What keeps you going? Why haven't you blown your brains out?
What keeps you going? Why haven't you blown your brains out?
I want to get a gf first
I originally don't want to die to be honest my comrade
I don't want to support liberal gun control by adding to the gun deaths statistic.
I don't know what my worth is to deserve being alive in the first place. I hate myself. I'm just a fucking pig that no one will ever consider for love.
But I still have the music I enjoy, a few old games. It's not much, but these things give me a smile.
I work in an elementary school. It's fun to have kids gather around to listen to the old 1980s cassette tapes I bring them every day. I guess that's a reason to keep going.
Too lazy to go through the trouble of killing myself.
im living out of pure spite
plenty of retards have told me to kill myself, even my own mother
>I work in an elementary school. It's fun to have kids gather around to listen to the old 1980s cassette tapes I bring them every day. I guess that's a reason to keep going.
Because mom would be sad.
If my mom, dad, and brother didn't care about me, I would do it right away. Their care almost feels like a prison.
Lots of stuff keeps me going. I have some goals I want to achieve and I enjoy existing most of the time. Also my social bonds give me a reason to live. As well as my job that I think is very important for society.
Worked hard for this. Had to overcome depressions (without drugs btw) and now i am in a good place in life.
Get a therapy.
You funnily enough im autistic/a pussy about it to the point i only want splatter the matter with a lever action shotgun.
I've considering therapy, but my two biggest issues, among many, are:
1. I won't be able to fully articulate my issues, and it's a lot of intermingled stuff. I'm not a good speaker, and even worse at talking about myself
2. I feel like therapy is just "oh, you think/feel thing X? Well you're wrong to think/feel thing X, so just stop it"
Honorable mention to the crazy cost of therapy.
Damn that's scene where he unloads the rest of his mag just to make a point and smirks is absolute kino. The sound of the gun is unrealistic as fuck as is the fact he fired 90 rounds without reloading, but it sounds soooo fucking good.
Bless you user
Couldn't continue seeing my psychiatrist during the summer holidays. I have appointments soon this month however.
Sertraline has helped me a lot to be honest.
my family like most
The thought of having enough weed to postpone these ever present feelings for another week or two.
I don't want to be in anymore agony, I want to die quickly and easily. I can't afford a gun which is what I really want to use.
im an emotional masochist. how havent you figured this out?
rather blow out someone else's but like that one guy in full metal jacket says you're never gonna find anyone worth it
Honestly I don't really know.
pain makes pleasure taste more sweet
My life is brilliant in every way. I have everything i could want at the moment and everything is fine.
My 9 inch pp, high iq and 6ft body. It would be retarded to kms.
Holding onto hope that the world isn't as bad as it seems, and that humanity still has a chance
Ignorance is bliss. Keep on keepin on, waifu posting 9in user.
I'm a coward.
I'm a coward that comes up with an excuse to postpone my suicide with a false dream until it inevitably bursts and then the cycle repeats itself. I'm in pain everyday and it gradually gets worse and congested because I have no one to talk to, but I keep living because I'm a spineless loser that's afraid of physical discomfort. I'm in my own hell
My love for my people, and for what could be
The Holy Spirit keeps me going. Forgiveness renews the soul.
> what could be
nah men you're strong to keep going. A coward would give up and take the easy way out. Just keep fighting. I was in the same hole once but got out
I always imagine my mom's screaming if she'd find out I committed suicide and it's not pleasant.
I'm too afraid of death, and that's the same answer as everyone else in this thread but they don't admit it.
My job is interesting, and in a few years I may be able to move to a country where it is not fucking impossible to buy weed.
Chews up blackpills spits out whitepills. Damnit this is dumb but made me chuckle
Unironically would be down for being whitepilled on women
I don't think I want to die, I am just bored and sad with my life. If I did I certainly would not just off myself though, would have to get that bitch ex wife first and could not make the kids bastards while we're at it.
I think about it at times but I think I am too lazy to go off like that
What would it change?
Nice dubs, and I can confirm that therapy is basically useless if you aren't seriously mentally ill
Too much of a brainlet to contemplate the meaning of life and my mortality. Ignorance is bliss, I survive on a day-to-day basis surfing on mild dopamine surges from my daily social and physical activities, like a healthy, well-established brainlet.
Doubtful. Some people legitimately crave death. Survival instinct is the final obstacle to topple in life and it feels amazing when you finally stop giving a fuck. Besides, I have a terminal illness anyway. It's called being human.
knowing that I can positively influence technological growth and therefore the achievement of next evolutionary level.
I will fight for law and order as a forensic accountant so that scientists and their families can have a save environment to thrive in
>still young
>doing well in uni
>family is all close, live together etc., especially my mom is very nice, they'd be devastated
>still haven't had sex
So yeah i'll push for at least a couple more years, but looking at the possibilities for the future i'd say suicide is definitely there. On the bad side, almost nothing makes me happy, and it's only getting worse, it's almost solely weed and masturbation that give me dopamine at this point.
Ultimately I just want to get some money to live a nice life in a rural place near the ocean. Ideally a bit tropical, with not a shit ton of people, and buy a motorcycle, or car, and just drive up the coast at night listening to music till early dawn, then pulling into my minimalist home, and wake up around 6pm to do it all over again. Something simple, but meaningful. I just want to experience that lifestyle before I die at this point that's all.
>it's almost solely weed and masturbation that give me dopamine at this point.
Same, albeit just weed for me. I've had sex, but now that my spouse has left me the only dopamine I get from sex is the actual build up to it (the entire dating app process really) rather than the sex itself, which I hate.
Because I'm not ah amerifat and I can't easily buy a shotgun to blow my head off
Ya don't masturbate? As someone to who the idea of a connection with other people is alien, i can only imagine about what sex is supposed to feel like, other than using the girl's body for my enjoyment, which i guess is still better than my hand.
Same here. I love collecting tapes and vinyls. Don't work with kids though but that warmed my heart
Simon and Garfunkel is top tier I'm glad to see you're raising those kids in good stuff. Hope you get better user
I actually enjoy live
based existential rebeller
Had stage 3 skin cancer as a kid and I can't waste what they did for me. I never wanna die. Just disappear sometimes
Honestly, I fear Hell.
As well I want to go along with the decline and decadence.
Just when I was ready to go and do it the fuckers took the future back off the shelf dusted it off and starting racing China for it.
Live for the livestreams now.
Also another white male suicide lets (((them))) win.
Damn man. You deserve better
No guns in here :(