>white women want you to fuck them >latino women want you to fuck them >asian women want you to fuck them >black women only want you to fuck them >the most desired male on the planet >still an incel and cries that the white man made you less desirable.
If you are black and are still a virgin by the age of 18, you should just shoot yourself. Most blacks lose their virginity by thw age 13 and have had atleast 2 white girls by the age of 18.
because testosterone is proven to be the one factor that sexually attract female
>This has been proven false
Prove it you fucking jew
Josiah Lee
>the most desired male on the planet The most desired males in America, big difference. Blame jewish media for teaching all age groups that blacks are cool and hip.
Matthew Baker
op is wh*te, garbage thread
Julian Lewis
>The most desired males in America
Prove it or kill yourself
>muh porn
Sebastian Ward
no niglet, nobody wants to fuck a nigger.
Landon Nelson
>thread made by 5'8 teenage white male
Nathaniel Kelly
>Racial and ethnic variations in serum testosterone levels were investigated among a large sample of male Vietnam era veterans. Based on geometric means, significant average differences were found between 3,654 non-Hispanic white and 525 black individuals. The geometric mean for testosterone levels among 200 Hispanic individuals was similar to that of non-Hispanic white individuals. Regarding two other racial/ethnic groups (Asian/Pacific Islanders and Native Americans), no significant differences were found, due perhaps to small sample sizes. Nice useless source faggot LMAO
>Be black >23 >Senior Computer engineering student a 90% white college >still virgin Im gonna end it, how I get white girls man?
Cooper Sullivan
You're probably too polite and quiet, be bawdy and rambunctious. I've seen the split, the quieter the black man, the shorter the penis or so white women think. Also, when they orbit you for a while, just start sexuaising them for no reason and grope them (only those closest to you) playfully at first then ask them to fuck after a bit.
Aiden Reyes
>mfw born a paki and cant even get arranged marriage