Is my Dad a faggot or is it me?

I need your advice robots, I'm wondering if the following examples of shit that my Dad did through my years living with him is abusive:

>Threw my Bike in a fit of rage because I struggled learning to ride it
>repeatedly locked me in the house when everyone went out
>discouraged me from taking up hobbies because they were "novelties"
>going through my things when he was suspicious of something
>threatening to send me to a worse school if my grades didn't improve
>making comments and remarks when I failed to get into college the first time
>proceeding to tell me I wasn't worth anything because of it

these are just examples of many other instances, and I suppose I just wanted clarity in case I'm simply being a pussy. There were times as well when my Mum did similar things, like the day before my 11th Birthday when she told me I'd end up alone because I had no friends/

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You sound insecure. Just like your father.

you're probably right there

same here user my dad did to me similar things .

Narcissists are miserable and full of self hatred, while simultaneously convincing themselves everyday that they are better than everyone else. The deep seeded repressed self hatred makes them bully's who enjoys nothing more than inflicting pain on others. To them there is unironically nothing else in the world more satisfying than causing pain. You need to just immediately stop caring about what he thinks. He's not a human being anyway, he's a brain damaged retard incapable of empathy, why care what a sub human thinks?

It's good to know someone went through similar things. I've found since I actually made friends that I'm incapable of feeling anger or resentment towards them. As wet as it sounds I just want someone to care for and who cares about me back

It's getting to the point where I've become tired of his shit. I never want to see either of them again when I finally get into the uni he told me I never would get into

user he's not a human being
only explanation is narcissism. Just as I suspected. Imagine being such a sub-human retard that every single day of your life you need to gaslight everyone around you to feel at ease. Kek that animal gets waves of dopamine rushes whenever he gaslights and upsets you for no reason

you're so right, it's fucking unreal the way he behaves about it. He'll try to gaslight me for a few days until I talk back, then regress into this childish ignorance where he won't talk to me for two weeks and make idle threats. All the while we'll get into the odd argument where my Mum tells me not to "go there", like she's afraid of him

did he hit you?

Never full on beatings, but a few times when he was younger he'd push me. Come to think of it he still does this half arsed sparring thing where he comes into the room and starts slugging me in the arm or hitting me with hangers. I can take a punch but he really goes full monty on it

Just move out as soon you can. In the meantime keep in mind just how pathetic and sub human he is whenever he's giving you a hard time. Like most "people" as him he LITERALLY is mentally five years old. Odds are you'll never meet anybody as childish as him for the rest of your life.
It should be illegal just to be the kind of person that he is, but since narcissist animals are good liars and sociopaths you can't even get them to properly go through treatment. How can you treat such a """"person"""" that is incapable of thinking he can do wrong? That freak of nature will die thinking he was a fucking angel among men who never did a single thing wrong his whole life. Never realizing that he was a villan his whole life, a literal animal who loved hurting people more than anything.

you sound like you've made this problem worse in your head than it actually is. Your dad sounds like he loves you but he just isn't the best guy

Your dad is a nigger, no child should have to go through that

Thanks user, it should be give or take nine more months until I'll be able to move out. He's very good at hiding it in public, coming across all friendly or jokey at events like parent's evenings and then tearing into me when we got home. I'm telling him straight when I'm finally free. All the times he actively ignored my depression because he think's he knows what it feels like, every regret I have about never taking something up because he doesn't approve of it. I should like to shut the door on him and never come back.

I could never understand how can someone hate their own flesh and blood and just lash out.
I made promise to myself I will make last moments on earth for my Boomer Nigger parents most painful emotionally and physically as possible, my wish would be to push them over edge to point they decide to drink fist of sleeping pills and die.

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depends. did he teach you to be self reliant? as in did he teach you skills that can land you a job? thats all that really matters in the end. thats his one true job. my dad is a cringy faggot nigger as well
>i used to visit grandmas often and she gave me money all the time
>dad banned me from seeing her because she called him a dumbshit
>i used to sleepover at cousins every weekend and play flash games
>dad banned me from seeing them because their dad called him gay
>despite my dad always calling his family poor
>literally making fun of a 13 year old and 8 year old for something they have no control over
>used to feel like i had a big family up until that point
>used to make fun of my other cousin for being poor and constantly misbehaving
and in the end all my cousins got help from their parents in finding a job, getting a car, etc. my useless dad lived up to being a gay dumbshit and did NOTHING to help me. "have you tried applying at mcdonalds" his only faggot response when mom tells him to do his job and help family. he cant do it. would rather feel sorry for himself

Kek op just don't respond to this guys posts anymore
>NOOOO bro allll of those examples of gaslighting you listed is all just in your head
Kill yourself. Sheltered manbaby with no experiences with people other than your mom

You would think so, and like anyone there are always chinks of kindness. But I try to anticipate the downfall because it always comes when we get on the most.

I just want to be a good Father to the children I will have, teach them to be good people but always support them in their pursuits. I never want them to wake up every morning wanting to die like I do. It's one of the only things that drives me anymore

Nah his dad eounds like a bully lol. Full on narcissism might be an exaggeration but any parent who yells their kid they will fail is pretty shit

>He's very good at hiding it in public, coming across all friendly or jokey at events like parent's evenings and then tearing into me when we got home
Nail in the coffin. Your dad actually deserves death. Stop giving him what he wants (your sweet sweet suffering and sadness). Remember that he's an animal and he can't help himself but act like an animal 24/7.
There is actually a 99.9% chance than when he's out of the house without you he spreads the most malicious God awful lies ever about you for no reason.

>LITERALLY is mentally five years old.
Everyone is

You guys are obviously underage and if you think that this is you abuse you are just sheltered

Never taught me either, only lashes out at me when I can't do them because I have to learn them myself or there simply isn't the work

Don't most parents do that?

>i could never understand how can someone hate their own flesh and blood
In ops case it all boils down to the narcissist/sociopath spectrum. You fags need to educate yourself to spot these monsters before one of them becomes a part of your life. This is a warning. Take it seriously. Especially if you're young and attracting attention from girls. Learn the redflags

Here in Croatia I hear and see so many Boomer nigger parents abusing their children with no regret.
I just want to get revenge on all these Boomer Narcissist Niggers, I wish them worst of worst shit to happen to them.

I am not trying to be edgy but we can not allow to be weak and meek when it comes to Evil, we need to eradicate Evil from root and not be Jesus Christian forgiving Cuck.

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I hope not kek. I don't think i could ever bring myself to try after years of it becoming normalised

Maybe ask your dad if he's okay? people who do that sort of up and down are usually in a bad place

figures. just like my dad. assumes life is a video game where abilities unlock as you level up/get older. i have a brother, almost 18, who cant wash dishes. cant fry an egg. doesnt do any chores because he cant. i stopped doing chores around the house until dad stops being a megafag and teaches him to do chores. im not gonna increase my workload because he cant do his job. why have kids if you wont raise them

I think my parents used to be fairly abusive, I don't really remember it stopped at 14. but its lead to some speech issues. Do you guys think its worth getting help for? I don't really want to remember those memories

>Full on narcissism might be an exaggeration
Read all of ops posts. And a Adult who still obviously enjoys bullying anybody (including family) is narcissism.
>He gets off on using his sudden, unprovoked cruel remarks and gaslighting towards his son
>He turns on the psychopath charm and convinces the outside world hes a human being when leaving the house
>Turns into some childish freak who wants to throw a tantrum if people around him are happy and content at home.

haha good one. You know if I did that he would fucking start on me, honestly I'm pretty sure he'd straight up ignore me like he normally does or say something retarded like "what does it matter to you". He was just made redundant from a shitty low pay job, doesn't give him an excuse to behave the way he does though

They used to hit me alot, but i think i might remember it worse than it actually was

I gave up doing that in the end because my Brother won't do shit, and still I get chewed out because of it. Even as I write this he's still in bed at midday. But it's alright because he's really good at graphic design and I'm just really good at something useless like History

>You know if I did that he would fucking start on me
No he doesn't know. Complete ignorance. Stop trying to make him understand op.

pretty much desu. He'll try and make me have these talks with him and Mum sometimes even though I'm 18 and they never worked anyway

OP here, not sure if it's a by-product but I always get the feeling I'm not allowed to go out, hence the reason I've always been an appendage to my friendship groups. In the past when I've gone to parties, both my parents would insist on driving me there and bringing my younger sister along, and every time I protested it they'd start on me

Gosh I wish it was like that. My father is also a narcissistic faggot that cant even realize it. Used to beat me up, lock me for whole nights in balcony without food or any blanket cause I had to behave. He did a LOT of inhuman actions (used to belt me for hours until any step was painful asf) and forcing my mother to watch the whole thing even tho he knew it would hurt her he most. Still, there are happy moments of my childhood and he looks like he cares about us; he just called me a useless human being and a delusion 5 min ago btw, u get used to it to the point that any kind words feel strange

Exaclty, literally the same situation. They isolate u. I wasnt allowed to get out/ to have a social life in general

fuck man I'm so sorry this shit happens. I used to wonder if I deserved what I got but... well yours is on a new level

They were immigrants so I didnt have any relatives to talk to but lived in prison home for basically my whole life..I am 18 now and want to enroll to a university but it looks like he wont let me do that, I am scared user, suicide looks like the only revenge I can get. Physically abuse isnt that harsh, the psychological aspects are way worse. Thanks tho.

Everyone's dad does that shit. You are just weak.

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Most of those things are relatable, my dad was a shitbag too.
Passive aggressive type, would always try to bring me and my little bro down whenever we were having fun.
It's funny though, because while Jow Forums hates women, most anons here seem to like their mothers more than their fathers.

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Listen to me user, they're going to win if you let that happen. While suicide is appealing to myself too I know it's not the way, not until everything is lost. For god sakes fight it with as much fury as you can muster, never give up on your dreams even if the prospects are bleak. I believe in you, godspeed and good luck

When I was younger yes, but now not so much because I realised she's an enabler, and I hate her for it

You're actually a fucking little bitch, as is everyone agreeing with you in this thread.

No one in this thread is entitled to say shit about the bike thing, unless they have NEVER, in their lives, gotten angry enough to throw or slam an inanimate object. And if you HAVE never gotten that angry in your life, you're almost certainly a worthless faggot so your opinion is discarded.

The "lock in the house" thing requires more context. People too poor to afford child care sometimes have to do this. It doesn't make them evil.

For the hobbies thing, frankly many "hobbies" that kids will be interested in for two fucking days and then drop are incredibly annoying. "OOO OOO I want Beyblades!" "OOO OOO buy me $1000 worth of legos, I want to be a pro lego dude!" No you fucking don't.

It is entirely appropriate for parents to have access to the belongings (and the entire contents of a phone or computer) of minor children.

I'm assuming you're talking about an expensive private school. If you're a lazy piece of shit, like most robots are, it would be entirely appropriate for your parents to pull you out of the private school and send you to a public school instead. It would also be appropriate for them to warn you that this will happen in an attempt to motivate you.

If, after a lifetime of you being a total fuckup, you fail to get into college, it would be entirely appropriate for a parent to say "This is what I told you would happen."

run user. Remember its your life. Not his.

you can't call me a fucking little bitch unless you have never, NEVER, been a fucking little bitch in your life EVER before :)

you dad is more of a faggot than me, and im trans

>TFW my dad is a former Chad with a strong mind and provided for me
I feel very lucky that my Dad was a good father to me when I was a child.

100000% this OP your being a beta faggot and
1. should be banned because obvious underage
2. stop being a privileged little bitch who is just looking for a reason for there life to be sad

now fuck off normie

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everyones been a little bitch in their lives. Your being a MASSIVE bitch

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>everyones been a little bitch in their lives
so you aren't entitled to calling me one. I win :)

You're just angry at your Dad and you're venting. He's not a perfect Dad, no one is.

>you can't call me a fucking little bitch unless you have never, NEVER, been a fucking little bitch in your life EVER before :)

Nope, I've been a fucking little bitch...and that helps me recognize it.

Out of all the things in OP's list, the thing that annoys me the most is the bike thing. Your parents are PEOPLE, just like you. They can get frustrated, just like you. I know damn fucking well that every last one of you robot faggots have broken a game controller in frustration. Every last fucking one of you has thrown down a controller and stomped around your fucking piss-bottle-filled room. But if ANYONE ELSE does this:


You say this because this is the kind of bullshit your therapists have taught you to say.

I fucking hate all of you.

how does that work? im not the autismo who's accusing his dad of abuse when all hes done is being a normal.

You asked the question is my dad abusive? No not at all your just retarded and a bitch

Thanks, ill see what I can do. If nothing will change and I am still stuck here, then I am afraid there is no real alternative here. Still, I will try.

My dad hoy me with a belt sometimes, threw my backpack outof the house and locked the door when I went for it, used to wake me up with a bucket of cold water on my birthdays etc.
My dad was pretty cool and pulled a couple of annoying things. Yours is a straight up bully. If I were you I'd leave from his life asap, never to return, call back, anything. And don't you dare stay because hurr mommy feel bad. She deserves it for staying with him.

OP is just underage. My friends Dad left him for a woman, he hated his Dad because he left his Mother. That I can understand, OP is just momentarily angry at his Dad. He'll get over it.

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He's got you though user. And you're*

I can assure you I'm not underage

You certainly act it. Do you know how hard it is being a Father.

If u know nothing, then pls stfu. Parents can be fucked up, u look like u were lucky enough to never realize it. Be thankful

What country do you stay in?

I have a shitty father that abandoned me after I got kicked out of the house after I turned 18, I told him to find someone else to take care of him when he got old. Best revenge ever, fuck him. Did anyone else do this?

I live in Italy now

My Dad divorced my mother at the age of 6 and he got married again to a woman that insisted he never bothered with me again. He listened. He made me feel like such a piece of shit. He occasionally bought my stuff as a child because he felt bad for neglecting me, then he'd stop bothering with me for another 2 years.

no one believes you, zoomer

then give up leaving bed, like me. graphic design is for women. google it and youll see listings infestested witb women who have dyed hair and problem glasses. at least it takes practice. my brother can barely serve himself rice without spilling half of it

I feel sorry about the sucker that's gonna be wiping his ass in 20 years from now, biggg mistake he made. If I ever have kids I won't do the same things as him :-/

thats sad. really. i have a cousin who has never met his dad. instead he thinks his sisters dad is his dad. the most desperate thing i have ever seen in my life was him asking his sisters dad for his christmas present. since his mom cheated and caused a divorce the guy would only visit occassionally as permitted by the court and would bring gifts for his daughter, but doesnt acknowledge the boy as his own. was a very awkward christmas

>Parents can be fucked up

Yes, they can. But OP didn't get one of the really fucked up ones. OP is just a little bitch.

>OH NOES my dad got angry once!
>OH NOES my dad told me no once!
>OH NOES my dad looked through my stuff when he thought I was on drugs!
>OH NOES my dad expected me to study in school!

user, maybe ure half right on that, his experience wasnt as harsh as others poor souls but knowing that someone had it worse than u doesnt help at all. Pain is pain

Leave him and get a job

Reminder that all people who ever throw and break shit when they get mad are mentally ill and a danger to society.

Have sexxxx unoriginally

Sounds like an average middle eastern father to me

i know how you feel OP,i too have an awful father

>very easy to anger
>completely lacks self awareness
>never taught me anything

i hate him with a passion,all my life hes been nothing but a bully to me
i cant wait to leave for college and be done with him

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i bet you're leaching off of your dad to go to college tho
ungrateful manchild

He sounds like a proper cunt with ED.

>Reminder that all people who ever throw and break shit when they get mad are mentally ill and a danger to society.

If you've never done that, I'm virtually certain that you're either a scared little girl, or an incredible weakling and faggot.

Because the people who freak out about this are usually terrified little pieces of shit whose heart rate jumps to 1000 if they ever hear a noise, or are made aware that other people aren't completely docile.

>OH NO that guy is cursing because he hit his thumb with a hammer. I'M SO SCARED! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME SCARY PERSON!

And your therapists indulge you in this bullshit. If OP was a-scared because his dad threw his bike, the CORRECT thing to do was run over, grab the bike, and ALSO throw it.


If he had done that, he wouldn't be pulling the faggot martyr shit he's pulling here to explain his own laziness, cowardice and stupidity.

>i bet you're leaching off of your dad to go to college tho
actually,i m leaching off my mom
and so does he

>im leaching off my mom
wow best be proud of it
>so does he
tell this dude to man up and get a job

I give credit to my dad for working and providing the family with money (my mother was also working). Granted, he's shit with money and wasted it on stupid things and never invested, so it's not like he gave me a nice car or apartment or anything, but he didn't stay unemployed or left the family or anything like that.

That being said, in anything else he was a shit father. He never taught me anything, he constantly bullied me to the point in which I had zero confidence growing up, he beat me, insulted me in front of others, he never cared what I thought or wanted, he was frisking my things because apparently I must be taking drugs if I'm an awkward teenager. Now he wonders why I never call him or visit.

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Also from croatia and parents were pretty abusive, can confirm

Absolutely devilish ISHIGGYDIGGY

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It's not you, man. I was in the same situation. You were just a kid, trying to learn the world. True parents see their kids as human, not as punching bags.

Don't let these bootlickers tell you otherwise

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Is that what you say to your wife after getting drunk and beating her? Go to hell

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Your dad sounds like a malicious asshat, who's afraid of his potentially Chad son fucking his wife.
That's that low-key 6th grade bullying.

OP it's time you go balls to the wall and focus on your future. Parents don't matter, women don't even matter as of yet. You know who matters? You do! Consider the time you're spending right and and ask if it's helping future you. Because it's time to love future you and do everything you can to make him a fucking baddass.

As I get older I think about the missteps my father made when he raised me and I've realized he was just a simple man then like I am now, and I really can't fault him for much. Can't say I would've done better in his situation.

I feel like having a shit father is far more damaging to a man than having a shit mother. I bet a good portion of this board had abusive/neglectful fathers.

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>You were just a kid, trying to learn the world. True parents see their kids as human, not as punching bags.
This. A father should teach and support (I'm not talking financially) his child. Show him how the world works, etc.
I'm amazed at how people treat their children like shit and then act all disappointed they didn't turn out to be some confident rich Chads.