Your daily rent?

Whats your monthly rent divide by 30 and thats your daily rent.

Your age and general location please.

Im 21
Monthly rent 0
Daily rent 0
Southwest florida nibba

Saving up to move out.
Hurricane is comming so gas lines are long. But there nothing to worry about.

Attached: stack-of-quarters.jpg (801x1200, 107K)

Montly Rent 544
Daily Rent 18.30

This is everything included (Gas, Water, Electric, Security, Internet and other facilities)

Life of a Uni student in North Wales

daily rent is 23.3$. all things included

30 years old
29.83 rents daily
is 895$ a month here for a 1bedroom
electrics are like 140$ a month
internets are like 40$ a month
:/ life sucks

Daily rent $90
NYC is too fuckin expensive.

Includes internet, utilities and has on site laundry so it's not bad.

Student in southern ontario

>dude just tell me your age, location, and rent. We're all bros here cmon dude
Really nigga? Really?

Live in RI. high cost of living. Its bullshit.
$1250 a month rent FOR A STUDIO
$42 a day
$80 a month for shitty internet from COX cable. Just internet I own the modem.
$80 a month for electricity
Im moving any where else when the lease is up.

Surprisingly I had a whole thread on B and nobody asks this question. I'm just curious. But it is amazing how much people want to talk about themselves

Rhode Island is f****** you in the ass

I used to live in the midwest but was unemployed for a year and a half and running low on savings. Applied for jobs all over country I didnt care. This job pays $28 an hour. I knew it would be expensive but I used to live in CT and NH before. Accepted job before looking into area to much. After taxes food and living expences Im barely rebuilding my savings. Probably going to try and transfer in my company or find new job when lease is up.

Do what you got to do brother

>1250 a month for a studio

how the fuck?

27 and live in bay area california

no rent but my expenses come out to about $11/day + the equivalent of probably 8 hours/week of unpaid, unskilled labor (chores). at a rate of $11/hr (minimum wage) that comes out to about $352/mo or an additional $12/day.

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Do you live on a commune or something?

25yo daily rent is $20
Living on the south side of Chicago it's comfy and there's no rich snobs walking around in dress clothes giving me dirty looks for being poor and shittily dressed

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live with mom and dad who say i can live with them so long as i pay my own health insurance and do all of their chores

Monthly rent is 2083 (with two roommates)

Living in SF is basically exactly what people told me it would be

What is your living situation like? That is like 2.7 k

My daily rent is 12 bucks, nigger. Not telling your kike ass where I live.

>monthly rent is 2083 with two roommates

Do you pay a third of that or do you all pay 2083 a month?

20 student in France
around 15 per day

My rent in Washington DC is $1000 dollars a month, utilities included, shared bathroom and kitchen. It's fine with me because I live a 13 minute walk from work, and a 10 minute walk from the grocery store so I rarely have to pay for any kind of transportarion.

2350 a month for two bedroom in san fransisco. Probably cheap or expensive i am unsure. I have enough to pay rent for 6 years then ill prob off myself. Rooms are basically empty. Just have a mattress for my sleep and pc desk some small kitchen things.

Student accommodation is shite. I paid half my loans on accommodation when studying in Manchester

How do you have this much money?

Monthly: 1275 euros
Daily: 42.5 euros

26, Ireland (emigrated from France)
Living with my girlfriend

why not just move somewhere cheaper and double the amount of time you can afford rent?

300 euros a day
27 yo mofo

Like 35 cents per day in property tax?
>tfw rural midwest landowner