attention seekers can fuck right off, edition
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Woman just came up to me and started a conversation
check your pockets for anything stolen
I just want someone to cuddle, watch tv shows with and to fuck also to love and protect thats a big one for me but my cumbrain almost forgot about it.
Nothing was stolen lad
does anyone have archive links for chika being bullied off britpol?
Dude, where's my cow?
No because it is a fiction
How could I get bullied off a thread
People give me shit every day here and it doesnt bother me
I stopped posting in pol ages ago because I got bored of it
A country dance was being held in a garden
I felt a bump and heard an "Oh, beg your pardon"
Suddenly I saw polka dots and moonbeams
All around a pug-nosed dream
I will live a quiet, stress free life and nobody will stop me
Alcoholics Anonymous doesn't work. Literally worse than just trying to quit yourself. This has been proven so many times I don't know why people still talk about it. Plus it's a fucking sham. I've been myself and it's a shitty environment, everybody trying to be your sponsor, everybody talking about how great it is that they haven't drank in 3 days. How is reciting shit from that stupid book going to help anyone. There are much better groups out there if you think getting social support will help you.
You gave up your noncey avatar posting after pressure from Bazza and Gazza
Here's one for the nostalgia
More delusions desu
Stop larping you bore
No because I'm not obsessed but they did the whole reporting him for avatarfagging and call him a nonce because he was gay before mongs here started it iirc.
to date nobody has ever used the term "larp" accurately on the internet
can you guess why
How many male cows think they're female cows due to your overpopulation problem?
Same shit different thread really
pisstroopers, it's time to order 66 /britfeel/ until it sorts itself out
Just finished reading Shadows Linger, what a ride lads.
Internet isn't "live action" its digital
There was a factory
Now they're just mountains and rivers
You've got it, you've got it
Yeah I even fancied you back then as well, do you shave your legs?
waterfalls leave smooth rocks when the river dries up
you can determine where a river once was just by examining rocks
god chikas so cute i hope he reads this
In any group of pakis there's always one who's 6'2+
Considering how short they are on average, why is this so common?
it's disingenuous to call blatant lying "role playing", but to add a demonstrably untrue qualifier to this already rocky statement is bizarre and I don't know how or why it became so common
post status: read by Chika
Is the Black Company series worth getting into? I want to start getting into high fantasy books Like the Wheel of Time etc
Lads dont forget you have till october 13th to pay your annyal fee to /britfeel/ shaggers club.
Mine are really hairy, love to rub my hairy legs against your soft smooth legs while we watch faggy anime in bed.
Fucking americans and their vocal fry lmao, it's unbearable
Seeth user why are you so attached to the prequels and its memes, are you underaged?
mate i lived in america it's as uncommon as dizzie rascal-tier british is in the uk
Uhh find some other person for that
im watching some video and everyone in it has vocal fry
Then why havent I see your nonce avatar of late?
Mostly because it is an easy way to get posts deleted
The last of the prequels was released 14 years ago lad, Im aware of them and Im 25 years old
maybe base your opinions on more than one video then.
chika why dont you just become the girl?
Laying down with olive oil in my ear. Bloomin ear wax.
>he doesn't know
does that actually work? mine need syringing but fuck that
I want you though the heart wants what the heart wants, I'll win you over eventually.
Its an easy way to get your head kicked in you bloody nonce
I heard a lot of british kids have american accents now because they watch too much youtube or something like that
That is a very short term lifestyle choice desu
how about you shut the fuck up and never post here again vile turd
It definitely does not work my nan is partially deaf in one ear due to her nan thinking that old wives tale had any merit. Would advise the lad youre replying to to get himself to a GP asap
This is only day 2 of the oil treatment. The web says to do it twice a day for five days so it's too early to tell yet. I would go to the nurse but it seems like a waste of their time.
i lost my accent because i spend all day consuming foreign media
mate i will spark you the fuck out if you chat shit like to me again
Prequels are for contrarian zoomers who think they're millennials
Sequels are for millenials who think they're boomers
Simple as
>hurr durr you don't know my shit origin story
>seeth = sith epic innit
trannies always say transition young for a reason, its so you look less like a man when you are older
an old person with bad hearing? it's gotta be the olive oil surely
Yeah definitely, it's the first thing I've read in a while but it's really pulled me in, I'd say the second book is even stronger than the first even though it took a while to pick up, I'm really looking forward to starting the third. It has a lot of interesting and enjoyable characters in it and the world it's set in is pretty cool despite also being harsh as fuck. Just give it a try lad, it's not that long a book really.
Bit late for me to go back in time
I am fine with how I look anyway
I think you would make a pretty girl but I would only treat you like one in the bedroom if you dress up as one of you nip idols.
I'm not referencing SW though, do you just prowl britfeel all day looking to seethe at people?
you think that's a perfectly normal thing to say don't you?
how the fuck did we go off the rails so bad so quick
i wish i was a brit so i could have friends but im just a lonely american tranny.
>pisstrooper its time to order 66 on britfeel
If this is not you then do you join in on conversations you aren't apart of and moan about people seething?
Mong, seething must lower iq, sorry I insulted you bum buddy.
Whats the most embarassing thing youve done lids?
im fine with how you look as well
fine with my dick in my hand hehe
I made that post buddy, look at how angry you are because you flew off the handle for no reason.
Fucking hell, howling at how dumb you are.
Got caught doing all sorts of embarrassing things by my mum desu
*watches DMAX on the thread jumbotron*
Dont have any memories to hand, I forget that stuff quite easily.
On britfeel yes it is, just trying to complement you hope I didn't give you tranny feels.
Post legs or give me a green card fiance visa.
*flicks it over to tipping point*
Picked up a pint of piss in a bar toilet and showed it to everyone.
how come switzerland never wants to join in lads?
>neutral in the wars
>not in EU
>has a square flag when everyone else's is a rectangle
Like fapping?
>I win because I say so hehehe no u
Pube tier cope
Before you go,
Do me a favor.
Give me a number
Of a girl almost like you,
With legs almost like you,
I'm buried deep in masturbation,
You're not nothing new.
I like to drive along the freeways,
See the smokestacks belching,
Breasts turn brone.
So warm and so brown
And sex
Bad business
no lad i'm watching overhaulin
*Sticks the remote up his asshole*
Howling, fuck sake lad your reading comprehension is retard tier, no wonder you're foaming at the mouth.
John Bercow just resigned lads. It's a really fucking sad day.
My twin caught me wanking to traps on youtube, was sprawled out on the couch with a cummy hand and a sticky tv times. When he entered the living room I had to choice whether to hid my wanking or hid what I was wanking too, but I hesitated in shock and horror.
He is a little cuck weasel anyway fuck him
Why? Fuck that EU loving prick.
>on youtube
Because someone used to spam him saying order order here
think i have a new least favourite poster
Yeah my internet was down but we had youtube on our tv box thingy and there's a whole underground gay youtuber scene for traps and shit, its not even adult blocked.
I would post it but I'm phoneposting right now.
He's a smart man who gave a good voice to backbenchers beloved by all except seething ERG cretins.
A few hours have passed and I finally feel ready to talk about my visit to the scat prozzie.
She came out to the waiting area and got me. The old guy with the mustache was still there, I reckon he is a pimp or something rather than a customer. We went into a room where absolutely everything was covered in a white, fake leather looking vinyl. The walls, the floor, what looked like a ceiling and a kind of padded table in the middle of the room. There was a drain in the middle of the floor and the floor kind of sloped down towards it for easier drainage. There was a strong smell of shit.
The woman wasn't as attractive as the photo but I'm used to that from normal punting. The first problem was when she said that she wanted 1500 instead of a grand as previously agreed. The price was 1000 for half an hour with scat and piss, but she said she only did scat and piss sessions for an hour, so it would be 1500. I'd have just walked out at this point and left, but she already had my 1000 in her hand. I had no choice but to leave, go to a cash machine, and take out another 500 before going back.
She lay down on the floor and I shat on her face. It was a big, disgusting wet one from the rotten milk I'd drank in preparation. My plan was to shit on her, then wash it off with piss, then cum on her face. Unfortunately I couldn't manage it. I was too nervous to piss, and I couldn't get a hard on.
I felt fucking ill. My mum died when I was 13, and I started to think about her. I wondered if she was in heaven looking down at me at that moment, and feeling so, so disappointed about what a disgusting man her son was.
I left pretty sharpish with the prozzie covered in shit on the floor. I could hear the mustache guy in the waiting room laugh at me as I stammered some apologies on my way out the door.
I didn't get to wipe my arse until I got to the toilet in a McDonalds about 5 mins down the road.
Never again.
You mean you had a few hours to think about your larp
He's not even EU loving, he just didn't want the government to completely run over all the rights of parliament.
Even if he was EU loving, there's nothing wrong with that. The only arguments against it are retarded boomer memes. Even Shippy agreed that leaving the EU will destroy standards of living in the UK, it's just that he wants that.
I have done some things in my time but nothing comes close to this level of degeneracy
And for that reason im out
*puts tin away*
That was funny enough, I thereby absolve you of the imperative to drop 50 English pence into the Live Action Role Play jar.
>oh no I can't get cheap polish nannies aaaa
>The only arguments against it are retarded boomer memes
>Proves it by posting a retarded boomer meme
3. I just did a survey. Then killed half of them.
Enchanting room is nearly complete
This. It's really fuck all to do with the EU, he just didn't allow the Government to intimidate him or pressure him into anything. That is a vital job of the speaker of the house.
based and cobblestone pilled
It happened when she was 7 you utter mug, she didnt just turn round in her 80s convinced she was deaf due to the olive oil incident decades ago