hours per week. Yeah, he gets to come home to a $3,000 computer he built himself and a weebs paradise apartment, but how often does he really get to just sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labor? Never. He comes home and just dies. I haven't played video games with him since fucking freshman year.

I kinda want to collect specific cars I like, upgrade them and have a team that keeps them fresh so whatever I feel for in the spur of the moment, it'll be ready, also skydiving looks comfy, collect enough jumps to be able to do it yourself and have your own plane and crew that sees over that so I can do that whenever, a yacht or two so I can go anywhere sea-wise and to top it all off a mansion I can collect things in, be it limited edition stuff and what not
A personal chef that can cook 5star meals everyday and also travel the world to try cuisines from around the world

Probably more but that was the top of my head

I mean at some point before I die 75k would be enough but I also want to be able to enjoy it before I end up like a drooling old man in a wheelchair

if i go spend $1000s on anime figures, pc parts, video games, i will be happy because i enjoy those things, but they will only bring temporary happiness, unlike if i had friends and a family.
anyway thats just my 2sense, im sure for some people money would buy them happiness forever.

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>top 10 happiest countries are all in latin american
im chilean and i can say for sure that this is fake news

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>latin american

Nah thats a country wetback

>emotional and mental problems will still be there.
See my point about "normalfags who project". Do you just assume everyone is some mental and emotional wreck by default? I'm not so weak-minded and unstable. Some people are happy with their way of life (like me) and just wish to not have to work, have a better PC and a more high-end residence.