What do you do to fight the emptiness inside?
I used to play video games, it stopped working
I am listening to music now, it is slowly stopping to work.
I think I will pick an instrument soon, but my mental health seems to be getting worse so not sure if I'lll have the motivation needed to play shit
What do you do to fight the emptiness inside?
Other urls found in this thread:
I got into programming recently. I started picking up python and worked on a chatbot that uses machine learning. Very wholesome project, you learn a lot and it keeps you occupied for a while. Pick up programming and work on random projects that come to your mind, you will enjoy it
Nothing, I just put up with it
I try different things but the emptiness is a void that sucks all positivity out of my life
I am in the exact same boat. I have no idea how I've lasted this long. The days come and go and I barely notice
I'm going to be fucking 23 soon and I still feel like I'm 18 or even younger.
I'm starting to miss school for some retarded version even though I always hated it.
The days go by quickly as fuck indeed, and it will get worse, apparently your brain naturally starts registering faster the more you age, so have fun with that shit
Same. These days I'm completely passive and just browse this board with music on. Can't even muster up the willpower to do anything else like drawing or programming and I'll stop very quickly if I do.
i do homework because it is the only thing i have time for
trying to pretend that i'm learning things
Back when I was at school I didn't even do homework I just did it quickly in school roflmao
Can you at least share what music you got on currently? At least we have music I guess.
i have sex.
it doesn't help
I just masturbate furiously, I think I once masturbated like twelve times in a single day, I felt so fucking pathetic
Only if you promise not to laugh
I would never, I don't believe in such a thing as bad tastes, I listen to some stuff when I'm really down that some people would laugh at too.
It's okay, just share the songs bro.
Okay, here it is
I liked the piano in your song too
What do I do? I rotate between hobbies, distractions of various kinds. Sometimes videogames, music, watching videos about things i find interesting like tas speedrun techniques, or maybe primitive living videos where the guy builds mud huts and furnaces etc. The nice thing is there's sooo much to try, and do to stay distracted. Sometimes the emptiness comes, amd that's normal. You have to live your life with purpose, and passion though. That's uktimatetly how you fight the abyss. Give yourself purpose. Even if it's something simple. Maybe volunteer and help others. Take up learning a new language, or make goals simple or complex and work towards them.
That's a nice song bro, it does cheer me up a bit, sometimes happy/playful/upbeat music can do wonders.
Cheer up bro.
Read books you dumb
I have run out of passion and motivation, im just kinda wandering an existing aimlessly now, so I feel you OP.
Also based Tomo-poster
>What do you do to fight the emptiness inside?
nothing, it never goes away. I try to get something done when I don't feel like absolute shit, but something always goes wrong. Now I've had my ISP fucking me in the ass for 2 weeks, right when I thought that I'm getting into something (which requires stable internet connection).
Right now I'm deck building for an obscure dead cardgame that I don't keep up with anymore because it got shitty, and only playtesting them myself because I guess my sister is going to ignore me online instead of playing with me.
Been having trouble sleeping at night more than usual and dead tired right now because I stayed up all night.
Generally to combat my own emptiness I live vicariously through someone else's life and dedicating myself towards helping them improve their own life and having happy times with them.
It's a noble pursuit to help someone throughout their life and makes you feel fulfilled, I have the only two close people I need in my life to combat this emptiness, both met on Jow Forums.
About to get kinda blog posty now, sorry.
However my best friend has been really mentally numb and unstable recently and we got in an argument of sorts only prolonging his silence with me.
The other person is an e-gf I suppose, as hard as that is to believe for me; talking to her and calming her through her anxieties and depressions fills that emptiness inside me greatly, though plenty of times I enjoyed kicking back from her and just practiced playing music by myself.
Even with her though I felt that emptiness swell inside me; maybe it's because we aren't physically close,
The issue now though is that me and her haven't been able to speak for a week and I realize how dependent I was growing on her emotionally, same for her vice versa.
I've had none of my love ones to talk to and live vicariously through and it made me reflect again on this emptiness inside myself.
I remember the times I cherished solitude and had so much fun spending all night in vidya; this past week though by myself and only myself has been a real shocker for me though, especially in how much I realized that I had normalized my good fortune.
Now it feels like everyone I love is gone though and I just feel empty and soulless and not sure what to do.
Again I'm sorry for the blogposting of someone who probably shouldn't be posting on Jow Forums anymore, but I guess this is a form of coping as well.
Also people are posting music in this thread; I've been having this on loop for hours and hours now just as a general theme for me and my mood right now:
Working out, drugs, friends, video games, anime, manga and porn.
Here are my songs that describe my current mood;
It's okay dude, blogpost as much as you want to.
I shouldn't feel the way I do right now. I have a seemingly stable job, I have a partner, but I still cannot escape this emptiness I feel, I really don't know what to do, everywhere I turn people tell me "you have a beautiful life", it just hurts more when I'm told that, I guess anyone else would be happy were they me, but I still feel so hollow.
Like you, I've been experiencing sleep problems more and more, not sure why.
Aside from that, I don't really have any passions, come to think of it, not much of real-life friends at all, and my internet friends don't talk to me much anymore.
I don't have any dreams and I don't even know who I am, what is my personality, I don't fucking know, therefore, I don't know what to do, I just get back from work and stare at my screen like a dumbass.
What card game, user?
I have 2 friends that I play vidya with. They aren't IRL, but it is really the only thing I have. Whenever they are not online I feel very empty. However, I also feel very guilty and regretful after I talk to them and self hate over the things I said. I don't really say anything outrageous I just hate myself whenever I talk, but it is also something I crave constantly. I usually go through bouts of wanting to be away from them and then become extremely clingly. Apart from that I usually just draw or masturbate.
Oh also this is a music thread, here I enjoy listening to more upbeat songs about depression or suicide.
I'm also almost 23, but I actually liked school so it's even worse for me now that it's over.
I guess I kind of liked school, especially high school, only high school, and the english school I went to.
I'm just trying to lie to myself, to make it easier for me.
Yeah, people don't appreciate how nice it was having something to do everyday so that way when you're finished with homework or whatever you'll feel accomplished for doing something productive.
Try doing things that make you feel like a good person, like working out or learning a new skill.
Though even I can't force myself to go back to the piano I enjoy so much in my current state so I don't know.
Even when I was feeling fulfilled with my LDR I started feeling hollow at times too, like I was doubting the things that made me happy.
Maybe these are things we aren't suppose to think about too much, maybe this is what happens when you feel like you've stopped progressing in life.
Like you've hit a wall and you aren't sure what else to do now.
Continue to find and set new goals for yourself?
Force of Will.
Have some random card art I think is pretty.
I really really liked that TCG and was my favorite I think it got a lot of things right and has the best mana management and battling mechanics, but then it printed a shit load of cheap cancel spells which to the games credit they banned after a while.
However the current direction they are going with game mechanics just got really boring and it's not as interesting or fun as the older clusters.
Been building a deck that really interesting with all the card interactions and you have a fair amount of options with either control, ramp, card draw, board wipe, or setting up an easy otk combo.
I mainly like building decks off of interesting card interactions and I think that's where they have been failing recently, card interaction just aren't interesting or really fun anymore.
Also I was working on a gimmicky aggro/control, discard/reanimator, and burn/remove from gameplay toolbox/boardwipe but the cards for some of the decks I liked are banned and I need to figure out how to remake them in the "all clusters" format.
It was a two card combo that allowed great card draw alongside being a great graveyard fodder machine, but I needed that graveyard fodder for both the reanimator and the remove from play deck to make them fast enough to be viable.
Usually feelings of emptiness are related to maladaptive schemas that have been going for too long. It might be productive to try and see which ones have become automatic habits and try to deprogram them by being wary to not engage in them, thus gradually reducing them in time.
pity that it's so mindboggingly hard to do so
i am going to creatively bump this thread.
as am I, albeit less creatively so
I have a pos car that I keep repairing just to do something.
Hope for the future OP, have the willpower to try and forge your own place.
Why would anything laugh at this? it's so good.