What would it take for a robot to date a tranny?
What would it take for a robot to date a tranny?
nothing, I'm not a homosexual.
For one to like me and for them to be cute
for you to be kalindrachan
First one is possible, second one is not impossible. But you'd be in a LDR probably
that they at least resemble a girl more than a man and are feminine. Hairy men in dresses are gross. Femboy trap aesthetics>
They would have to nurse me back to not being a shut-in depressed NEET.
What about tall androgynous trannies who are insecure about how they look?
a lobotomy with a hacksaw
For them to be a nice person and like me.
I just want to be loyal.
Reproductive functions.
very grey area
height doesn't matter i like tall and short partners, if you arent hairy and look like an ogre in a dress and have female qualities then im game.
Haha I'm fucked
It will have to be several thousand years after humans have become digital entities inhabiting cyber bodies. I'll take an androgynous feminine avatar and shell, but knowing that other people could do the same thing will have me wary of the fact that any woman could have been born male for thousands of years until gender becomes a meaningless concept.
What would it take?
1. >Porn addiction manifesting as bi curiosity
2. >Extreme loneliness and depression
3. >Obsession with sex and relationships
4. >"Well- anime traps are so feminine it's not gay"
That sounds like most of Jow Forums though
shouldnt have transitioned bro you fell for the meme. Not everyone is built for it its even harder to become a trap than a Chad. just take test and become chad or double ur HRT or whatever you people take
I can always pass as a boy user. Even if I'm a boy with gyno.
If they said yes to me dating them. It's really that simple.
As long as they dont have an axe wound, that shit is fucking gross.
Sounds about right, the perfect people I meet are always LD. It sucks because I just wanna hold someone you know?
to be able to fool my friends and family for all time (AKA not being out as trans, i don't even understand why they do that instead of just moving far away) shorter than me (i'm 6'0) have a tiny pp that is easily ignored (no crotch wound) and to be naturally obedient and submissive (i'm a nice calm guy but also the dominant leader type)
i also enjoy big tits and wide hips
>match with tranny on tinder
>have conversation with them
>about to ask if they want to hang out this weekend, but it unmatched me
More than three messages on Tinder
For a tranny to show interest in me instead of just chad
being single again
3 years ago a tranny asked me out. i never thought too much about if it was gay, i just went for it
we're living together now, and she's a proper woman
I would never date one because i dont feel like being with a partner that will probably just kill themselves in a decade anyways.
part of me thinks you have low self esteem and are somewhat attractive and part of me remembers what most trans who post here look like lel.
I started in my late 20s user, I already know the writing on the wall. Thanks for being kind tho
This. Trannies are gross. I wouldn't date a normal male either, but I can at least be friends with them.
I wouldn't want to hang out with a tranny at all.
i would never date a tranny knowingly, no matter how cute. if you were passable as a grill and wasn't aware of the fact you're a tranny freak, i'd probably date you but would be really pissed after finding out you have a dick between your legs
For them to pass, and have a big cock, and like using it.
I would date a tranny if it wasn't actually a tranny and was actually a biological female with a biological vagina because I'm not a disgusting faggot.
>Pissed off
What if they just let you know up front as soon as you start hitting on them?
i've already answered that, i would never date someone being aware it's a tranny
But would you be angry if they told you, or only if you actually got to the point of dating?
It's just plain old lying if they go on a date with you and don't say you're trans.
I'd date a femboy, not a tranny who has fucked up its brain and body.
don't say THEY'RE trans, whoops
What's the difference?
if they told me beforehand i simply wouldn't date them, if they told me while we were on a date i would be pissed and stop dating/talking to them ever again, if a tranny showed me his dick while we're about to have sex i would probably smash his face in. sorry hon, that's the truth
I don't recommend beating someone for that, but I can't blame anyone for being in that kind of situation.
being ANGRY in that situation fuck typos
i may concede if a couple of things happen
she not only has to pass but be more attractive than an average looking girl to make up for having/once having a dick.
If i know she's trans she would have to pursue me because i wouldn't put in the time to try and court a boy,
No stds, no insane amount of partners, and generally agreeable.
Only if the tranny is a gfd with a fetish for small boys
I dont know user that sounds like most of the faggots from /lgbt/
>a proper woman
Mentally ill faggots will never be a woman.
complete and utter luck
that's how i scored my 8/10 bf
can you imagine hitting on a girl in uni for a good week only to realize that she was a 'he' the whole time?
severe brain damage
>year 9,999
>benevolent singularity ai occurred a few thousand years ago
>humans can now simply change back and forth between biological sexes
That's the only time.
The only reason I'd want someone who I'd have to trust is to have children, otherwise I'm just fine with isolation. So immediately no to male tranny, and also no to female tranny because HRT is chemical castration.
I wouldn't be personally opposed to it but I doubt it will happen since trannies only want chad
lmao at all the robots that think if they ever try getting a tranny gf it'll be easier than getting a cis gf for whatever reason
trannies are more desperate to get dates than robots, no one would date a freak that can't bare children
trannies have no shortage of dates. at the very least they have a ton of LGBT friends but the more attractive ones can easily function as a normal roastie. anyone that looks feminine will never be desperate for dates, even attractive gay guys are able to adopt the roastie lifestyle.
well judging from the amount of cock-lusting threads posted on here most trannies seem like they haven't been fucked in years
said tranny would have to live near me, not be promiscuous, and love me.
the problem here is that you're basing your world view off Jow Forums
idk, i already like one already and they are going to move out to where i live soon. it didnt really take much
not my world view, just my opinion for trannies
well your opinion can be whatever you want but just because you don't like trannies doesn't mean they can't live the same lifestyle as roasties. there are plenty of guys out there nowadays who don't care so they can get a chad bf whenever they want