Saw a little girl today

>saw a little girl today
>like 12 maybe
>brownish skin
>blonde and curly short hair
>couldnt help but stare
make it stop

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use a gun you pedo

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this is what happens when you miss out on healthy adolescent love. turns you into a monster paedo when you're older. nip this problem in the bud before it's too late and you do something you regret, OP.

You know what to do. She's gonna eventually ruin her life anyway, might as well give her a villain so she can have someone to blame for her fuckups.

i'm 23, its too late for me


He's telling you to kilI yourself.

thought he was talking about healthy adolescent love
thats on the list anyway

I absolutely wasn't.
Go get them, Tiger.

What are you implying OP?

I'm not or I just meant you should get some chemical castration drugs. Therapy isnt an option because you'll get reported and thrown in jail.

Therapy for pedophilia is a hoax, all it does is making you a bit better at resisting the urges

if I ever see I'll skin you alive op:)

milo are you a tranny

>brownish skin

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nope u

want to be my gf then

don't even know you

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Look at Mr. Tough guy over here

Don't even worry about it. Arbitrary age of consent laws can't over rule 1.2 billion years of sexual reproduction. The only mistake you've made is to let the anxiey get into your head.

Just fuck qt Asians in Canada. Shit is easy cash.

at least I'm not a creep n_n!

I doubt it chimpo.

Were you the victim of any sexual assault or rape as a child? I am. I have a ageplay fetish and other fucked BDSM fetishes, but I'm afraid that it's a poorly disguised cope for darker lusts. Kys is a reality for me. Thanks for reading my blog.

I couldn't jack off for a month till I saw little girls in tight swimsuits. I hate myself for this. I will kill myself before I cause harm