Why are women such manipulators?
>be me be dating this chick for 2 years
>hasnt kissed me or anything yet
>too (((shy)))
>after dinner one night I grab her ass pull her into me and say
>We either fuck in your house right now or I leave you for someone much hotter
>she starts crying
>we go back to her house
>I push her on the couch
>pull her pants down and get a taste of that sweet latina pussy
>I get on top of her and force my cock in her mouth
>she obviously doesnt like the taste but I go deeper anyway
>after 3 minutes of that I flip her over and pull her ass to me
>im now inside her and shes starting to cry again
>fuck this I need to cum NOW
>after a couple minutes of plowing her I bust inside her and immediately leave after
Havenot heard from her in weeks but all is good now I found a new gf on tinder who gives blowyjoeys regularly.
Why are women such manipulators?
Based af, well done OP
I think thats rape user
>being this degenerate
you expect us to believe that you dated a girl who didn't kiss you for 2 years and then one night you proceeded to rape her? Nice LARP dude I hope you do a better job next time.
>implying you can rape your gf
Normalshit detected
In what world is OP rape? He gave her a choice and she chose. Assuming shes a grown woman she should have be able to make her own decisions.
You're going to hell user, send panoramas
And how exactly is the woman the manipulator here?
Based and redpilled OP. Clear diction of expectations, follow through based on what you said, move on. Anons need to learn from what you posted.
This is an original reply. This reply contributes to the conversation and cultural enrichment of the users of this board. My mother died of food poisoning, she ate her placenta but she fried it, this changed the chemical makeup of the organ so that it was perceived as an antigen, and her body could not respond in time. Truly a magnificent achievement.
>Anons need to learn from what you posted.
Agreed. You have to understand that women are emotional creatures. There's no point talking to them, you'll be better off just cutting straight to the abuse.
And men are not emotional creatures? The fact that OP wanted to have sex so badly he made that woman cry paints him as a logical creature, not an emotional one?
Yeah. Even lizards operate by a certain logic. The sexual impulse is not an emotion.
Yes it is, idiot. People who have a diminished emotional response (e.g. depressed people) also have a diminished sexual response. When you're depressed you don't want sex
That's not true. I'm one foot in the grave and all I want is sex. Sex is not an emotion, it's an instinct.
Then you're not one foot in the grave, you're just so dumb and emotionally undeveloped that you don't know the difference between feeling down and feeling nothing.
I mean seriously tell me why you think sex is an emotion. That's so stupid. Like those earthworms and rats are getting so emotional while theyre fucking right.
I think you're retarded senpai, lust is an emotion
I really like this image OP.
There's just something about NPC wojak being so angered by something he awakens his true emotions and becomes human again.
Yes idiot, emotions are primitive and are used to direct animals to do things. If you really were a logical being then you'd forgo sex in favor of taking over the world
what does sombrero pussy taste like?
It's not implied that OP had sex for he logical response of producing children. It was simply for the emotional pleasure of his peen feeling good