Do ethnic fembots ever get jealous of white girls for being the most desirable women by far?

do ethnic fembots ever get jealous of white girls for being the most desirable women by far?

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they never do and you'd be embarrassed to know how deeply they don't, on average.

you arent an ethnic fembot i want an ethnic fembot to answer

>looking for a woman to answer
>on Jow Forums
You're not very smart, are you?


t. Ethnic fembot living in egypt

They have no idea how good their life could be if only they weren't ethnic and living in some shithole, and maybe that's for the better. Ultimately not everyone can live the good life, for every lucky person there has to be someone unlucky.

To be honest, at some point I admire their facial structure and coloured eyes, so yes.

I live in CA (home to extremely privileged white girls) and all the girls I know who are truly happy and ethnic girls. Idk, some food for thought.

can i take a dip in your nile please

I envy them for their freedom, idc about their beauty
-fembot from Middle East

Do you want to be friends femanon?

That's because USA is all about racemixing and especially CA is very diverse. In Europe, the coloreds are usually immigrants and overall their lives are tougher. And a woman from central Africa or south-east Asia has no idea of the absolute peak of existence being a white queen in Scandinavia or Switzerland.

>be hapa ruskie
>live in scandinavia queen land

Would be fun to be thousand pound middle aged rich queen in here. Alas it's denied from me. Nah, I think I'm just better than anyone else.

they do, the entirety of tumblr sjw scene was ethnics being jealous of beautiful white women

>its another episode of an autist attempting to b8 femanons into talking to him on discord

listen dickweed, white women are the fucking plain white bread of humans
you abaolute moron
i would take a fucking nigger girl before a dumbass sjkskskskks no personality, just a hole starbucks drinking will get fat as fuck after two kids wine party head ass white girl. you fucking imbacil

Where's the qt hapa fembot with greenish eyes from yesterday? She didn't e-mail me, feels bad.

No such thing as a fembot and the only reason this title exists is because of normalfags shitting up the board. Youre all just a bunch of normals sulking.

>another fembot thread

Attached: 5v19clcm5fb11.png (385x249, 102K)

a little yeah, they are taller and have nice features.
atleast i wont age as bad.
from a mixed race fembot

>no ass
>fridge body
>square man face
>the most entitled group of people on the planet
>sun makes the skin age way faster and white women deliberately stay in the sun so UV light makes a ton of damage
>enpowered, feminist and not feminine at all

latinas, negresses and asians are better. White women are prettier than aboriginese women, I'll give you that.

I'm jealous that they automatically get treated better and don't have to try as much in life. It's kind of ridiculous seeing how much guys/orbiters treat white girls better compared to everyone else. But I know it's not the girls fault so I never resent them.