What are your thoughts on (((Prager University))) video?
What are your thoughts on (((Prager University))) video?
zip zap doo dap, it's time for your ass to go back!
PragerU videos are hilarious, this one especially because it's not actually about REAL good reasons to empower men and encourage/direct masculinity, they're about empowering men to preserve the American globalist/capitalist status quo, which is really just abstracted cuckoldry cuckoldry
5 seconds in and i stopped, i can tell the sort of people this video is targeted for, no point in watching.
you know prager U isn't an actual university right? this'd be like if I just started posting vlogs about my bowel movements under a channel called "Somersby University"
>What are your thoughts on (((Prager University))) video?
I completely agree.
propaganda for retard incels and boomers who have never used the internet and believe anything they hear.
the left is the future and we are going to put all you autistic school shooters in the gulag real soon
Comrade dont be ableist.
They are completely retarded, they make easer fodder for beginning youtuber, as anybody with I 90+ IQ can debunk their shit
did you actually watch the video you soyy cuck?
You fear the Third Position.
Straight up garbage, although their use of charts is pretty hilarious. Does anyone have the chart about the decline of quality in art? It's a perfect summary of why their videos shouldn't be taken seriously.
out of touch ziocon trotskyite boomer
prager u? more like prager jew
wow, makes me think
not this one, but I've watch many of the ones on religion, climate change, Israel, art and other to know that they're shit
Exceedingly low IQ
you fear the spectre of communism, and your views are totally determined by communism
>the truth is, we dont spend enough
>being taxed up the ass is okay when we're sending money to israel or bloating the military industrial complex
low iq echo chamber material
wouldn't associate with anyone who watches their videos
They're GOP bootlickers who think that the government spreading christisn ideals, telling women what to do with their bodies, and infringinf on the 2nd amendment is "small government". The GOP killed the libertarian party and took their claims. The GOP never has been small government, and never will be. Even if we seperate the art from the artist and look st the videos objectively its still ignoring the massive elephant in the room that is their stupid bootlicking agenda. "You cant criticize the president!" Or "stand for the pledge". My least favorite is "cops are heroes!" Like fuck off if you supported small gov you wouldnt be fucking bootlickers to shitty cops. I honestly cant tell whether tankies or republicans/conservatives are rhe bigger bootlickers. The moment the republicans decided infringing on the 2nd amendmant is the moment i decided they were as useless as everyone else. Libertarians somewhat cool but they're gonna suffer through hell to enter mainstream politics again. An ideal society is one in which the racist dumbfucks in the auth right, bootlicking retards in the auth left, and stupid hippies with no idea what economics is in the lib left all fucking die and we have a lib right society. Lib right is so much better than auth right because the auth right is angry rednecks getting mad st blacks while the lib right dont give a damn about skin color 95% of the time because they arent some ubercuck.
>T. Cuckservative hating ancap
the art one is especially dog shit. those guys know nothing about art history. They see something they don't like on display today and think that means all other forms are dead.
Yeah they pretty much saw some hipster trash art exihibition and likely concluded that all modern is art which is really dumb considering that there's WAY more artists these days than there were 200 years ago because of ease of access to the knowledge and material to become one.
really makes you think
I think you might actually agree on this one.
are jews based
Men aren't naturally competitive and driven, women make them that way. A man's true nature is lazy and chill.
Erik von KuehneltLeddihn "Life in itself is a risk which we have to face bravely; all its horrors have a deeper value war with all its ordeals, hunger, destruction, death, and the inhuman curse of labor and work. Yes, the curse of labor. So it is written in the Bible and its truth reechoes in the hearts of most men. The male is by nature lazy and unambitious. The industrious man is a truly feminine phenomenon.
In male cultures men only work in order to live, but in nations where succubi domineer, men show ambition, zeal for labor, and they frequently work themselves to death firmly believing that they live in order to work.
On account of the fact that ambition is a female characteristic, women are always going to be outraged at the sight of potential energies which are not transformed into kinetic energies. The mobile life is urban and female. Haste is not only unmanly, but as Ortega has demonstrated it also the very negation of our immortality. The Middle Ages was a period without haste, it was male and timeless."
holy fuck I thought I'd never see another kuehnelt-leddihn poster in my life, absolutely based
>public healthcare
it takes us 6 hours to get anything done if we go to the emergency room
t. leaf
>google the quote
>it's from 1943
>from a dude with an Austrian name
Thank fuck he was anti-Nazi. Remembering which authors I'm not meant to know about is so tiresome.
>>zip zap doo dap, it's time for your ass to go back!
Jow Forums has no topic.
so much fucking this my dudes
pretty fucking based my dudes
She is making the argument that being a father is masculine BUT isn't having daughters the ultimate sissyboy cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
>Another woman trying to convince men to be masculine.
It's like a man trying to convince women to be feminine.
depends if it's urgent or not.
That's because your healthcare still has capitalist interests in mind. Also I've literally waited in line for hours as my hand bled out, cry me a river.
>It's like a man trying to convince women to be feminine
i listened to robots and their advice on how to be feminine. now only guys with low self esteem are attracted to me. i guess it's better than before, which was none at all
>they frequently work themselves to death firmly believing that they live in order to work.
Ever ask a 60+ person who worked themselves into agony for 40 years why they work so hard?
I've never ever heard one of them say, "because I love it". Its usually something along the lines of "what else would I do?" and "I'm no lazy bum".
The demonization of not-working or even not working "enough", is the best idea the bourgeoisie class ever fucking had. Millions of people will bust their asses and waste all their time for shit wages just to avoid being called lazy.
Did they tell you to
A) not be fat
B) not be fat
C) have a pretty face
D) not be fat
E) display literally any interest in men
F) not be fat?
Because that's a surefire list of ways to get men interested.
>incels and autistic school shooters
But how will you overthrow patriarchal capitalism if all your comrades are in gulag?!
they want betas to work hard for the state, but unchecked hypergamy is the real problem. Beta men won't work hard if they can't pass on their genes.
ohh yikiesarooies, let's unpack this
*edit* thanks for the gold kind strangerios!
neocon organization
but even with their pushes for war I honestly think they're less of a threat than globalhomo because they're so cucked
>this one especially because it's not actually about REAL good reasons to empower men and encourage/direct masculinity, they're about empowering men to preserve the American globalist/capitalist status quo
Exactly it's not even right wing propaganda it's straight up rich boomer propaganda.
Propaganda with impressive production values that's also being used to push Prager's business interests. Namely oil. So it's hardly the most ethically run thing.
I've had my brainlet colleagues show me and other people Prager videos before and it's amazing how much Prager just states the fucking obvious. The series is aimed at low information brainlets and zoomers.
>Be autist
>See left wing pretend to represent me and backstab me constantly.
Never trust the left.
Man's mission: work rrrrrrlll hard and generate value for the overclass.
God wants you to do it.
Also, breed more.
Same shit for the last 5000 years.
Only true if your emergency is a not a fucking emergency. If the reason for you showing up at the ER is "my tummy hurts!", then you're waiting.
>everything I don't like is autistic
Consider suicide neurotypical scum.
I am not your fucking political tool.
More like the spectrum of communism
Do not let Jow Forums be stuck in your head and anus 24/7
>Think about it logically
You obviously didnt, female offspring are much more likely to carry on your genetic line than male offspring.
>muh male heir
In the end its genetics, not honor, not riches, not family, not names, but genetic material.
Your prehuman ancestors understood that simple fact.
Don't you think having a son is pretty cucky too?
I mean you spend 18 years raising a man of your seed while you grow older and less virile; it's like your son is just a better looking you with more energy and could kick your old ass in a fight too.
All your love, nurture, and care; all of those years wasting the last of your precious youth to fuck hot babes were wasted to let another man instead fuck all those women you only wish you could have.
And it is even more laughable that him being YOUR descendant is even worse.
All that young love and tight pussy, forced to see someone with YOUR face getting that while your real self and dick is as dry as it could be.
As a man who has a son, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a man who isn't you for hot women with tight pussies to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND TRULY FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
fucking flat shit design, why is it so dominant everywhere? is it because it's easy to draw?
No, it's just a channel name.
>From each according to their ability
>To each according to their need
Literally the most accepting to autists. Right wingers actually want to throw you into a gas chamber.
I hate to say this, but women prefer beta and onions boys. The only time I ever gotten laid was when I bend the knee to the pussy, and stopped being masculine.
Especially older women, they want somebody that won't leave them.
The problem is too much femininity in men is just as mad as too much masculinity. It's hard to balance it.
>Prager U
Literally just controlled opposition to try stop white men from finding White Nationalism by kikes.
>the left
It's not the left it's kikes.
Yes but just a minority and at least they're open about it. If a right winger appears to be fond of you then you can at least be sure that they're sincere and not being performatively woke.
Autists are also disproportionately men and Whites and Asians who the left hates. The left wing will thus hate you unless you're openly autistic in which case they will treat you like you're retarded. Autists in general also tend to say socially unacceptable things more frequently and goddamned if the left wing doesn't have more of a stick up their ass about that sort of thing.
I've known super masculine guys who couldn't get laid because they were white trash who insulted women every other sentence. Women said that you couldn't understand why the guy was single until he opened his mouth.
Women actually broadly hate things that r9k seems to think women love like men that hate women. That's something women overlook not something women like. Generally it's a massive red flag for a guy being an emotionally abusive wifebeater.
>I cannot think or comprehend of...
It's a copypasta, anons
I did the son one intentionally.
I know it's a copypasta and I like it.
So much this. Have a (((you))) user-kun.
You must leave now ori
It's so transparent.
It's like how you can tell which demographic specific TV adverts are aimed towards.
Protip: the online gambling ones are particularly devious and target low-IQ normies. Full of flashing colours, loud sounds, overly expressionate people, FUN FUN FUN and immediate gratification. It's like entertaining toddlers.
Well first off the left does not hate white and Asians, it hates the power structures and societial pressures that cause mostly whites to have a privileged spot. And as a person who has known lefty autists I will tell you that none of them are treated like retards. That's something you made up and have no point of reference for. The only behavior that seems "unacceptable" is behavior that makes people feel unsafe. You can rock back and forth and say whatever you want as long as you're not targeting someone. You're full of assumptions about people youve never met. I think you have the idea that people on the left claim to care about people with disabilities but are lying, yet every singgle instance of a helping hand to lent to people who are different has been from the left.
I love Israel and I love Praeger U
user, the right wing is the ideology that benefits the rich boomer.
being man is about sitting around and cracking up a cold one with the boys
As a Maoist I just want to commit classicide.
Landlords are leaches and should be crushed as such.
fuck liberals
> Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension. It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads. It is an extremely bad tendency.
literally just conservative version of buzzfeed
That's only the case is your medical "emergency" is urgent or not.
I.E. someone with a broken arm takes priority over someone with a headache.
>That's something you made up and have no point of reference for.
At one point as an adult I asked for dating advice and got a book designed to be read to retarded people which explained that you can't touch peoples private areas. I have literally been called "Retarded" by a leftist (although another leftist immediately punched that leftist).
>yet every singgle instance of a helping hand to lent to people who are different has been from the left.
Really now? Well up here in Canada a conservative government setup a savings plan for disabled people which entitled them to tens of thousands of dollars in bonds and grants and setup a tax shelter worth hundreds of thousands of dollars
Conservative governments are actually frequently very nice to higher functioning disabled people because there is often more emphasis on employment and wealth generation and less on welfare. Here the left on the other hand
On the other hand the left wing NDP party fired an MP on the basis that a failure to read non-verbal cues constituted harassment. The MP is widely speculated to be autistic:
There was a petition a bunch of NDP'ers signed saying Weir made women feel "unsafe". It turns out that not being able to read non-verbal signals makes people "feel unsafe" so basically that's just a blank cheque to stigmatize autists. Combine this with the #metoo movement and simply men who have difficulty communicating can just be at risk of arbitrary career or social life death thanks primarily to the left.
Hey though at least the left gives my more gibs though.
The funny thing about Prager U vids is that everytime they try to make a statement in the beginning it's completely fucking wrong. Wanting to eradicate toxic masculinity doesn't mean "make men less masculine" but rather "take away the harmful aspects of masculinity that lead to men killing themselves 3 times more than women"
toxic masculinity is probably the most misused term in the gender discourse.
The issue is that "toxic masculnity" is fundamentally projection and men act in ways toxic to theirselves because of the pressures WOMEN put on them. Women aren't banging men who are weepy and open with their emotions nearly as much as they're banging more masculine men. Many of the things that bring men sexual success are part of "toxic masculinity" and in fact men desiring certain things is considered toxic.
Also yes trying to eradicate stereotypically male behaviors does make men less masculine no matter how many mental gymnastics you do. Just because a behavior is toxic does not mean it is not masculine.
One of PragerU's videos straight-up claims the southern realignment never happened. They even hired a black lady to speak in it.
What's worse is that it was in the first 5 results when you searched about the subject on YouTube, which is a huge dick move when somebody is legitimately trying to learn about something, shooing in bullshit boomer propaganda. I wanted to learn about something, and after consulting 5 or 6 videos and a few articles online, I finally understood it, but encountering things like what Prager put out reminded me how fragile that modern convenience can be and how perilous modern information warfare is, when rich fucks can literally just pump out commissioned high production value propaganda pieces without having to lift a finger.
I'm glad to see so many people shitting here on their awful as fuck videos. I was also enormously disappointed in Jordan Petersen for speaking in one of PragerU's videos, and that's one of the reasons I don't really like him very much now.
Every time the left rose, the right won either before or in the end. Every time the left took control of a country it moved away from advancement and toward a blissful stagnation until it finally collapsed. Every time a real right wing (so not just pure authoritarianism) ideology took over a country it made massive advancements in all regards, and one could have conceivably beaten the entire world alone.
It's almost like gender roles themselves are a problem, huh?
>one could have conceivably beaten the entire world alone
you mean the natsees? They never stood a chance.
The misuse is the most frustrating thing; it makes it impossible to have a conversation.
So many people somehow got the impression that it was calling all masculinity toxic (which is a really fucking stupid conclusion to reach, and everyone who thought that's what it meant ought to be ashamed, because that's just not how adjectives work; someone talking about 'tall women' isn't trying to claim that all women are tall), and a handful of idiotic-but-loud feminists worsened things by trying to claim that that WAS what it meant.
So now the term is almost completely useless because people have wildly different ideas about what it even refers to.
I watched it and it was fucking retarded. Now what
PragerU is as much of a university as Sam O'Nella Academy is
Decent video and it's fundamentally right though probably for the wrong reasons. Missing a die for israel line there I see.
You can't change nature by making woke assertions about gender roles.
When did nature ever stop people trying to change the world?
An appeal to the natural order is comical, given how humans have made nature their servant.
>teehee my rapidly changing definition which has no concrete values and can be attributed at a whim is frowned upon
Fuck yourself, "racist" "bourgeoisie" "toxic" all terms you wish to warp and change on the spot to attempt to destroy someone's credibility in an argument as you and your gutter scum hoot and holler in rabid support
Boo fucking hoo, maybe don't use a weaponized term if you actually care about not hurting men
You do understand that "toxic" refers to how it acts a mind poison, right? It's not an aggressive term, but a metaphorical one.
How else would describe a branch of a certain gender identity that is harmful to the person holding it?
>Men aren't naturally competitive and driven, women make them that way. A man's true nature is lazy and chill.
the absolute levels of projecting in this post is absolutely astonishing.
Correction, it means what you want it to mean contextually when applied to an idea and not about the chemical volatility a substance has
Calling something "toxic" means nothing because these linguistic holes were created to do nothing but be destructive, useless tools of whoever may wield them
Whatever noble cause the identification of men acting against their self-interest may have been, it will never be represented by the word used to demonize every man by many important mouthpieces of the politically correct agenda, not fringe extremists, but the actual talking heads payed millions to represent a certain, manufactured agenda.
Try to separate the two and you're ignoring history and reveal yourself as a paid asset of that agenda.
PragerU proves that even right-wingers are NPCs.
>Generally it's a massive red flag for a guy being an emotionally abusive wifebeater.
white trash wifebeaters arent the ones who struggle with women and they tend to have the highest birthrates
keep coping