What do you do if you find suggestive pics of your friends crossdressing online?

What do you do if you find suggestive pics of your friends crossdressing online?

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Blackmail and creampie

Mention it to them and laugh it off while trying to make them feel at ease and not judged.

If cute, start flirting with them. If ugly, never mention it.

Encourage them because I believe drag is a healthy sexual outlet

Probably try to blackmail them into sex because I like this type of gay shit.

What would you do if you found your friend Jessica dead, sodomized and partially devoured? What would you do? What would you do, huh? What would you do?

7/10 if female
10/10 if male

Ghost him, and then be sad when I think about that my ex friend is a homosexual.

It's clearly a tranny, go get your eyes checked.

Its female. Lets be real trannies almost never look that good

Remake this thread about a hypothetical on Jow Forums

If hot ask them out

I get new friends.

Mention it and if im lucky i will get a cute gf

Thats beckii cruel. Trannies are repulsive and thats why pictures of bio females are constantly shilled as them.

As far as crossdressers go, it's important to to remember that a slight masculine edge, something that gives away that they're crossdressing, is what makes it so good.
just look at these, all 3 are absurdly attractive precisely because you can tell right away that they're crossdressing.

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laugh at them and joke about without pushing to hard with it to make them feel bad then maybe fuck their ass if their cool with it

Ah, that's really a shame.

R8p and beat the shit out of u for suggesting that I would befriend a faggot. Now skedaddle to discord bitchass.

KYS TRANNY. Fffhfcbnf

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>implying that the way a person dresses makes them gay
hmm... user, i don't think you quite know what gay means but alright

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>What do you do if you find suggestive pics of your friends crossdressing online?
S-Send him pics of my 9 inch c-cock.

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Show them and ask them if they can help you do it too. Then post pics here

Sauce is a British girl that used to be a massive weaboo named beckii cruel. She is now fat and has hit the wall. Guys cant have a thigh gap like that.

I'd tell em to stop with the gay shit

Transition with them.

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ask them to crossdress with me and have sex with me (if they look good)

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My friends and I always debate who's best here
For me it's 2
Shit taste like 1
Gayboys like 3

1 is best, without a doubt.
But 2 is also extremely close.

3 if you're into men, also he's the only one who went the extra mile and painted his nails.

im not disagreeing she is somewhat less cute these days but fat? where are you getting this from.

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actually I would send the pic to them and say "I gay lol" and then just get back to my lonely life

strong ratings, you can barely see the face

tell them they look kinda cute.

I like sticc girls I guess. Compared to how thinn she used to be she is fat.

Theres barely a difference except that now shes finished puberty

10 and a cum