ITT: Times you felt intense disappointment

>be lanky virgin in high school
>get bullied all the time but try to make up for it with personality
>eventually make friends with qt nerdy blonde who's into software and technology
>spend open gym class by just talking about vidya and philosophy
>find out she's also a virgin
>suddenly get hit in the head with basketball
>"lol sorry bro!"
>qt blonde yells at Chad bc she saw it was intentional
>try to play it off cool

Anyways I'm just gonna cut this greentext short now and say 4 months later that same Chad took her virginity in his car after driving her back from some party. I awkwardly began ignoring her after that until we graduated. I heard she married some older dude.

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I felt most disappointed when I didnt go through on my suicide, the ONE time I had a gun.

Fuuuuck that makes me uncomfortable. Would you like you hear my stupid braindead mistake that I look back on to this day?
I'll make it short. So this fine ass chick at my work was hitting on me the entire shift (first time working with her) and at the end of the shift she told me she wants to show me something after work. We get out of work and she pulls out her phone and shows me her nudes, right then and there. Wanna know what my retarded ass said?? "That's what you wanted to show me? Hah!" And walked away after cuz I was scared to do anything about it.
That has kept me up at night for many nights. I'm still a virgin too btw, the one chance I had I fucked it up..
Mind you she was like 5'3 skinny with fat ass and had a cute face. FUCK IM SUCH A FUCKING PUSSY

>Anyways I'm just gonna cut this greentext short now and say 4 months later that same Chad took her virginity in his car after driving her back from some party.

You've probably already thought of this, but it's pretty likely that she was turned on when he physically assaulted you, even though she acted angry. That basketball you took to the head is part of what got his dick into her vagina.

It's the great circle of life. And you're the gazelle.

Come on, why do you have to make him more sad.

>Come on, why do you have to make him more sad.

Because the part of the greentext he decided not to post probably included him being a dumbass and thinking the fact that she stood up for him meant that he had a chance with her.

I want him to remember for the future: Chad was the protagonist here, not him. He was a bit player, an extra, in a story called "Chad Fucks Blonde Girl". That story included a scene where at first Chad and Blonde Girl didn't get along and Blonde Girl had to yell because Chad was mean. But later, after a party, Blonde Girl came to understand that Chad was just misunderstood, and also came to understand that she really, REALLY needed his penis inside her.

She sounds like a massive slut user. She probably had STD's

This so fucking much it hurts

t. OP

>friends come over
>i'm in the shower
>they take an old phone and start texting my LDR gf telling her i'm cheating on her
>they text all my ex LDR gfs and tell them i leaked their nudes while they share the nudes they had sent me with each other
>get out of the shower and they've all but one left
>he doesn't say a word of what they did
Took me nearly 10 years to figure out why the fuck people have been trying to get me to kill myself but now i've finally pieced it all together, i guess i knew back then because a few days later one of them told me the truth, but it was too late for things to be fixed. The damage had been done. now they all know what occurred, but they're still trying to get me to kill myself because i'm unattractive and they formed a community around torturing me.

But yeah, i was very disappointed, like a constant disappointment at the fact that all the "friends" that i knew for years were keeping a secrete for a lying fat piece of shit who they had only known for a few months, all because he played the drums and drummers are harder to find than guitarist, they figured i was disposable, they didn't need me anymore, my friendship didn't mean anything to them, that was disappointing to put it lightly.

Was she a black girl? Only they have the balls to do this. I remember one time I jokingly asked some black girl if she had a nice ass on Snapchat. She got all offended but then straight up sent me ass pics and told me she was kidding

Sorry bdjdjdjdjdjsjssjdjddhdhdhdhehedhsj

>Start dating super cute girl
>Actually makes me laugh
>Does home cooking
>Doesn't play around
>Is legitimately interesting
>All around perfect gal
>Fast forward 2 months
>"user I was hoping we could talk"
>"I didn't mean to hide this from you but I have a daughter"
>Awkwardly stick through the rest of our date
>Avoid her through the week
>Dump her over text that weekend
>Messy breakup
My disappointment was only rivalled by my frustration at the fact she didn't tell me sooner.

Yea that was me. Sorry for party rocking too hard.

>>Doesn't play around

How the fuck can you have any idea she didn't play around? You had no idea she had a FUCKING DAUGHTER. She could have been fucking 12 guys and you would never know. If she can hide a daughter from your oblivious ass, she can hide 12 dicks from you too.

Nah she actually wasn't too much of one, I assumed she was but upon finding out more things about her, she isn't. She just found me attractive I guess, she told me her self, which is the first time any girl has said that to me lmao
Nah she was white

That's not what I meant you jumped up prick. I meant she didn't play games with me. No guessing what she was thinking or icing me out for no reason. She was really straight forward for the most part.

whenever i wake up

Well that's a face I haven't seen in a long time.

Girls are not beings that think with their brain, but rather with their feeling and their hormones. So her hormones saw a chad and that is why she didn't use her brain. Solution? This is unsolvable, but you can start to be mean to girls/women just to give them their own medicine (if they deserve it).

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When Modern Warfare 3 was released

When monkeys evolved into niggers

You couldn't be more wrong. Chad obviously raped like most popular guys do to unpopular girls in school. She just played it off as it being something else and is now permafucked up by it

Really not trying to pour salt into your supposed wounds here, user, but: Were you under the impression that you would be the one to take her virginity? Did you feel like you had some sort of claim to it? Or did it disappoint you that she bent over for a goddamn chad? Well, the truth is: Yeah, no matter how intellectual ort cool they may seem, in the end it is still some sort of animalistic pattern that drives them. That useless asshole hitting ou with a basketball? We would think that such wrongdoings would earn nothing but contempt for her, but in her subconscious he established dominance. You feeling his ball hitting your head was basically just the precursor to his balls hitting her chin as she vigorously and greedily milks them dry. You, as possibly anyone else here, never had a chance.
Your alternatives would have been to sperg out, which would only accelerate the process or to out-chad him by confronting him about his shit, standing your ground and win, but to win is never an option for us.
If I may supplement this: I know (or knew, since i didnt speak to her for some months pretty much) a girl who is in love with some chaddy type. Height around 190cm without being a lanklet. The guy fucked around with her by suggesting to get together with her, but then went for another female. Meanwhile, some dude (kinda normie, not even true beta or robot) was in love with her, but she refused him and ran after chad, getting heartbroken time after time, even though she dryhumped another guy who lots of people seem to be attracted to, such that they basically catzer to his every whim, including my now ex-gf, which contributed to the break-up btw.
What I want to say is: If you're chad you can do anything you like and still seit their hearts or at least their loins ablaze. But if you cannot, then you're so irrelevant to them that any effort on them for the sake of getting anything going is wasted.
You lost far earlier than you thought, user.

>to be continued maybe

well if they are animals than they deserve to be killed like a nuisance animal.

look at the achievements of humanity, look at how you are posting this on a computer too advanced for any other life on earth to understand. do you think it is this way because we are the dogs you describe us as? The herd man is a dog, normies are the dog. And you should embrace your excellence, not covet their stupid ways and rule them. Imagine if a hunter tried to act like a deer when he is there to kill them. Imagine what a weirdo and a fool he would seem to them. Stop humoring their shallow mortal whims and embrace yourself dammit. It's men like us who allow this to happen.

Just be happy with what you have in a friendship. If you can pull that off, it is much more fulfilling than chase some girl thats just turning out like all the others.

If you still desire physical contect, then consider tinder, easy to pick up slags at a bar or literal prostitutes. Or cuddling parties, if youre more into that, I dunno.

To what end would he wanna do this? Being mean will not grant him peace of mind. And it wont endear them to him, either, as he lacks the perceived value for them to see his behavior to them as sort of punishment or anything else with meaning to them. They'll just view this as either an irrelevant attempt to be important or they will see themselves being targeted unjustfully, so you will stand as the aggressor, which will further weaken your standing, triggering some acts of retribution by chads and/or white knights who will in turn use you to improve their own standing by beating you, the aggressor, down. Such is the nature of things: A worm can attempt to stand up to the birds, but it will only be eaten quicker for showing himself so openly.
Unless you can stop being a worm, there's no point in causing any uproar.
Also, if he gets through with him being mean, it's possible only to a female thats deems too weak to be of the group, which would incidentally be the only person someone in his position could hope to woo, as said female lacks or posesses something the group is displeased by, such as deviating from behavioral norms or disagreeing on standpoints of philosophy or personal taste in relation to the group.

Not agreeing with any violent proposals, but you are right: We should embrace our excellence. Not playing chads game will net us less females(or conversely, males) all over but the game was rigged from the very start anyway. Once one doesnt try to play along anymore, they will not be affected by how they are faring in it.

>It's men like us who allow this to happen.
Pretty important point. That was what i wanted to point out about OP. He let this happen. Not his fault that it happened, because that is his nature, but it was his fault to be disappointed at anything that followed.

Only very stupid people have things like this happen to them, sorry. Also only very stupid people fail to fix things like this.

So basically you earned being bullied

Obviously they have never been anything resembling a friend. You have been deceived, user. Think about what gave them off in retrospect and be wary of these red flags when making new friends. That's the only thing you can do, really. Fixing things afterward will probably be pretty hard, since your word wouldnt have enough weight to it to be genuinely considered. Learn and move on, is what I'm trying to say.

>feel nostalgia
>check old schoolgirls from my class on social media
>They are all married, children and wholesome

I felt sick for days afterwards.

I didn't know life had any particular time.

I really fucking like this guy.

>not grabbing the bat and hitting him back
That's what makes the difference between boys and men, you should've played your cards better. It's your fault. She could have been yours, but no, you didn't stand up for yourself, Chad's earned her you didn't, deal with it

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Btw the disappointment here is thorwards you, that's my contribution to this thread

My girlfriend in highschool told me she fucked her (by marriage) cousin the night before my senior prom even though I already figured she did, but was too much of a pussy to call her out on it. I literally begged her not to tell me until after prom when she said she had to "tell me something she did", but she did anyway for reasons I still don't know a decade later. I already rented the tuxedo and both my family and hers were really into the whole deal so I felt obligated to go to prom anyway. We just sat at our table half of the night or I would leave her to dance or talk with my friends for a while. All the photos of that night show so much pain in my eyes. I tell it as a funny story these days and it makes for good conversation (especially with details I cut here for space and time), but at the time it was miserable.

She was a massive life lesson that I had to re-learn many times because she was my first "love" and took my virginity, but she was also my first major disappointment in the relationship world. Believe it or not, although this was the worst she did to me, it wasn't the end for some time.

I've felt disspointed many times.
>When I had a 'best friend' that actually lied all the time,making drama out of non-existent woes so he could just get attention, and also made a fake girl facebook account so he could mess me around and have a laugh.
>When my uncle, once my dad passed away, cut all contact with me just because I didn't want to give my dad's stuff to him anymore or when my aunt didn't even care about my dad at all and just wanted to get part of some kind of inheritance money.
>When I knew a girl for 5/6 years who I thought I could give my trust, and ended up cheating on me just because she was 'young'.

In the end It's better to be alone and conquer your own thoughts.

fuck man this thread made my stomach churn. i guess i should be thankful that i never got close enough to anyone in the first place to be disappointed

>That's what you wanted to show me? Hah!
That's alpha as fuck user, a woman like that would have been more trouble than the pussy could make up for. Hopefully that crushed her self esteem (i.e. brought it down to healthy levels).

>mid 2010's
>omegle is used frequently by r9k users, myself included
>see girl I've been into for a decent period of time
>told some robots about it
>get prepped by various people on Jow Forums and beyond on how to make it work
>some robot even manipulates and catfishes me about it around 2014. It was so obvious but I was so dumb and that fucker deserves a medal or something. Hope you're okay dude.
>normie party later, I am not interacting with ANYONE. I could have gotten some interaction but I blew it hard
>freeze up when I actually see her
>she visibly backs away
>Back at my dorm, she's there, some dude I know tries to hook up with her, he fails hard even though he's a chad type.
>she notices me, I notice her, and we have repeated awkward eye contact. I should have stopped here and just gone to bed.
> I try and say awkward last goodbye. No acknowledgement.
> I dream about her and it's basically "dude, we're so fucking done" with lots of cryptic imagery. 0/10 wouldn't recommend.
>Gets weird. She has a very one track mind and doesn't notice me at all in the class areas. I got the impression that she had tunnel vision.
>We make eye contact once, and it's like the first time in years that we saw each other. I cut off any social media contact after that because I am beyond fucking done.
>I'm stressed about it for a while, and then move on because other things happen
>She's gone now, but I get an adrenaline jump when I see any girl that mildly looks like her, years later.

Wouldn't recommend that experience in general. I hope everyone previously involved is okay, but I wouldn't recommend any part of it.

Just talk to the person you want, and then just go to bed if there are any hints of rejection, and forget about it. Everything turned out fine afterwards, but not the best experience in itself.

I keep dating crazy
>meet someone
>we work together
>they're fresh out of a relationship
>we get on really well though
>like an 8 out of 10 at least, out of my league
>make out after days of knowing each other
>go on another date
>want to make it official
>get told they're polyamorous
>I think that's just code for "I want to sleep around without consequences"
>they say they'll try being monogamous for me
>I'm super happy for a time
>they have a lot of mental issues
>anxiety is one of them
>I do everything I can to help
>really go out of my way
>push all my problems back to focus on helping them
>they start acting funny, distant
>no intimacy at all
>told they need space
>just want them to be okay
>say I'll come in to work to support them if they're feeling low
>they agree to that
>show up
>they act really fucking weird
>avoid me
>eventually has a massive fucking freakout and involves management
>I get asked to leave
>find out a week later they'd been cheating on me for weeks

>That's what you wanted to show me? Hah!

That was funny and confident. She probably felt more like a sperglord when she went home that day than you did. It probably didn't even make her dislike you. If this happened a somewhat long time ago I'm betting what actually lost her interest was if she kept doing stuff like that for a couple months and it didn't lead to anything.

>be lanky autistic loser
>20 yo
>end of 1st year in college, studying stem
>living in narrow 2 rooms condo, that was built in late 50s-early 60s
>family barely makes ends meet
>having shitty parents, schizophrenic stingy mum, workaholic overreacting dad with shitty ego
>both parents are assholes and nostalgic edgelords
>parents marriage is unfunny running gag, that keeps me depressed most of time, but I somehow managed to get out of it and find something to forget about all shit
>found a new interest, so things got really chill
>saving money for computer for work and vidya, mostly WoW and few other games
>parents don't talk much about our situation of budget and household, just told me that we are moving to another place
>got a job in retail store
>shit was hard, kinda paid like ass, but rocked hard almost whole summer to get those shekels anyway
>end of summer
>got fired, because I was tired as fuck and shouted at some client by mistake, because co-workers were bit of assholes
>doesn't matter, got enough money for computer and some other shit
>2nd year in college started
>bought computer, overpaid a bit, also bought some vidya
>feeling comfy, playing vidya, torrenting shit, having fun, studying
>no mentions about moving out to other place from parents
>2 months later got message to move out before 1st day of october, because mum didn't do anything, otherwise we get moved out by force by household owners
>mom don't tell shit about anything, almost nothing to hear from dad
>week later shit hits the fan
>missed some lectures and tests, but passed them anyway
>dad comes to home to (help) move us out
>shit gets really intense because parents start shouting at each other, dad is even more angry
>hear more nostalgia bullshit from them and how things bad are, marriage drama, yadda yadda yadda
>don't understand, trying to do something good and efficient

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>got shouted at because lots of shit in home is broken, no wonder everything is really old and in crappy quality, and we don't have money, since we're always broke
>move out most of our furniture and other stuff
>half of shit is not even worth moving, belongs to trash since most of it is in broken condition, barely worth keeping
>dad still moves it to new place anyway, placed everything to trailer
>things barely fit into our car and trailer
>sister is in panic
>I don't know what to do or say
>mum is pulling shit and being useless
>"where are we moving?", asked dad
>"to the rural side, user"
>our house in rural side is total shithole
>moved in there
>no friends or connection to others
>internet is barely working
>dad forbid me to play vidya and have any hobbies, so I had to quit WoW with vidya, got porn and fapping addictions
>mum pulls shit
>no privacy
>no time to be with myself
>broke like always, because all money go for bus tickets, that are expensive and food
>people poke fun of me even more than usual
>no more fun, only work and bitterness about past from parents
>have to hear conflicts of parents and dad's whinings about past and his work even more
>can't say anything because dad is right, I'm not like usual
>everything became stale and depressing
>2 years later shit is still same, except my health and mentality got even worse

Sorry, forgot the pic
>You have been muted for 8 seconds, because your comment was not original.
fuck automutes

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I was in the same spot a few years ago, except I tried to cut my wrists in the bathtub. As I was lying there I went trough a lot of memories and realized I shouldn't do it. 5 min. after I got out of the tub my parents came home. They would've found me still living and probably save me. Good thing I made up my mind cause they'd never forget I tried to kms.
What made you not pull the trigger?

Sure she would have been trouble, but being able to fuck her would have been a big achievement for me. Now I'm stuck being a virgin with the thought that I could have not been one had I not been a pussy.
She did walk away very awkwardly and afterwards she talked to me kinda strange. Idk if it would have went anywhere cuz she got fired before I could work with her again.

I think laughing at her and making her feel retarded is a bigger achievement. It's rare that you get to one up a female because of how much society sides with them no matter what they do. Them throwing themselves at you and you laughing at their efforts is like the only situation they can't turn around and pretend they were in the right.

I feel sorry for you user, not having alone time and a disfuctional family is the worst.
Have a (you).

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I guess. I still regret it though.
Your situation sounds kinda similar to mine. Except my mom won't work and now my dad left so she literally has no money and is taking all the money I make from working 40 hours a week. She's going crazy rn and I'm actually worried about her mental health. Idk how we're even gonna pay rent..

Three months ago I receive a phone call from my sister saying that she is moving and that I could take over her place if I wanted. I was living with some roommates who were rude to me and i just stayed in my room the whole time. Anyway, I live across the country and my sister lives in Vegas. My friends live in Vegas and one of them say he has a job for me that would help and pays great. We talk about it all the time and he says I will get work and it is gonna be busy af. Making all these promises leading up to basically moving time. So three days later I arrive in Vegas and within that week I apply at my friends work. Teamster stuff, and I bullpen and try and try to get work but no one calls me and I go out everyday at the job site waiting to be picked and I do not. Crushes me and makes me sad and angry. I tell him it is not working out and all he keeps telling me is that he is sorry. Start to regret coming here and I already spent a lot of money coming here and paying rent. I figure it is no longer working out and try going for security work. I get the interview and it goes great. Gotta get my guard card but out of nowhere I get a bad case of the flu and coughing my lungs out. Cannot leave the house for almost two weeks. Freaking out about money and thinking about going back.
Huge dissatisfaction and want to scream Blog over

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Ugh...this story is so relatable in all the worst ways...

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Pure Suicide fuel

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fucking hell shit like that never happend around me, let alone in my life, but it made me more sad than anything this week
fucking hell anons

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So what you guys mostly don't see is that she's the hero of her own story. I was an awkward teenage girl in HS too. She was probably as nervous and unsure as you were OP. When "Chad" starting giving her attention, it was exciting to her. She didn't think of herself as the girl that gets the guy who throws basketballs at other boys heads, she had only thought of herself as the girl who pines for the boy who ignores her. She wasn't trying to crush you OP, but you weren't fulfilling her needs either. If you had made a move earlier, and she was into you, things might be different. Instead you held a secret flame for her and got upset when someone else gave her attention.

It's not nearly that complicated you faggot. Chad paid her attention and she jumped on it. Every girl would for fuck sake.

Ummm we use our brains. If anything we think more rationally when it comes to sex and relationships than men do. Most girls, in committed relationships, don't just get super turned on by every cute guy we see just because he's attractive. Where as a guy can be with the love of his life and still want to sleep with pretty much every girl under 30 he sees.

You lost as soon as chad took interest in her user. Women just want chad and the sooner you learn that the better, you had no win condition.

I guess. People do seem to be extremely self centered. I guess you have to really like your self inorder to be like that.

>If anything we think more rationally when it comes to sex and relationships than men do

Are you saying girls who reject you should be killed? Are you seriously that weird and desperate? With that attitude, you're going to want to start hitting the gym and exercising your stabby muscles, because the 3.77 billion females elected me to be our spokeswoman and inform you that we all reject you.

>>they take an old phone and start >>texting my LDR gf telling her i'm >>cheating on her
>>they text all my ex LDR gfs and tell >>them i leaked their nudes while they >>share the nudes they had sent me with >>each other

So you're upset that your friends texted a girl and said you have other girls and then texted all your other girls and said you have other girls? I mean, they're shitty friends but its not like they're lying...

>dumping the perfect girl because she has a kid
dumb move user

Yeah, because that's how it really works. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship before? It doesn't count if the other person wasnt aware you were in a relationship with them.

>Also be lanky tall in high school
>really liked this girl
>she liked me back
>she flirted with me but because i was so awkward i just ignored her flirtious comments
>she mistakes my awkward silence for ignoring her comments and thinks i dont like her back
>she calls me ugly and said she never wants me to be her boyfriend
>i get really sad
I could have had a girlfriend in highschool but i blew it. She was a 8/10 QT nerd. Slim, short and nerdy. Glad puberty is over, fuck that.

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Have you gone outside ever? Oh wait, a privileged as fuck roastie wouldn't ever understand no matter how much its shoved in her face anyway.

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no, really it's not a mistake. Raising another mans kid is fucking hell, you'll be paying to support them. Single mothers, not even once.

A similar thing happened with my first gf. We dated for 3 months before she broke up with me and then literally two days later fucked football chad at a party. Women are absolute fucking trash.

>So what you guys mostly dont see is that she's the hero of her own story.

Returning to the thread to say that was kind of my point. Everyone suffers from subjectivity bias; because we're all the protagonist of our own stories, we think we're the protagonist of the *overall* story...and when you're a robot, you simply never are.

OP is nothing more than an extra in the girl's story, too. Who do you think she remembers today? The guy who took her virginity, or some dork standing around in the background of high school scenes?

Before, during, and after this event, there were lots of events occurring which OP couldn't see and which were much more important to the people involved in them than anything OP ever did. To fully tell the story, you need to have scenes where:

>Blonde girl lies in her bed dreaming about Chad and wondering if she should text him
>Blonde girl talks to female friend about Chad and they giggle
>Blonde girl complains to different female friend that Chad is mean, but then they laugh together
>Blonde girl tries to get Chads attention in school hallway
>Blonde girl finds out she and Chad are going to the same party and gets excited
>Blonde girl stands in front of closet trying to decide what to wear to party
>Blonde girl looks in mirror and puts on makeup before going to party, and wonders if Chad will think she put too much on, or too little
>Blonde girl walks into party and immediately looks around to see if she can find Chad

Etc. etc. etc. OP is completely absent from all of these scenes, and these scenes ARE the story. Not him moping around wondering if he has a chance with Blonde Girl and trying to convince himself that the fact that she stood up for him was meaningful.

And everyone here needs to remember that scenes like this are happening all around them all the time, and they are NEVER about them. Ever.

That's so not true. You guys think girls are all vidya characters with rigid parameters around how we relate in the world. Girls have just as many greentexts where we are into a boy and some "sluttier" girl gets his affection.

>with rigid parameters around how we relate in the world
Of course you have your stupid bullshit drama with other stacies but the point being women are all drawn to chad and it's obvious that she would sleep with him over OP given even the slightest hint of attention or affection. When it comes to attraction and relationships women might as well be wild animals.
>Girls have just as many greentexts where we are into a boy and some "sluttier" girl gets his affection.
Except the boy is always chad and you have a plethora of males who you view as below you that you are ignoring. Robot greentexts usually revolve around the fact that literally nobody wants anything to do with them because they're physically unattractive in some way or another.

Uh huh. You just keep railing against those mean bitches who never see you for the real you while you read your red-pill bullshit and furiously masturbate to The Handmaid's Tale. If only we could see you for who you really are on the inside right? I mean it must be our fault you're an asshole, you're only like that because we made you be that way....

keep posting suicide fuel, this is good shit

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That prisioner was a man of culture

>She wasn't trying to crush you OP, but you weren't fulfilling her needs either
Here is the problem, humans are nothing but glorified hairless monkeys

>you're only like that because we made you be that way....
Why is it so hard for you retards to accept that people who were raised well can become jaded after seeing how retarded this all is? Not just how you tell us we're all meant for someone, we'll all find that one person where our personalities click and you end up in love forever but its really just females fucking whoever was born attractive, but how starting a family is fucking impossible now, the economy is ruined, hordes of low IQ shitskins are being imported and bringing down living conditions, The American Dream is dead, and we all serve Jews and every birth is just another working cattle for them? There's no possible way you can see the world for what it is and not end up changed by it.

I see you have only the finest suicide fuel on tap today.

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dude i literally choken on my water reading this. Fucking yikes and lmao.

based and quite redpilled

And you, with your average, to maybe slightly above average (but still within one standard deviation) I.Q., are somehow better for society?

I hate looking back on stuff like this
>Be me, ugly fella
>Go through primary school alone
>Get to secondary
>Decide to be a funny cunt
>Actually works really well
>End up in the chad clique
>Literally get told I'm only there because I'm funny
>Get to go to parties and shit
>Thought I was doing well for myself
>Realise everyone's hooking up
>I don't get to because I'm ugly
>They still keep me around though
I don't know. I enjoyed it at the time but looking back I was like their fucking jester or something.

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so what? she owns you nothing.

Not him but BEGONE THOT

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Retard alert, she wasnt playing obvious games that all women play who dont have children, she was playing long term games to get you to fall for her even though she had a kid. Its called manipulation.

user a greentext is posted from the perspective of that person at that time. I'm not even him but even I understand that. Retard.

Based self-awareness user

not him but:
nobody is good for society. society is just people existing together. some people like configurations of social systems compared to other ones (i.e. aristocracy, democracy, dictatorship, anarchy, etc).
it's all a matter of subjective preference, and the preference norm in the west is democracy heavily influenced by the aristocrats. so, unless you're a CEO of a national fortune 500 company, or rich by other means, you're not "good" for society, you're just a disposable tool that millions of other people are in line to be.

basexd and low iq ape pilled

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I don't think my people her fan relate to this but a number of years ago I made a really fucking stupid mistake. That mistake came back to me six years later in the form of the girl I made the mistake with dropping I daughter I didn't even know I had off on my doorstep.
It was weird having a kid in my house at first, weird and extremely consuming. For the first few weeks most of my free time and energy went into getting my daughter settled in and adjusting to this new life. It wasn't until everything began to settle that it hit me.
I grew up in a home with a single parent. My dad was a deadbeat drunk who left and my mom was absorbed in her work most of the time. It was fucking awful growing up like that, I always felt so alone. So I always promised myself that if I had a child I'd give them a good home, with a stable loving family.

Yet there I was all those years later putting my own child through the troubles of a broken family. I felt the deepest sense of disgust and disappointment in myself. Because I did a single stupid thing once, my child would have to live with damning repercussions. Because I was an idiot she'll never know what it's like to have a mother who loves her.

Honestly, some nights it still eats away at me. I always try to do my best for my daughter but somewhere in the back of my mind there's a voice telling me it's not enough.

>work up the courage to offer hs crush a stick of gum
>>uhh.. no sorry user
>walk away

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I had broken up with all those girls, user. I only talked to like 3 or 4 of them at the time. I guess they weren't lying about the cheating, but the part where they claimed i leaked their nudes was bullshit and that's what set all those girls off and got them motivated to start this hate group. The guy who had leaked all their nudes proceeded to make phony bullshit claims to all these girls that i was a bully and was hitting him or some shit and that i was making fun of his mom and spreading rumors about her. It was such a bullshit lie, but those girls, they were so god damn stupid they believed it all. I guess it makes sense they'd believe all that, any retard stupid enough to be my girlfriend can't possibly be anything but a dimwit. It makes sense that they would believe his retarded lie about me even though from having talked to me they should've known it didn't fit my character.

well genious, please tell me how you would've fixed this? Also how would you prevent this from happening? i ha never done anything to any of them so i had no reason to suspect them doing something like this to me.

Yeah, it's unfixable.

>So I always promised myself that if I had a child I'd give them a good home, with a stable loving family.
>Yet there I was all those years later putting my own child through the troubles of a broken family.
damn that's some real suicide fuel right there

Yeah get out please

Being funny is a sign of intelligence and being able to utilize it. Whether youre a genius or not is irrelevant, but maybe that will help.

Based and black pilled. 10 out of 10

Retard alert, ofc its subjective interpretation, just pointing out that she was still playing games, which are still manipulation - retard.

and the greentext is from the perspective of the early relationship in which he thought she was perfect because she wasn't playing games with him to his knowledge you absolute tard. lurk more before shitting up the board.

Retard alert, you seem to think I dont understand this. The point is that she was still manipulating him and it seems as though he doesnt believe she wasnt playing games even now as he reflects. I am clarifying this for him and now you because apparently your reading comprehension is that of a retard. Also Ive been here longer than you zoomer. You can fuck off normalfag.

did you even read his posts? your reading comprehension is beyond fucked if you came to that conclusion. like i said lurk more so you can understand it next time without having to have someone tell you how to how retarded you are.

Yep, read his posts, and his subsequent responses. He for some reason thinks withholding the mention of children wasnt manipulation. Keep telling me to lurk you faking twenty year old add retard, ill still keep calling you retard.

If it makes you feel any better, children raised by single fathers very rarely end up fucked up. So that girl leaving your daughter in your care did your child a great favor.