>White person uses self defense
>Seen as a hero
>Black person does it
>Seen as the villain
We honestly should slowly torture all white people.
White person uses self defense
Other urls found in this thread:
>white person uses self defense
>the entire country goes in an uproar, marches are held, organizations like BLM are formed
Because it's usually not self defense, it's just a white person shooting a black person because the black person moved too fast.
>black person commits a mass shooting
>not reported on outside of his local area
>white person commits a mass shooting
>immediate outpouring of media support and public interest
Say thank you to the next white person you see
OP won't reply to my post because he knows its all true, his life is owed to whitey
ok newfagg
The guy who killed Trayvon martin sold the gun for 100k. Became an author. And all this other shit
>black person moved too fast
We could breed them better, faster, stronger, but we could not evolve our own fear. :(
That guy was latino, not white
As a white man I thank Yakub every day for creating me and bringing my ancestors out of the caves.
Ayo y do y ppl do dis 4r
Fuck you nigger we own you
But black men literally own your women. Its not even a debate
>Afrocentric insurgent trying to larp my clout has anything to do with them
The democratic party is dissolute cause of you shills trying to defraud my identity to fan an insurgency as the US operates as a Republic
And whats Trayvon doing these days? Don't hear much from him anymore.
Dunno op.
>white people chimp out that darkies went to vote
>whites decide to attack darkies at their homes
>darkies blast holes in these whites chimping out
>those darkies are seen as heroes who defended themselves
Granted you wouldn't know about it but where I live that's what went on. Pretty big event even Bernie Sanders visited here after it happened.
>We honestly should slowly torture all white people.
Why should ? You're already torturing us.
reminder you have a hapa micropenis
Zimmerman is not white.
and his dad is a Freemason, that nigga killed him for money lmao.
You just think that because of your black bias.
I'm not white man, but even research says people rather not race mix, of any race. so white women still prefer white men.
but I do believe black men don't like black women much lmaoooo.
if the races were reversed this would have been national news
>We honestly should slowly torture all white people.
only a villain would say this
non-villains would fight to the death to stop villains from doing this
Cope harder niggerfaggot. Go back go killing your own.
>white person uses self defense on nigger high on crack breaking into his house
>seen as hero
>nigger uses "self defense" on white person who pulls gun on them for having broken into their house
>seen as villain
like how all those mass shootings blacks commit are always the focus of the national news?
fighting their gang wars in the middle of civilians is just as pathetic as someone intentionally killing innocent people
>>nigger uses "self defense" on white person who pulls gun on them for having broken into their house
>>seen as villain
link, faggot