Be me

>be me
>IQ in the one percent of the one percent
>legally a genius
>have lived my teenage years being the typical nihilist
>angry at everyone who I deem an idiot
>constantly argue over how things are done and alienate people because of the way I act
>be me now
>try to help people as much as possible
>I'm always polite helpful and get angry at myself instead of other people
>people around me now consider me to be stupid and make fun of me because of the new way I conduct myself

Don't fall for the meme anons, people are retards that create their own problems and blame others. If you be nice to them they will still hate you, the only thing that changes is their grandiosity. Fuck most people.

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So what are we gonna do, user?

Personally I'm thinking about cutting people from my life and fading into obscurity. Tailspining back into antisocial behavior and focusing on obtaining power through position. Then, if someone's being a dick I can feel better because I'm objectively a more important person than they are.

That's why you carefully pick the people you help not just everyone. I'm basically a reverse version of you and have slowly stopped just being blindly nice. I usually give everyone a first chance and if they show genuine gratitude I'll help them again, if not and they come at me with shit like "user, go get me X/do Y!" I drop them again.
And don't ever help people with things they could do themselves, don't help the strong either, only those who are weak and actually need it

That sounds really pathetic user, the last part at least.

Keep up the good spirit op. People arent asshole by default. Life fuck everyone up

Can you help me become smarter I am an idiot. Today I accidentally spilled hot water on my self. I'll be your gf

>claims to be smart
>can't even figure out how to not be an asshole to everyone

Well how else do you command respect from others. Apparently being genuinely nice doesn't work. I actually felt more respect when I was being a dick. Apparently cunts don't disappear no matter what you do. So the problem can't be fixed by attempting to alter them, I'm going to try to alter myself and therefore my own perception instead. I don't see the point in changing myself for people, instead I should change myself for my own benefit. It may be a petty thing to say, but not a petty thing to do. I would have hypothetically earned that smug elitist feeling.

>thinks hes smart
>cant solve basic problems
Ok. Even retards can make friends

Obviously I'm not in a position to do that, however I recommend reading nonfiction books about things that intrest you. For me it's politics and science, but you can get into almost anything and learn.

About spilling water on yourself, that's more of learning through your body. In order to reduce clumsiness you may want to work out or do some aerobic exercise. A lot of that stuff isn't about training your mind.

He's too smart to get friends. Or a gf. Or a job.

So basically he is smart like a pet rat can be called smart. Maybe he learned how to get the right answers on an iq test but couldnt survive in the real world. A tragedy, but also a comedy when he blogs about his mental retardation here

I just meant the bit where you claimed if you've got a higher position in some setting you can jerk your ego to it and say you're objectively superior.
Acting superior like being assertive might make you somewhat superior, but being for example a supervisor or something and using that as a personal vent is just pathetic.
Me personally I've had good interactions with life and people, So I see the world is worth not being a bitter asshole all the time. Heck I've been a cunt often too. But there really isn't anything wrong with being defensively dickish towards a hostile world tho. But if you're just another dick that tries to make the world his playground you're just one of the million maggots in the rat race that you hate so much.

Have a things listed, I'm actually just venting about how people are assholes for no reason and will hate you for anything.

I've been called "annoyingly overly forgiving" and vindictive by the same person.

>Steven Hawking ain't got shit on me
>Who can understand human behavior? Truly a mystery.

Have you read Jung's studies? For someone of your interstellar intellect I'd imagine you'd be able to polish off his books in an evening.

Maybe then you can write a few books of your own on behavioral psychology in your spare time between doing calculations for NASA and brain surgery at Johns Hopkins.

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People are assholes that try to bend the world for their own gain. It's human. Why vent about things we all know?

I was thinking more about being both secure about my ability, and able to brush off people's ill will. I don't actually want to lead anyone, I'd rather just be able to say to myself "I'm undeniably in a better situation in life so I don't particularly care what you think of me.". I don't want to push people around, merely get the respect I've been giving others, and the ability to brush bad actors off.

I've actually had a particular interest in psychology, I've actually been listening to Dostoyevsky and Solzhenitzen on audiobook. And why I cannot say I'm as intelligent as you boast me to be, i would like to point out IQ isn't necessarily intelligence. It's more like a measure of how intelligent you can be. Obviously if you took an idiot and trained him to be the lawyer possible he would probably know more than the person with the highest IQ possible who has never been exposed to law.

I'm sure there's a quote by a well known academic about testing a fish on climbing.

>And don't ever help people with things they could do themselves, don't help the strong either, only those who are weak and actually need it
This is a good advice desu.

Are you getting that from an online IQ test, user?

No I've been getting it from the back of a cereal box like any dignified person does.

How old are you and would you be open to the idea of having a dumb gf?

>be genius me
>fuck everybody i'm bored, you too mom and dad
>whats the point of doing anything during teens, yawn
>idiot fucks at school fail me
>parents tighten the noose so I walk
>nobody tries to stop me, nobody looks for me
>hella hungry, try to sneak back in house
>fucking the fuck, fuck, fuck, locks changed
>hover around neighborhood, purloin foodstuffs
>somebody calls cops
>take me home and parents look disappointed
>coppers say release or lock up
>parents look hopeful, really a choice
>lockemup let mr knowitall figure a way out

>be me
>a literal genius
>God level iq
>people don't like me
>why are people so dum?

You might think that you're a genius but your post is telling me otherwise.

People are retards. IF you want to help people, as a genius,

work on things like solar power, atmospheric water generators, vertical farms, AI to cure diseases, etc.... if you approach people as , "im smart you dumb, im here to help you" be prepared to be hated


It's a little bit different for me. I'm genius tier intelligent and people are always really kind to me because of it at first but everyone gets jealous after a time. They always end up talking shit about me.

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>be me literal genius
>deem others as idiots
>they don't like me
>try being nice
>they don't like me
>i will obtain power through people not liking me

No OP you are a fucking moron. Narcissist at best.

>in the 5% iq wise worldwide
>less than 1% country-wise
you just exactly recited the way my life is/was in my teenage years

>Me smart
>Have to intentionally be an edgy fedora lord to everyone I meet
user, you don't HAVE to be like that

High IQ can be very rough. It gives lots of potential, but no drive or guidance

You may be in the top 1% IQ-wise, but you are not in the top 1% for being humble.

most high IQ people are cunts. My 160 IQ ex thought she was god, and was annoyed everyone didnt think she was god. im looking forward to God like AI calling people like my ex morons

I have a similar story with a friend's ex-gf. it's like they get the score and it just fuels their belief that everything should be exactly how they want it.

she was in for a rude awakening when my friend broke up with her.

He literally say's he is in the top 1% of 1% kek.
He's got people eating his bait though.

no she didnt just take some online test, was a dr. , had a phd, 160 iq, the works

wanted people to think she was god.

be my gf and i will cuddle you

I got high IQ and I'm not a dick.

Besides the thing here is most people that got high IQ received it through excessive studying and through that got a lot of nerdrage and are neurotic, got victim complexes.

I was born with high IQ like a lot people are. I specialize in letters, words and multitasking. It's better than average naturally. I kinda have bad short term memory though.

IQ is nothing like once you exceed the right amount of points. World becomes different. You begin to see cracks in space and time and stars align to your will. It's just egocentric thinking that OP got. He got high IQ or not. Horribly childish.

Shut the fuck up nerd. Originelio.