Does anyone else feel like people are constantly laughing at you? I don't mean your friends or relatives, but completely random people on the street, just passing by you and laughing at how you look, walk, dress etc. I cannot even go outside without breaking down crying after I come back. It's the same online, I have been going on Jow Forums regularly since 2015 and in all that time I made 3 replies and 0 threads, cause I feel like whenever I say something everyone will laugh at how stupid this is. Is this some kind of schizo? Do any fellow robots have these same feels?
Does anyone else feel like people are constantly laughing at you? I don't mean your friends or relatives...
Same, but to a lesser extent. Anytime I walk by a person, see a person glance at me, or just hear people talking or laughing from a distance I assume they're picking apart every faucet of my appearance and demeanor. I can manage though and I've learned to just ignore it somewhat, still makes me uncomfortable when walking through the street though, like there's this constant pressure on me to adjust every bit of myself so that I fit in completely and don't receive any negative attention. Never experienced it on Jow Forums though. Kind of sounds like some kind of Paranoid Personality Disorder but obviously my knowledge is limited and I'm not fit to diagnose you nor myself.
this is social anxiety. can be pretty severe and troubling. i had it not to this extent but i had my fun with it. anyway you need to talk to someone get a therapist. try maybe online counseling first if you are uncertain and afraid of irl therapy. many people are. then try to get more fuck it attitude in your head. dont be bitchy to others but try to ignore the bad feels. sounds stupid, but i went from i cant talk to people or eat publicly to being waitress and shop assistant. try being more confident although it is fake at the begining. fake until you make it.
seriously user. it is a medical condition. i know it. i am a psychiatric patient of five years. two times hospitalised. dont prolong your suffering. go get some pro help you. the docs or therapists are usually nice. i met one or two dicks tho but i changed them. they know what you are going through and will do their best to help you.
I guarantee you normies disrespect us. It's too easy. I don't really care anymore since I'm like mildly different from them, but just because I show lack of awareness sometimes or look sad/depressed that it becomes amusing they can find enjoyment in that is really more pathetic on their part. I'm simply a ghost. I don't need go prove myself to anyone at this point.
my whole passive-agrressive attitude of hating others and knowingly not participating in their trivial bullshit really does piss the normie off. I mean, it really fucks with their mind.
Not OP, and this might be a weird question, but did you ever feel afraid of losing your social anxiety completely? It just feels like being that shy, bashful and anxious person is and has been my identity forever and if I lose that I'll lose my identity, sounds ridiculous, I know.
canot go to a therapist, not cause I am afraid or anything, but I just really can't. Are there any worthwile alternatives?
what kind of works for me is only to go outside very early in the morning, at noon or after sundown, if you are lucky you will meet almost no one and can get your shopping done quietly
well not with social anxiety. i wanted to get rid of it because it limited me. howevs i fear loosing my depression and borderline bpd. because thats a personality trait and loosing it scares me. not ridiculous at all. but you will sooner or later realise that it did not define you and you remain yourself. you will probably never be extroverted and loud. you just wont get those bad feelings that people are judging you. at least that was was for me. i still am a bit shy and i hate too big colectives. but i can supress those bad feelings and take care of myself. or work with people. work with the feelings so they dont limit me.
try online counseling. like a chat.
do you live with your parents? or how old you are.
Turned 19 a few days back, live with parents cause hikki neet, cannot go to a therapist cause im working on fixing a different issue and if i get diagnosed as a schizo or something they will force me to put that on hold until i sort this out, and i dont think that would be easy
That's very reassuring and makes me less reluctant to get help, thank you very much user. I can see what you said about the other 2 disorders, BPD is quite literally a PERSONALITY disorder after all. If they have a highly negative impact on your life I can't help but recommend getting treatment anyway though. Best wishes friend, hope things work out for you.
be cool. i am 21 still at my moms. kids here stay with parents until their studies are finished. ask your parent for help. try going out with them. tell them there is this problem. if you have a good relationship with them. you probably arent schizo if you dont hear voices and even some depressions come with psychosis. what issue is that. unless you are dangerous to yourself or others you wont get hospitalised. dont worry.
I had social anxiety and when somebody looked at me on the street i always thought about how i look at people and that there are 95% people not even realizing that im present.
On the internet i started shitposting and doing basically (i thought funny) embarrasing stuff which made me less anxious. And as im typing this its kicking back in the irony.
thanks. and i am glad i helped. even a bit. i am already treated by pros.
Oh no you misunderstand, it's more like, I am in treatment for something unrelated and if I get diagnosed wiht a cluster A disorder specifically they will have to "cut me off" for a loooooooong time until the psych. decides I have it "under control", and honestly, if that happened I may as well kms, it's the only thing that's making my life bearable
Don't have good relationship with parents, mom is kinda crazy and my dad is a diagnosed schizoid, very distant and aloof, we just kinda ignore each other.
oh. well. i dont see why they would have to cut you off. they treat things together. i get treatment for bpd, depression, anorexia and ptsd. but you can visit a psychologist with this first. just to talk about it. they cant make you do anything. unless you are doing something illegal i think.
fake until you make it is such retarded advice
Whenever someone looks at me, it feels like all they think about is contempt, how terrible I look, how funny I dress, how oddly I walk and all I can do is keep my head down which makes them think even less of me. Posting on the internet is no better, imagine what your mom or your boss would think if they read your messages? It feels like someone like that is watching me through my own eyes, and whenever I post something silly they just think less of me, the only reason im making this thread in the first place is cause I am feeling particularly lucid today
it's standard procedure, if you have a disorder that clouds your judgment (so psychosis and such) they will have to stop and your mental health professional will have to write you a letter saying that you have it under control before resuming, which in this bureocratic state will likely take years.Some people in the treatment outright told me this and I found it on the net a lot as well
>here user here's an SSRI. It works just as good as a placebo, but I gargle pharmaceutical cock so when you tell me it doesn't work I'm going to get upset with you even though you're paying me $150 for 15 minutes of my time.
Doctors are a joke, I have dealt with so many and they are literally all like this.
It's funny that it's always namefags and tripfags that dickride doctors, I wonder why that is.
i have a name so i do not forget which posts are mine. well i do not know where are you from. but in my country you have public health care. not much but basic stuff is covered. also social anxiety is treated mostly by therapy aka talking and digging into roots of the problem.
weird. usa?
i know it sounds stupid. but in this case it works. you are mimicking the behaviour you want to achieve. not ideal. but good enough to help you get started.
eastern europe
beep boop, original
they definitely are laughing at most of you
im not doubting that for a second
cool! which country? czech republic here.
I'm not concerned with anyone else's opinion of me but I definitely know who I feel superior to
I'm being stalked, and am slightly infamous because of some rumors. So occasionally i'll run into people i've never even met who are laughing at me.
Yeah I get this feeling sometimes. Same reason I try to avoid eye contact with random strangers in public and look down at my feet.
Also unrelated but that pic is beautiful.
>Does anyone else feel like people are constantly laughing at you?
This is the most common symptom of social anxiety, you should seek help.
I realized something was wrong when i was at the supermarket, alone in an aisle and after I heard a woman's laugh coming from the aisle next to mine. My mind instantly went into thinking how could the girl see me. The aisle was stacked 3 meters high.
How do I escape this fucking existence?
czsk gang rise up
Originally 4 tut 473
I felt like that.
I went on vyvanse for ADHD, which helped me go from college dropout to a 4.0 GPA. After finishing my degree, I got switched to bupropion as an off-label treatment. This was cool with me, I don't like how amphetamines make me feel. I'd had lifelong issues with depression and social anxiety, so the doc figured he could knock out three birds with one stone.
For a few months, I did feel like my personality was changing. It was easier for me to go handle all the tasks of the day, and I could coast through what used to be difficult social interactions. I was worried that my more "outgoing" personality was going to be less and less like depressed me.
After a few months though, the feeling of change went away and I could clearly make out all my old personality traits in the way I acted. I still get nervous about going out in public. I still think people are looking at me when they're not. I still worry that people hate me. What the meds and therapy have done is let me power through that shit. Those thoughts used to overwhelm everything else, and now i can push them to the side. I've always known that my fears and moods are unreasonable, the meds just let me act independent of them.
I'm pretty pissed at myself for not getting help sooner. Years of listless inaction when I could have been building my life and career.
show pic so I can tell if you would be someone too laugh at. Not gonna be mean, but I can give a honest answer and a soulution
Exactly this, also thanks I like the pic too
I probably do not look bad in the sense I look ugly, but I look really wacky
I just realized something
by "cut-off" I did not mean the parents, but the treatment provider
for the longest time i thought i was imagining it and just slowly losing my marbles, but then there was this time a guy in a car rolled his window down, laughed and said 'where are you running fattie?' and two times where cops stopped me for questioning just because 'i looked intoxicated'. also people will cross the street just to avoid passing by me and i'm 70% sure i caught a glimpse of kids pointing at me and snickering once but it could've been my paranoia. i'm too ugly and weird to even go about my daily business undisturbed. so low on the social ladder that literally every stranger feels it's ok to laugh at me with impunity.
I am so sorry user, that sounds like a nightmare come true. I said this before, but what kinda helps for me is to only go out in the early morning, noon or after sunset, there are the fewest people out at that time so hopefully you can avoid those fucks :)