How many hours per day you look at your monitorr?
How many hours per day you look at your monitorr?
propably around 7 hours
I'll look at it for eternity just to get a chance of looking at you.
98% of the time I'm awake. So around 18-26 hours per day depending on how long I stay up. Neet like be like that. And yes my eyes are bad but they have always been.
12 hours - 14 , sleep repeat
I once wondered if many hours a day of screen time as a kid (in addition to a lot of reading and other close-focus stuff) contributed to my nearsightedness. But I've hardly let up on the "looking at things close to me" stuff and my nearsightedness has been slowly lessening, like every two years or so my optometrist gives me a prescription a notch weaker.
Wow that might actually work
how many hours per day you were looking at things not close to you?
not many. I mean, yes, more than zero, but then and now all my hobbies and free-time activities have involved being indoors looking at either a screen or sometimes a book. And usually the school-and-work stuff does too, all the jobs I've had have had me at a computer. My distant-focus time is mostly when I'm driving.
Ok thank you, i always wanted to try
However long I'm awake when I'm not in the bathroom. Probably 15 hours a day, average.
probably around 15-16h on average, depends how much i sleep and if i have to go to the grocery store etc
All day minus sleep which is 6 hours. That plus another hour for toilet and other stuff so roughly 17 hours.
How do you guys feel about this? Content? Hopeless? Have you wasted your lives in gluttonous pursuit of short term pleasure, or has it been advantageous to go into the matrix like you seem to have? I will read every reply please
probably way too much, my eyelid is always twitching.
>How do you guys feel about this? Content? Hopeless?
hopeless, i don't see a future for myself and i think about killing myself quite a lot
>Have you wasted your lives in gluttonous pursuit of short term pleasure, or has it been advantageous to go into the matrix like you seem to have?
i was never able to relate to other kids my age or enjoy the same things my peers enjoyed. i spent all my time on the computer because that is what i enjoyed. if i could go back in time, i wouldn't change anything. however, if given the option, i would choose to be born as a cookie cutter normie and live a "normal" life
sorry if my response is incoherent im not sober
About the massive amount of screen time? Eh. I mean, there's times when I wished I was into different things and was a different kind of person in general, but you can't really change that. Well, you can force yourself to do different things but you can't change the kind of stuff that interests you and that you want to do, rather than make yourself do. And for me all that stuff was mostly on a computer. Really the disadvantages of being like this aren't my eyes in my book, nearsightedness has been trivial to correct ever since we learned how to grind glass into lenses hundreds of years ago. It's the introversion and lack of socializing that's the drawback. It's shit but the world runs on nepotism 100%, and all the extroverts are out gallavanting around outside while I was at home tinkering with my computer.
not without its perks though, I guess. you get to spend a lot less on entertainment than the rest of the world, and at least for me its easier to learn stuff. Things that I think were pretty straightforward to grasp absolutely astound normalfags. My best guess why being that they can't imagine just sitting down and reading about a topic for several hours at a stretch.
It's not really about pleasure, it's just mitigating boredom, there isn't anything else I can do except stare at the ceiling 16 hrs a day.
Why do you feel there is nothing else you can do? Fishing is extremely cheap
Fair, I personally believe you can change what you like within reason. A man can get used to lots of things
I'm sorry. Have you ever tried some robot friendly real life hobbies like fishing? It can be as little as sitting
>Why do you feel there is nothing else you can do? Fishing is extremely cheap
Well, my parents hate my fucking guts and never drove with me; I'll only be able to get my license by 21 at the youngest, when the hours requirements are dropped. So, leaving the house to do anything isn't an option because I still can't get anywhere without my parents' permission even though I'm 19.
>I'm sorry. Have you ever tried some robot friendly real life hobbies like fishing? It can be as little as sitting
i tried fishing a few times with a relative when i was a kid. i liked it, but i don't have a way to travel to a lake (too autistic for public transportation)
Both content and hopeless. There is really nothing else to do with my time but I am quite happy doing it.
Walking your local area could be good for you user. Dont lose hope 21 is still young but I'm sorry that sucks ass
Do you live in the city?
That is fair I don't think it's necessarily wrong to waste your time if you enjoy it and dont burden others unreasonably
>>Fair, I personally believe you can change what you like within reason. A man can get used to lots of things
You can get used to a lot of things, but that isn't the same as what you really are underneath. e.g. an introvert can force themselves to go out and spend time with people, or an extrovert can choose to remain alone. but though they can get used to it, they never really like it. Which is kinda what that "be yourself" meme is about, they aren't being themselves. They're actively choosing to do something against their nature. That's a rational-brain thing, they've decided based on some kind of cost-benefit analysis to do something because they want a result that they think will follow from doing it. As opposed to the emotional-brain thing of what actually makes them feel comfortable and engaged with what they're doing.
So, yes, it's definitely possible to do things against what you naturally want to, and everyone does it to some degree, you have to. but your life gets more and more tiring and unsatisfying the more of that you do.