Why are blonde white women so desirable and given to miscegenation?
Why are blonde white women so desirable and given to miscegenation?
They look so angelic. I want to knock one up with my brown seed.
Because even though a majority of white women are all whores they still hold a traditional appeal that no Shaquanda or Lupe have
this must be the only blonde girl with a big ass lol
3D isn't exactly desirable and white women are the single most whorish, disgusting subhumans out there. They fuck everyone as long as they're brown and don't reject them.
Fuck off, white women are for white men.
Indigo White's looks nice.
LMAO good cope. All those pale blonde girls burn coal.
Maybe in your fucked up brain they do.
I don't see white men's names on them. I'll continue to have my breeding fantasies.
>5'6" mexican
>only had 2 gfs in my life
>both white
I think they are statistically more likely to date outside their race too. Does anyone have an infographic on this?
White girls love cholo dick
I love going to the beach, and showing off my smooth, trim, lean, beautiful body. Girls love it lol.
White girls are the least likely the race mix.
Not him, but could we hear about these breeding fantasies?
They aren't. I prefer natural black hair with bright blue eyes and porcelain skin or natural red hair with bright green eyes, porcelain skin and freckles.
Here, I found it.
That's percent of intermarriages, genius.
If only whites and Hispanics lived here then that would be 100%.
White girls are the least likely to racemix.
>literally 15
I want to shove my brown seed up a blonde white girl's guts and have her coo about the contrast of our skin colors.
>statistically more likely to date outside their race too
They're the least likely to marry out but given that whites are the largest block of the population they make up the most interracial relations just by the numbers of it. Pretty sure you can check the census data on it. If memory serves Asians were the most likely to marry out.
Most roastie single moms i know where never married.
children arent allowed on Jow Forums
wow she can arch her back really well
Is my gf cute? She's got wicked sex appeal but you virgins aren't allowed to see
Her nose/mouth area bothers me, I think because the philtrum is washed out in this picture. Got a better one?
You can see her philtrum here. She is very insecure about her nose :(
Nah they need NIGGERS seed not brown seed
yea she's cute. lucky guy
dem hips dont lie
Because whites have superior dna and you want to bless your kids with it.
Yeah, her nose is a bit weird. Looks like she might have trouble breathing
Also, yes she looks very pretty in this picture.
What if you don't want kids? Even to fuck around with, I want white girls.
This is CCorrect
>dyes hair
Be a man and tell her to stop that thot behavior
Sandnigger seed would be infinitely better.
this pic looks much better than the first and i don't know why
She posted this to her ig with a poll and 90 percent of people told her to stay blonde. She was 18 in the first and 20 in the second so there's a big difference there.
she looks better with the natural hair
seethe harder wh*teboi
Cute white girl butt.