>tfw to intelligent to lose weight
Why would I waste time exercising when I can read a book or do research on history or philosophy instead?
>tfw to intelligent to lose weight
Why would I waste time exercising when I can read a book or do research on history or philosophy instead?
Because our conscience aren't 100% in our control, in the free will sense. Part of it is controlled by chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, etc.
Exercising and losing weight helps regulate those chemicals, so your mind works better, making you more intelligent and/or helping you make use of it.
>exercise and eat healthy
>longer lifespan
>more time to research history and philosophy
*too intelligent
A healthy mind in a healthy body is the best path toward to happiness, don't half ass it
Why waste time worrying about your weight when you can use Adipotide?
>Eat less food
>Spend less time eating
>Spend more time doing research
>Eat healthy and exercise regularly
>Model of perfect health
>Die of cancer at 35
>Meanwhile someone who smokes and drinks every day lives to 100.
Your lifespan is mostly luck and genes.
but then writes this
>Why would I waste time exercising when I can read a book or do research on history or philosophy instead?
Yikes, you know it's just bait, you don't really think this
you dont need to exercise to lose weight, you need to stop eating.
why would you waste time eating when you could read a book or do research on history or philosophy instead?
nice bait thread btw but there are fatasses who will unironically agree with you
If you were intelligent you would understand that knowledge is a means to an end.
To gain knowledge for no reason while neglecting your own health is simply self indulgence
>Your lifespan is mostly luck
You are clearly not intelligent.
>die at 50 of heart attack
>die at 100 of old age
extra 50 years on your lifespan to research because eating healthy and exercising 20 minutes a day
A smart person would know better than to be fat.
Here's your Fatlosophy
or you could you know just eat less, fat cunt
thats a just a theory tho
>tfw to intelligent
>tfw to intelligent to use the right form of "to/two/too"
Not him but that's the facts. You can increase your chances of living longer but you might still die from genes at 27
Also check first post, he's right
What is the point of losing weight when all western women are used up degenerate nigger-fucking whores?
>too intelligent to lose weight
>not intelligent enough to stop stuffing face and replace it with working out or more reading
>being this retarded
your state of mind corrilates with your state of being. youre actively making yourself dumber by not eating a salad or working out once in a while
I eat little, don't exercise and am skinnyfat
Sadly you have to go through the torment of exercising if you want to look good
>tfw too intelligecia to eat
Why should i waste money for food when i can get drunk or high instead?
>to intelligent to lose weight
>don't know how thermodynamics work
Fitness and intelligence/mental performance are strongly linked. It's actually important to exercise regularly so your thoughts aren't clouded.
Why would you eat when you can do those things instead?
There is absolutely no correlation between overweight and intelligence