Threadly reminder that if your white(white passing) and not diagnosed with a very very serious mental issue, you do not belong here.
Women will flock to you purely because of your skin colour (because you artificially set the standard of beauty through media) ,for perceived wealth and their half white trophy baby.
Your women also do not date outside of their race as often as blacked memes will have you believe.
Hell you don't even have to be handsome literally just be white.
How in god's name do white people remain virgins when there's whole continents filled with women who would pay to have you inseminate them.
thats a chinese ho who is getting paid to post. used to think it was super hot but found out its fake and got sad
Jonathan Rogers
She married a white guy
Camden Nguyen
They want white chad or at least a guy with money.
Jace Evans
>your white My white what?
Kevin Baker
I want a white girl who is a virgin and doesn't look like the ass end of a barn.
You'll be surprised how rare they are
Jonathan Robinson
>he wants a virgin because he's absolutely insecure about his dick size goddamn, white people do some incredible mental gymnastics to cope
Tyler Gutierrez
shut the fuck up you subhuman, im white so i only want a white woman, not some disgusting nigger,chink,spic woman. non whites dont belong here, you belong in your 3rd world shitholes dying of aids, fucking animals.
Lucas Johnson
>does mental gymnastics to give a negative judgement as to why the other user wants a virgin gf >calls people out for mental gymnastics
imagine being married to that whore. why are you phrasing that as a win lmao. white men are used as a cleanup for whore white and asian girls i guess. cool
Zachary Brooks
>muh dik Of course that's the first thing you think of, any you wonder why white women want nothing to do with you brainlets.
Ian Howard
>observing is now mental gymnastics news to me
Christian Jones
>im white so i only want a white woman why? they don't exclusively want white men. why be loyal to women its pointless stupid faggot.
Levi Murphy
>any you wonder why white women want nothing to do with you brainlets. lmao you sure about that my dude?
the ammount of cope in this post is astounding. If you are ugly as a white guy its over for you.
Benjamin Taylor
This isn't wiz chan retard, also who's white? What's even being white, outside the USA Europeans usually consider their nationality as a race?
Asher Stewart
you are an actual smoothbrain if you think there are no white women who would exclusively want white men.
Kevin Price
Would you drink from a new unused can of cola or from one that had 20 dicks in before?
Jacob Bell
>smoothbrain Destiny you're supposed to be a shitlib, go be drunk somewhere else Well this thread exists, and so do stats, so yeah I'm pretty sure.
Justin Sullivan Just stop
Nolan Ross
news flash autismo: people can shower and clean themselves. unlike, you know, an inanimate object. >so do stats, so yeah I'm pretty sure. so you suddenly believe women when they're surveyed but not in general? weird.
Isaac Kelly
I think the inferior whites should be sent to camps, especially the trailer trash. Norma whites are alright, though
Josiah Gonzalez
Sure there are some wignat girls who might. My point is that you're loyal to white women as if they're a collective. Some white women hate you on the basis of you being a white male. One sided loyalty is the basis of cuckoldry.
Matthew Gray
>news flash autismo: people can shower and clean themselves. unlike, you know, an inanimate object. Stupid NEET has never cleaned the dishes.
Ethan Rivera
>so you suddenly believe women when they're surveyed but not in general? weird. Yeah I believe shit like tinder has they're shit right when it comes to what people want to fuck, and many other dating sites show very similar results.
Jack Baker
>be me, an eastern-euro fag >ancestry is all over europe and asia because of 2000 years of wars, raids, rapes and intermarriage between the two continents' peoples. >look like some kind of fusion of white and asian: white skin, dark hair and eyes, short stature, small dick, european upbringing >there is no "unified" look so some people look like aryan gods and some look like mr.chong from the noodle shop down the road. >never get accepted by white looking women because they want the aryan fuckboys >never get accepted by asian looking qts because they too want the aryan looking fuckboys >never get accepted by half-looking(like me) girls becasue they either want aryan fuckboy or korean prettyboy >can't date western women because "ew eastern european trash" or "too asian" >can't date asian qts because "poor eastern european" or "too european"
people like me are literally on the same level as curryfags and niggers.
>country has one of the highest suicide rates in the world >people kill themselves out of fucking loneliness
>"just be yourself" kys faggot. take a step in my shoe, we will see how much you want to be me.
Fuck u mean Black people are criminalised in the media and treated as violent hooligans who only think about rape and theft.
Bless the souls of black women who get treated even worse because shameless black women are fine acting like chimps for white entertainment on tv.
Parker Brown
Seething NEET has no idea about house work because his mon cleans it all and gives him tendies
Connor Gray
im not loyal to white women as a collective at all, most modern white women are fucking trash, BUT i would only want a woman who is white.
William Allen
dude ive seen this shit but reverse. Asian guy with a white female. But the girl was actually beautiful. It was a asian guy my mom worked with as a parole officer. He dressed like a 13 year old despite being in his late 20's. Yet My step mom and everyone at my house adored him because i guess he was just a really chill guy. they were engaged and it was only the asian parents who sperged about the interracial relationship. But goddamn that guy is fucking ugly. I mean i might be ugly and white plus 25 khv but girls just dont find me interesting.
John Robinson
you have to go full western gf, think swedish with their huge puffy fat cheeks and flushed faces and zitty complexion
Eli Nelson
i'm approached by women in public and i don't use online dating. you're coping right now.
Gavin Parker
>white passing >mental issue I guess I do belong here (sort of).
>women who would pay to have you inseminate them I know, but I can't. The WMAF meme hits too close for me. It would just feel like I'm objectifying them and if one of them had a child, they'll go through the same thing I did.
Justin Sullivan
I was so jealous of the guy too cause the girl just seemed the opposite of any sort of typical modern whore. And no his job does not make a lot of money.
Nolan Sanders
And so do I? Look I don't give a fuck about your ego, but it's pretty odd to be posting in this thread if you're such a hardass nigger.
Parker Moore
>im white so i only want a white woman umm so get one? Holy shit are Jow Forums whites retarded? I just solved all your problems in one question KEK
Landon Carter
Kill yourself, you divisive fuck.
Lucas Morales
>relies upon statistical data from online dating sites despite knowing very well that it doesn't always translate into real life what?
Jackson Ortiz
>relies upon the most accurate thing we have to figure out who dates who, instead of some nigger's muh dik story Yeah I'm coping so hard
Joshua Wilson
>white women will flock to you White women will flock to chad you retard. And before OP comes in and says "lul whitey liar" >diagnosed by a psychologist with sociopathy, Bipolar disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder, Severe OCD, Severe Chronic-PTSD, and severe Intermittent Explosive Disorder Fuck you OP. "Hurr its so easy for white people" yeah sorry they want chads with cash because most of them use white people for green cards then dump them. You're a moron.
Jason Lee
Schizo poster Origami
Lincoln Robinson
>Yeah I'm coping so hard at least we agree on one thing.
Nolan Gonzalez
why arent yew all playing classic?
Ryder Gutierrez
Pc is broke so I'm redpilling before I can go home
Zachary Allen
Yeah you attacked me because I want a virgin saying i have a little dick, the projection is pretty real user
Gabriel Morales
>the projection is pretty real user is it? (You) tell me.
we aren't dating. so much for the "dude tinder" statistics i guess.
Matthew Howard
Not that user but claims of male non virginity in this board need a timestamp
Leo James
That doesn't really look like a white girl but whatever
Zachary Bailey
how the fuck am i going to timestamp non-virginity? cope
Julian Howard
>so much for the "dude tinder" statistics i guess. i'm not that user
Camden Fisher
the point still remains.
Luke Reed
>getting bullied by a nigbot play classic
Jeremiah Wright
Being born retarded is not a mental illness, nigger. Don't expect me to read past "your white".
Blake Lee
>how the fuck am i going to timestamp non-virginity Take a pixelated picture of you with your gf
Brandon Ortiz
ok, makes sense. but see: . it's not my girlfriend. just some girl that wanted to fuck. the entire premise of this exchange was white women not being "into me" for being a brainlet. it's false and i don't understand how that sentiment is anything other than cope.
Asher Adams
Then I should give you Schorodinger cat status
Liam Ross
Schrodinger* ori
Camden Perez
What about that trip to Kenya, are you guys gonna do it?