How do i get this 'good personality' people are always talking about

how do i get this 'good personality' people are always talking about

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By getting more confident so you don't get butthurt by literally anything

volunteer at your local rapist shelter

You dont, because nothing will ever be good enough for anyone

It's an empty phrase that doesn't mean anything. It's the most vague bullshit description of a person that's used to brush off the complaints of an ugly individual.

Based and nihilpilled

At the end of the day you'll always be the bad guy for some self righteous cuck so don't bother

lTT: crabs in a bucket

Answer ohpees question if you re such a kindly person then user

By not being boring. Analyze the traits that people find interesting personality versus the traits that they find boring, then mold your personality to encompass more of the interesting traits than the boring ones.

If people desire to interact with you more, that means you've developed a good personality.

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Please then, elaborate what a "good personality" entails?

The truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all ideal. There is no such a thing as a good or bad personality, excluding mental illness of course.There is nothing exact or measurable when you talk about personality, which is why telling someone that this is the answer to their problems is horseshit.

be good looking and try to be at least mildly charming or funny

>how do i get this 'good personality' people are always talking about

Play a little mental exercise/game.
Watch everyone around you and try to guess what sort of words and actions will make a person feel better vs. worse before you see the other person's reaction.

As you get better and better at the game, you're actually developing empathy.
High levels of empathy to your fellows correlate to what are considered good personalities.

literally do anything except this. if analysing made you good at social things, no one would even touch alcohol

by letting them know you own some 800 bitcoins

Why do girls always end up with abusive assholes ex-boyfriends then? were their good personality detectors just malfunctioning?

>Why do girls always end up with abusive assholes ex-boyfriends then? were their good personality detectors just malfunctioning?

1. That's relatively rare. Most relationships are not abusive. They end due to incompatibility in personality, not because the guy is beating her.
2. Yes. OP asked how to develop a good personality, not how to get gf.

>you're actually developing empathy.
This. Unless you're a psychopath humans can train themselves to become more empathetic to the people around them.
And its not faking empathy, the person is actually becoming more empathetic, like relearning how to use a muscle that atrophied from disuse.

That's not empathy tho, unless your default words and actions are like massively triggering and mean as hell

this is how you become an overthinking emotional bitch that women walk all over lmao

>They end due to incompatibility in personality
yet it was good enough in the beginning? oh wait, thats just because she wanted to fuck him due to his looks and not his personality hahahhaha

you come in every personality thread and say this. you're a woman

>you're a woman

my dick tells me a different story

"work on your empathy" is shit advice

demolish your concept of empathy

I've just made my peace with being a dick, personally.

i suggest transitioning then because you have the mind of a woman

>you have the mind of a woman

but I'm not an incel I've had sex with multiple women using my penis(male)

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i had sex last night too, do you think you're special?

Because being a creepy loner is working out so well for you.

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