I have been friends with a girl for a year and a half, lots of flirting, a few days ago I confessed my feelings for her, and her response was complete silence, like I'm a complete stranger, she is ghosting me now, I was discarded so easily... Hold me bros ;_;
I have been friends with a girl for a year and a half, lots of flirting, a few days ago I confessed my feelings for her...
Im sorry broski. I recently tried talking to a girl that i liked but she keeps leaving me on read. I don't know what to do
You were just one of many of her beta orbiters. Learn from your mistake and never befriend a girl ever again
Its ok fren.it happens.tell more
is it an irl friend or an e friend?
>a year and a half
Fucking rookie numbers,
Try 8.
its ok broham
> we all fail
i'm proud of you for trying
I question girls who do this kind of shit. They're never innocent in this. If you're talking to and bantering with a guy you know is single and he clearly vibes well with you why the hell would you act so stunned or freaked out when they eventually confessing feelings to you?
Anyways, I'm sorry user. At least you know now man, don't get into these sorts of things with a woman you know you'd date. Because eventually you'll want to but you won't be able. Just ask them out after a couple times hanging out or something. Don't let it go on for so long.
You'll be okay buddy.
Real life, but I thinks it's pretty clear we are no longer friens
OP hear, new update she just dyed her hair pink according to Instagram .... And she is 24 already, a bit old for that shit... makes me feel I dodged a bullet, but it sill hurts so much to be turned down like that
How did you dodge a bullet if she never even kissed you kek
I mean pink hair is already big red flag.what was her personilaty like?
>lots of flirting
What do you mean by this, OP?
The best thing to do is wait it out and let her text you. If she doesnt then yea it is over
Hehe i dodged a le bullet even tho i got curved so hard i had to come to Jow Forums and whine but hullet dodged...right guys.....right?
oh, thats exactly what happened to me right at the start of highschool, was on the verge of suicide for a few years, i've long since moved on, but still drown a pervasive existential anxiety in drugs and booze.
I think a lot of the time, they want to remain willfully ignorant of the guy's feelings, or hope that they're misinterpreting them at least. They don't want to mess up a good friendship with awkward, one-sided romantic feelings, and if neither side ever acknowledges them, they can kind of fake their way through it. The ghosting part isn't cool, though.
We did kiss, hold hands, hugs, you know the basic stuff, bu never went beyond that, when she needed me I was there for her, she I needed her she always had something else to do
Now that my mind is clearer I realize I was used from the beginning, she didn't like me, she only like what I could do for her
Then yeah, she was just a terrible person. Sorry, OP. Here's hoping you find decent friends in the future.
If she cared as a friend, she should have just set you straight then and there. Ghosting is just bullshit on any level. She ended up being a shitty friend, sorry you wasted almost 2 years but at least you know kind of person she is now. Consider it a good thing and move on to better friends
Dann,can't say much other than you probably got out of the situation the best way possible.imagine if you dated her.if she is the type to just use people,just think what would happen.
Thank for the support guys, I know my only option is to move on but damn I now I will de depressed for a while, expecially because I have to see her daily, that won't help at all
That's an emotionally immature reaction some women have, I don't think they can help it much. What you want to do now is eliminate any trace of her from your life and move on even if you still think you have the feels for her. Since she made the choice to drop you, you should ignore her if she ever initiates contact again and reject any requests for help and favors (you'd be surprised how many people do this). Even if you find her bleeding out in a car wreck, ignore her.
Been there. That's what happens when they're not attracted you in any way or form. You were nothing but her source of attention but now that you have told her how you want to take it to tge next level,she backed off because only Chad has the right to do that.
Hit her up with a ''please respond''
Trust me bro, women love a man with the balls to not give up on her
Should have hit that shit within the first few days of meeting her and then fucked off. Girls aren't friends. They aren't companions. They are wet holes.
My childhood friend who flirted with me and even sexted me once told me he never had feelings for me. So he used me for attention. So now I lost my only friend and I have nothing.
>and her response was complete silence