Fembot here with a question to other femanons. Does anyone else get the feeling that people look at you more when blowing bubblegum bubbles? I blow bubbles every few seconds when going through a pack of bubblegum. I don't know if people stare because it's entertaining or annoying or what. Maybe I should stop if I'm violating some social taboo. Halp.
Fembot here with a question to other femanons...
You will never be a girl
Original comment of course
It entertaining and sexually provocative.
Sexually provocative? How so? o.o
It just is, dont worry about why.
Now I feel embarrassed...
Girls loudly and obnoxiously chewing on gum makes my pp hard
Hey, but post a pic of you blowing bubbles please
Why does it make your pp hard if it's obnoxious? o.o
I don't chew very loud, but I do think it's fun to have my bubbles make loud popping sounds...
I dont really know, I dont think all gum chewing is obnoxious but the louder it is the hotter it is to me maybe because its just more obvious,
I should point out depending on the context I would consider it a social taboo which could be why people stare, where do you chew gum?
Probably walking home from her high school wearing short shorts and a shirt that doesnt fully cover her tummy.
Pretty much everywhere ^^ The gas station where I work at, waiting at the doctor's office, hanging out with friends at their homes...
I'm embarrassed that it's sexual though >< I remember that a few years ago in 10th grade I woke up a boy that was sleeping during class by blowing a bubble and popping it right next to his ear... I just meant it as innocent teasing but...
I think in settings where you are generally meant to be quiet like the doctors office or a library people might consider it rude, and in formal settings it might be seen as overly casual, is there a reason you like chewing on gum so much? What kinda gum do you normally chew?
>.> I just like having stuff on hand that tastes good. I always have some chocolate on me as well. I like Butterfinger, Snickers, and Kit-Kat the best.
Big Red and Watermelon Bubblicious are the best :3
>I always have chocolate
Doesnt that melt? And how much do you weigh? How old are you?
If it were mint you could maybe get away with it but those flavors are way too sexy how do you expect boys to talk to you without blushing? Also butterfinger sticks and KitKats are the best, would you share?
I'm 19 (20 in December), 5'5 and weigh 116 pounds. ^^
*snickers not sticks >.
This was a cute LARP, but you can stop now.
>tfw no 10/10 narcissistic gf who takes all of your money, makes you drive her around, and loudly chews and snaps gum; especially when you try to talk to her
Why do I want to be used so bad? It's hard to fight
Self-loathing, I'd guess.
Reminder that chewing gum makes you fart.
Nah, it's not that. I certainly don't hate myself. I appreciate your input though
I am NOT a dog I like human chocolate because its tasty and doesnt make me sick sticks are tasteless and too hard so I dont chew on them
I have never done that before. I would assume they are staring because it is unusual. I would also assume guys stare because the act is received sexually. I get ignored by people I know so maybe my judgement is not the best.
it makes them want to fuck you is what it does.
Could you explain to me why? This user was kind of vague ^^;
The guy who said >.< was just pretending to be me I think, also cute doggy
Provide proof any of you are women or fuck off. Tired of you fucking trannies polluting the board and bringing out the coombrains
I wasnt pretending to be anyone I just wanted some of your chocolate
It's hot and original
Well the only times I would look at someone blowing is because I'm entertained and want to see how big it gets. It's also super trashy by the way ;)
Trashy? How?
I cant find it sexual like these other anons. Nothing arousing about it. But I like seeing big bubbles being blown up and pop. Always found it interesting. Maybe it makes me brainlet. I dunno.
>thread full of trannies
reminder that if you're a balding HRT goblin you get social upcummies from your groomers and will NEVER, EVER be a robot.
Draws attention to the lips. The bubble swelling is visually evocative of arousal in the sexual organs. It shows you have good control of your lips and tongue therefore you'll probably give good blowjobs. The pop of the bubble is the same noise a cock makes coming off the lips. There's something luxurious and childish about it - most people don't have the time to blow bubbles or feel like it's immature. This is attractive to men as an indicator of youth and love of pleasure. I could go on
I like how it makes my mouth feel
I have an oral fixation so I like the whole process of preparing the gum with your tongue and blowing a bubble
Are you a femanon
Do you have big boobs
they're big but very unshapely