What is your favorite topic of discussion?

What is your favorite topic of discussion?

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I don't think I have a favorite.

Anthropology unironically. It can be used to have a really interesting conversation with anyone above room temperature IQ and can completely amaze normies with even a rudimentary education in it.

When I tried to explain to normies the findings of my capstone project they looked at me like I was a fucking genius when all I did was lay out a claim that had an orgy of evidence.

OP here. Figure I'd kick off the thread with my favorite topic: cocks and sucking cocks. I like talking about their girth, the texture of the precum as it is in my mouth.

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I like talking about philosophy the most. pragmatism and science.

Got any book recommendations?

i like racebait threads

i like discussing languages with imaginary people

Intraspecific competition, or at least it used to be. It's essentially pitting animals up against other animals in hypothetical fights and debating which would have the better average chance of success based on the typical specimen. I don't appreciate the atmosphere of most of the old forums though, so don't frequent them very often.

On the internet? Anime. Yes seriously.
Or fiction in general.

Tabletop games. Especially TTRPG's. I fucking love my group but since I'm the game master I can barely talk to them about anything without spoiling shit.

drugs and politics. specifically more fringe-ish political ideologies like agorism and primitivism

Christopher Hyatt or Albert Camus the rebel

What would you to my cock?

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Japanese trains. Strange passion of mine for whatever reason.

being a failure and oneitis

I don't like anything macro (politics, economy etc). I like talking about day-to-day stuff, like women stuff.

Anime and anime related topics about anime

Politics. There's just so much to talk about. You can talk about something that happened today or something that happened a thousand years ago. Politics ties in with Philosophy and especially Ethics. You can have a cooperative discussion or a heated combative one. You can talk about one countries politics, one cities, or one office's.

Normies can't handle the heat and take offense pretty readily though. Even when you water things down a ton.

Why do you care about politics? Focus on your own life and try to improve it.

Also I'm pretty flexible politically and will frequently argue from the standpoint of people who I don't actually agree with just for the sake of conversation. Politics interacts with a complex and changing world and thus what is the norm politically always changes. It actually kind of amazes me people who stick to one ideology as the one true path and get really mad if you try to promote any other ideas.

For instance we are seeing a HISTORIC and sudden shift in the nature of human relationships... and a more muted shift in the nature of human reproduction. Society seems to inevitably be headed on a course towards a more polygamous type structure and a less monogamous one. Which is something that we can't really turn the clock back on no matter how reactionary we get.

I'm legitimately going to be shocked of prostitution is not fully legalized across the English speaking world within 2 decades when we get to the point that EVERYBODY is going to know a 26 year old depressed anxious male virgin personally. Eventually common sense is going to prevail.

Anime. Anyone saying politics is a boring normalfaggot

I do focus on my life... I guess it's a sort of hobby... and maybe a sort of sport. It does sharpen my debate skills if nothing else. I'm a pretty confident public speaker and tend to be active in any discussion.

You can also use the persuit of poltiical aims as a motivator for personal good. You can also use political volunteering as a pretense to hang out with people and have a social life.

Ficus. Horticulture is a lot more difficult than it seems. It's really easy to murder the shit out of a plant. I've ever seen porn with ficus kind of stuff too. I'm somewhat surprised it's not more popular of an answer to be honest.