Hi, drunk general Eruope Time edition.
Tonight I'm tasting this german beer: Franziskaner Naturtrub. It's nice, it is a little more "murky" and it tastes so good. It has a stronger taste than a regular clear beer.
What are you drinking tonight?
Hi, drunk general Eruope Time edition.
Tonight I'm tasting this german beer: Franziskaner Naturtrub. It's nice, it is a little more "murky" and it tastes so good. It has a stronger taste than a regular clear beer.
What are you drinking tonight?
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sup faggots, american wagie here drinking vodka and iced tea. fuck canadians fuk jannies fukwagies and fukneets. I'm pretty buzzed and plan on getting pissed tonight. how u lads doin
having a good ol budweiser
God i wish i could be drunk 24/7, i swear i would be a millionare CEO if i could.
>and plan on getting pissed tonight
What do you mean by that?
I tried to find Budwiser here in my country (Europe) but I couldn't find it on the supermarket so I bought some Franziskaner. I have heard that Budwiser is considered the best beer in the USA, is that true?
That doesn't have any sense...
>Franziskaner Naturtrub
have you ever had the regular one?
I'm drinking a generic 4,8% lager
I have perfected a very efficient mix of beer and red wine so i get knocked out cold with 2 beer cans and half a bottle of wine
Very cheap
>have you ever had the regular one?
Yeah, I think I took one of those this week in a bar because they didn't have the murky one. I like more the murky one more, it has more taste.
Interesting mix that. I had never heard about a mix of beer and red wine. I will try it someday. I have drunk 2 0,5l cans of Franziskaner already with 5% alcohol. I feel a little drunk but I think these beers are soft compared with other that I have tried. I have 2 more to drink. We will see how I am when I drink the 2 liters of Franziskaner.
if i only stick to beer i never get drunk just buzzed, because it the beer gets processed too fast and is too low in alcohol
I just end up weeing alot or falling asleep and waking up bloated
With wine, it has 12% and tends to lurk in your stomach
Hard alcohol with beer works too, like doing vodka shots between beer cans
Anyone here likes Techno?
tfw still sober. There's still some hours left at least.
What time is it in your country?
2am, soon to be 3. I'm staying up until like 6.
where are hell you?
the Azores?
England. Britbongblox
why didn't u say 3 if it was 8 to 3 incel
I'm on the Canary Islands that have the same time than the UK.
I have already drunk 2 liters of beer (5%). I feel nice but not too drunk yet. I'm now with the third can (each can it's 0,5l).
Have you ever come here on holidays?
Because it wasnt 3 it was 8 to 3!
Once. Were you born and raised there?
Sorry, not 2 liters, 1 liter.
Yes, what island did you visit? Tenerife?
Yeah, with my family years ago. Also I'm drinking rum and coke.
You stayed in, let me guess..... Playa de las Americas?
I have no idea it was when I was pretty young! Also, chug your drink.
>chug your drink.
what does that mean?
As in finish it off and get another!
Ahhhhh Ok, I just finished the 3rd can (05,l) I have another one. I should have bought more I think, because this beer is slow to get you drunk.
Yeah! How much do you have?
>because this beer is slow to get you drunk.
that's what I told you sport
Just another can of 0,5 L.
Yeah you gotta pound it back.