This just happened

please tell me i did the right thing

>at a plaza in a rich neighborhood on my bike
>kids on golf carts everywhere
>cross street
>3 girls on a golf cart, about aged 12-15
>im 19 so i don't look too different
>one says hi as i cross the road
>say hey back and they say how are you
>say good and keep walking
>one says "ok, thanks for the conversation"
>they speed off laughing at me
>take it on the chin and just move on with my day
>see more scary normies everywhere
>same kids pass me again, 2 more with them this time, another girl and boy
>they say "hey it's that blah blah guy"
>the boy yels "can i ride your bike?" and they keep laughing
>get on my bike and peddle towards the neighborhood
>they follow me
>see an ally way, decide to lead them into it
>not fast enough so i just pull over at a burger joint
>they get off their golf cart and i get off my bike and walk up to them
>too many people watching so i just say "sup, guys"
>they see i am an adult
>they say some small talk, they start acting weird and ask me what i'm doing
>say im about to grab a bite to eat
>one randomly says "look at my knees!" and she has scars on them
>just say oh that sucks
>"um, well goodbye"
>the one male kid says to the others "thats it?!" as they walk off

lord knows what i would have done to them if i made it to the ally way, i felt my whole moral compass change. We have a tradition of flipping their golf carts when we catch them but to think how powerless they would be if i had made it to the ally, they were some pretty cute kids too.

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Why didn't you beat the fuck out of them?

boomers and other adults could see me outside the burger place window. i don't live in a 2nd world shithole so i wouldn't be able to get away with that.

boomers believe kids can do no wrong and i don't want to get ganged up on by 5+grown men. i was about to mug their stupid little golf cart from them or worse.

Getting laughed at by a group of teenagers, this takes me back haha

>look at my knees!" and she has scars on them
is this supposed to imply that she sucks dick or something?
if what you are reporting is accurate to the conversation their motivations are not clear at all.

This is when you pull out your 357 and blam the girl if you kno what I mean

I don't get it, what's the big deal here?

You did the right thing but lets say you managed to get to the ally way you think you would've managed to beat up the boy?

>but to think how powerless they would be if i had made it to the ally, they were some pretty cute kids too.
i read your post and it seemed like a normal situation, then i read this shit i copypasta'd... youre a creep dude. i can tell you that this doesnt go through the mind of everyone, at least not me

of course you dont get you brazilian monkey orbiter , the guy was getting harassed by rich kids

I think they wanted to have sex with op either way doesn't matter.

>fuck off you little shits
wow that was hard

>five normie zoomers in a golf cart wanted to fuck OP
no they were bored and fucking with him

If op can get messed with by 5 12 yo he deserves it.

They do this to mark their territory, unfortunately. Their banter is metaphorically a separate language from ours. I've had little shits like this poke fun at me at wally world and it always catches me by surprise too...

>but lets say you managed to get to the ally way you think you would've managed to beat up the boy?

the little shit looked 5'3 (im 5'11) and probably weighed less than my left leg. i could let him wail on me for hours and it wouldn't hurt. I would have taught them a lesson. i wouldn't beat them up unless they tried to beat me up because i don't want to go to fucking jail. I would've probably intimidated them and told them to stop being punks. Worst i would've done would be to flip their cart like my brothers old friends used to. It's a tradition.
you fucking Jow Forums retards are creeps if thats what you took from it. I meant it in the sense that they were good kids as to imply that they are wasting their lives doing this shit.
>is this supposed to imply that she sucks dick or something?
she dun looked fucking 13 years old i hope not. I remember when i was 13 there were whores like that but i think she was just trying to calm the situation or distract it since they underestimated me, i used my deep voice and didn't show weak body language. Since they hollared at me from afar i probably looked like some kid their age but they got nervous when they realized i was an adult.

Honestly I love 16-19yos. So cute and boyish looking. I want one of them to TOP me so bad. Almost had one as a bf but we didn't quite end up having full on sexy time.

>you fucking Jow Forums retards are creeps if thats what you took from it. I meant it in the sense that they were good kids as to imply that they are wasting their lives doing this shit.
lmao COPE. caught you redhanded bro, its over for you

>she dun looked fucking 13 years old
>she dun looked
nigger detected. there will be no mercy for you

they could have raped you dude, you missed out
you cant trust 13 yo kids nowadays
BUT BACK IN MY DAYS im right guys

girls can be autistic or say autistic things too

>OP is 19
>the "kids" in question were "12-15"
found the american, not even old enough t be their dad

it's pretty obvious they were originally going to try and bully me but cucked out at the last second.

just fucking tell me what i should do next time bros.

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i went back near the plaza and low and behold guess who was driving down the street, those teens.
>just wave at them while drinking my water bottle

i hope it's ogre. i'm not going to stay away from the plaza from now on because i don't want to get cucked out of it by kids. Hopefully they will cut that shit out.

you cant even handle the low iq banter of 13 years olds? Jesus this is a new low, even for Jow Forums

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EDP had the same situation and handled it worse.

i'll keep you guys updated next time if i see them again

You need to learn to handle their banter in a positive way. If you just don't act butthurt over it they'll usually think your cool and it'll all just be light-hearted. If you do get butthurt they'll have fun getting that reaction from you.
t. Acted like a little bitch over light joking around in middle school around kids that probably would have became friends had I handled it better

I didnt act butt hurt. I acted like nothing was wrong and humored them like you said. I just said all that shit about leading them into an ally to make me look like less of a bitch. Goddamnit I go outside once

>he CAN handle low banter with 13 year olds
What are you even doing on r9k? Go live your happy slappy normie life.

why does this bother you so much? I think there is more you arent saying. give us the full story

>im 19 not too different

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>why does this bother you so much
Every disrespect from pre k to now I remember. I torment myself asking what I should have done and if its ok and so many other nasty questions arise that go unsolved. I cannot ever be satisfied no matter what I do because I can never be sure of anything. In fact to be sure about something you have to be stupid and concluded.
>give us the full story
I gave you it and more.
I could never go back. But there is shame in that. I could go back. But there is so many things in risking. Like going to jail or making a bigger fool of myself.