Smoke weed with some stoner friends

>Smoke weed with some stoner friends
>Somehow we get into a discussion about thinking
>I mention that I think with my inner voice
>They look at me like I'm crazy and make jokes about me being schizophrenic
>Ask them how they think
>They tell me that they think in pictures
>tfw the NPC meme is real and some people really don't have an inner voice

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What does it mean to think in pictures? Just like, imagining things? Can't everyone do that?

That's actually insane, I guess memes are real :/

I can't imagine for the life of me

But that's the thing, I dont know if thinking in pictures means imagining things or something else entirely, I've never even heard of it before

>What does it mean to think in pictures?
Not having an inner voice and just imagining pictures.
>Can't everyone do that?
Apparently no. Some people just think in pictures, some in voices and some in both.

But like if I said to imagine an apple and you see an apple its not really a picture, more of a thing

I guess I do both.

haahha this
>flatmate walks into the kitchen
>sees me turn to my left and laugh as though in conversation
>just me in the kitchen
told him i think as though i am conversing with other people
his face when

Is it possible that we're schizophrenic?

Well the voice I think in is my own. If you have voices besides your own that tell you things or give you orders without you trying to think those things then you're probably schizo.

>I usually get lost in self conversation to the point where i use my outer voice.
>people stay away from because they think I'm mentally insane
>mfw I'm irritating normalniggers
Been doing this ever since, and quite frankly I enjoy it. I guess you are your best companion.

Are there actually people who don't have an inner monolouge or are incapable of visualizing things in their minds eye? For me, both are pretty prominent especially if I daydream or something, I can pretty much trance out and lose contact with reality if I get too absorbed in it.

Autists tend to think in pictures, not in voices. So, sorry mate, YOU are the NPC.

>girlfriend is high Si user (ESFJ)
>get her to use inferior Ti more
>tells me how useful it is to think in sentences
>suddenly realises a bunch of bad patterns in her life dealing with family and changes her ways
>she is happier and more confident

Logical/rational thinking is absolutely crucial to functioning as a capable human being. NPC sheep can be left to their devices, OP needs better friends.

when you guys imagine items do they appear as a thought near the middle of your head?

Your friend is the weird one. We haven't been using "angel and devil on your shoulder" forever for no reason

what do you mean though isn't just a stream of sensory memory? what do you mean you can think in words? My small brain only feels feelings and feels things what I've felt before

im sure you could diagnose any one of us in-ner dialogue-cels as schizo if you wanted;
sure we would be low tier schizo, but still
labels dont mean shit its how you treat them
i love my second me

You dont speak words inside your own brain?

Its so funny when non thinkers think you're schizo for imagining a concurrent sentence instead of actually vocalising it. Just imagine your talking and just don't move your mouth.

i was being le sarcastic
Dr Grandin explains thinking in pictures.
Silly voice-thought normies. lol

I can do both desu

Autists are npcs.

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I wonder what they "hear" when they read

What exsactly do you guys mean by inner voice? Is it literally monologuing in your head like peep show? I imagine having conversations in my head but i'm also a retarded picture thinker.