"It's too bad you're not gay user, otherwise I'd let you play with this! Ha ha oh well!"

>"It's too bad you're not gay user, otherwise I'd let you play with this! Ha ha oh well!"

Attached: bfdf2b1.jpg (538x960, 75K)

Oh fugg I am diamonds right now.

How can some guys have this body type? I really don't get it

I'll do anything :( pls gib

completely sedentary lifestyle while not eating enough

I can confirm I am as diamonds as this user

too bad you weren't born under muslim rule

Same here. I rarely see guys that petite/twig anywhere.

I-I'm actually bisexual, is that good enough for you to let me play with it?

Haha user, why yes! Take a gun, put it in your mouth and pull the trigger, it's so easy and fun! Fucking fag

Experience in Photoshop editing

>*kicks him in the nuts with a steel-toed boot*
That'll teach you for being a faggot.

damn op u have more pics of this cutie?


found it. Situati0nist on reddit

haha :D lets go join the 40% together user-kun, they're waiting for you !

Yuck. Find your father.

He's an emaciated manlet.
t. manlet

nice of you to mention that, he is probably disowned by his whole family

She got really lucky with the genetic lottery.

nah I think I'll just continue being gay thank you very much

Disappointed by the lack of genital mutilation?

*giggles and puts it in my mouth*