If a girl like this showed interest in you, would you ever date/fuck her? If your answer is no, why not?
Be honest r9k
you can be a lonely desperate robot while at the same time wanting to avoid getting STIs
I would fuck her because I'm desperate for love, attention and physical contact. But I definitely would not date her long-term, because she looks crazy.
that's what condoms are for, you silly goof
>showed interest
her interest is the next party
No. I don't want romantic relationships with 3d.
Condoms don't prevent all stds, just pregnancy.
Orange hair, nose piercing, tattoos, nope
Wouldn't touch.
Yeah probably. She has an aesthetic look which means she has a brand and personality. With this she probably has interesting ambitions that will give her enough subservience to be a qt gf but also independant enough that she isn't a drone. This girl would put effort into trying to be a quirky manic pixey girl and play vidya while at the same time taking time off to finish her bullshit philosophy degree.
Dreads are fucking disgusting. It's somewhat understandable for black people to do it because of their limited options for their hair, but this bitch is just straight up choosing to be nasty.
yes i would, why not?
Because she fucks niggers, uses cocaine and has STDs.
i'm sure if she needed someone to escort her at a party she could have picked a million others more suitable than you
It be hard. I want to give her a fair shake but I find nothing about those cosmetic choices attractive
>the fifth gender
I would date her long term no problems probably she likes kinky stuff
I hate dyed hair, piercings and tattoos. But I'd still date / fuck her because she's SO DAMN CUTE that it outweighs her horrible choices.
I'd always be sad about how much has been lost here - and how gorgeous she would be if she didn't do all this stupid shit to herself. And I'd probably tell her that every day, which would lead to us breaking up in short order, I guess.
you sound like you know everything about her personal life but something tells me that's not the case.
hello polfag
"come sit next to me user, i'm really diggin your outfit"
wat do
>She has an aesthetic look
Fuck her definitely
Date her probably not
News flash faggot 90% of women "dye" lighten or highlight their hair just most of the time it isn't unnatural tones, ou say you hatedyed hair but I bet you're too autistic to notice the girls you like for being "normal" have fucked with their hair too.
no because 3D women are not important.
Would fuck until my dick dropped off, dunno about a long term relationship though
found the animefags
why yes, I do enjoy anime how did you know?
for realsies though. wouldn't you rather fuck a living breathing girl's pussy over a 2d cartoonish representation of what japanophiles think a female should look like?
I'd rather marry an setient android.
but, we have a long way to go so I'll remain single until then.
All piercing.
Excesive amount of tattoos.
Slipers outdoors yikes.
Other than looks that can be changed
I don't think she is someone that i wll have sex or date because stranger danger thing
so you hate every women except fictional women, got it
Hate? No.
But I still find fucking them disgusting.
I would pump and dump her. Give her my virginity and then ghost. She looks like a stereotypical BPD whore with a good body. Should be a fine fuck, just gotta remain dominant over her.
After that, look for a normal qt.
I don't hate 3D women
just don't have interest in a relationship and have no patience for their bullshit
all the things you listed are superficial, seems to me your capacity for love or showing emotions is skin-deep. maybe you should work on that aspect of your personality user
I would not fuck someone I do not love and I would not date an e girl.
the nose ring is weird, the tattoos don't fit well together and none of them look great individually or meaningful in any way.
I don't mind the way she dresses or the died hair color. dreads are weird dyed bright orange like the rest of her hair.
so no I probably wouldn't do anything with her if she just "showed interest". but I'd say that about any girl. if she pursued me an extreme amount I might give in.
you think a real girl would ever "pursued you" an extreme amount in real life? are you sure you're not stretching or setting the bar too high user? maybe that's the reason some of you never get laid
no girl would do that.
the bar is set too high. it cannot be lowered.
I don't care about getting laid. my standards hit this point as I lost all interest. I don't see my own worth. I don't understand relationships. a women would have to make it very clear that she wants me in a relationship with her for me to start letting her teach me what love even is. Even then I probably wouldn't be interested in her.
Hello fellow Jow Forumsfag
Shes not really my type. Id also start wondering why shes interested in me when im plain and boring guy.
you can be a 2dbro without being an animefag
If a girl showed interest in me I would be suspicious. I wouldn't believe her and would want to be away from her.
you're not wrong
but most of the 2dbros are animefags
but hey, nothing wrong in watching anime
I'd fuck and sniff and lick every inch of her body/
that chick craves attention. her hair, tattoos, dress, it all screams "look at me!"
if you made her feel important, paid her lots of attention and told her how great she is, she would be the best GF you could imagine.
>News flash faggot 90% of women "dye" lighten or highlight their hair just most of the time it isn't unnatural tones, ou say you hatedyed hair but I bet you're too autistic to notice the girls you like for being "normal" have fucked with their hair too.
Even if 99% did it, it would still suck.
And no, my gf doesn't lighten her hair. Her hair is perfect the way it is.
>all the things you listed are superficial
The *decision* to get dreads or piercings or tattoos or pink hair reveals you to be an idiot. I can successfully judge the character of people who do this shit nearly 100% of the time. The attributes themselves may be superficial, but their presence as choices is not.